1. does the intended developer have the permission to be assigned issues?
2. does the Jira Administrator has the permission to assign issues? (remember, a Jira Admin can administrate the system, it does not necessarily grant any rights in projects...)
3. I'm not so sure about this one, but I think for SOAP to set a field, you might have to have the field on the "Create" screen.
Simple way to test this - log in as the Jira Admin user and click "create" and check what appears in the "assignee" field...
3.create issue
// Jira WSDL
$wsdl = “http://localhost:8080/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl”;
// Login info
$login = “admin”;
$password = “111111”;
// Create the soap Client
$client = new soapclient($wsdl);
// Login to Jira
$login = $client->login( $login,$password);
$project = "CHECKING";
$type = 6;
$date = date('Ymd');
$detailUrl = JIRA_DETAIL_URL;
$userName = “test”;
$remoteIssue = array(array ("customfieldId"=>"customfield_10050", "values"=>array (“test0”)),
array ("customfieldId"=>"customfield_10123", "values"=>array (“test1”)),
array ("customfieldId"=>"customfield_10167", "values"=>array (“test2”)));
$issue = array(
"project" => $project,
"type" =>3,
"summary" => “TESTDEMO”,
"customFieldValues" => $remoteIssue
// Create the Issue
$remoteIssue = $client->createIssue( $login,$issue);
// Add attachment
$attachment_file =”d:\\1.txt”;
$content = base64_encode(file_get_contents($attachment_file));
$attachmentName = basename($attachment_file);
$result = $client->addBase64EncodedAttachmentsToIssue($login, $remoteIssue->key, array($attachmentName), array($content) );