How to configure RCP project

When develop a RCP application, we usually configure the needed plugin at the "Dependencies" tab of plugin.xml(Notice: we only talk about plugin in need, but not extension).  

Usually when a RCP project is created, there are only two plugin needful,  org.eclipse.core.runtime and org.eclipse.ui. After the firt run,  open Run->Open Run Dialog->Eclipse Application, there will be a "your project name.application" item. Ok, that's just the right.

But along with your development, you may neend some other plugins to support your application, such as org.eclipse.emf.ecore. Then you may open the "Dependencies" tab of plugin.xml and add  that plugin. Save it and run the eclipse application, the RCP window can't be opened and the error may be like "Application 'xxx' could not be found in the registry......", why?

That's not terrible. When a application is started in eclipse, the Run Configuration is very important. That is to say, if a application can't be started or there is some error,  you'd better check out it's Run Configuration.

Take the case of a RCP project. If "org.eclipse.emf.ecore" plugin is added  through the "Dependencies" tab of plugin.xml, it's actually not be included in its Run Configuration.To handle this type of problem, you should modify it by hand. Run->Open Run Dialog->Eclipse Application->"your project name.application"->Plug-ins tab, select your plugin, Apply and Run.

If you don't want to configure the Run configuration, there is another way, just delete "your project name.application" item under Run->Open Run Dialog->Eclipse Application. Run it and that's maybe useful.
