很多js框架都定义了js继承 各种extend 对于 js对象继承更倾向于用官方提供的写法,当然 你 可以封装出工厂方法来。
以下为firefox developer提供的写法。
// Define the Person constructor
function Person(firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
// Add a couple of methods to Person.prototype
Person.prototype.walk = function(){
alert("I am walking!");
Person.prototype.sayHello = function(){
alert("Hello, I'm " + this.firstName);
// Define the Student constructor
function Student(firstName, subject) {
// Call the parent constructor, making sure (using Function#call) that "this" is
// set correctly during the call
Person.call(this, firstName);
// Initialize our Student-specific properties
this.subject = subject;
// Create a Student.prototype object that inherits from Person.prototype.
// Note: A common error here is to use "new Person()" to create the Student.prototype.
// That's incorrect for several reasons, not least that we don't have anything to
// give Person for the "firstName" argument. The correct place to call Person is
// above, where we call it from Student.
Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); // See note below
// Set the "constructor" property to refer to Student
Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
// Replace the "sayHello" method
Student.prototype.sayHello = function(){
alert("Hello, I'm " + this.firstName + ". I'm studying " + this.subject + ".");
// Add a "sayGoodBye" method
Student.prototype.sayGoodBye = function(){
// Example usage:
var student1 = new Student("Janet", "Applied Physics");
student1.sayHello(); // "Hello, I'm Janet. I'm studying Applied Physics."
student1.walk(); // "I am walking!"
student1.sayGoodBye(); // "Goodbye!"
// Check that instanceof works correctly
alert(student1 instanceof Person); // true
alert(student1 instanceof Student); // true
Regarding the Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); line: On older JavaScript engines without Object.create, one can either use a "polyfill" (aka "shim", see the linked article), or one can use a function that achieves the same result, such as:
function createObject(proto) {
function ctor() { }
ctor.prototype = proto;
return new ctor();
// Usage:
Student.prototype = createObject(Person.prototype);
该技术被称为monkey patching,它破坏了对象的封装性。虽然一些流行的框架(如Prototype.js)在使用该技术,但是该技术依然不是好的实践,附加的非标准的方法使得内置的类型混乱。