Unfortunately, we are unable to process your purchase using this form of payment. Please utilize another form of payment, or contact (480) 505-8855 for further assistance.
Please click here to go back and confirm that your information is correct.
1 注册一个新的GD帐号!
2 把快要过期的域名转移到新的帐号中去!
3 在新的帐号里用支付宝进行续费!
7:16 am
I change a computer and do the operation again,then the same error happen!
please how to solve this porblem?
you answer is unavaliable!
Go Daddy Support
7:37 pm
Dear Yong,
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
Based on the screen shots provided it is advised to attempt the process after clearing the browser's cache. If that does not resolve the issue then it is advised to attempt the process on another compatible browser or internet connection.
Clearing your browser's cache might help alleviate many problems including:
Failing log in attempts to any website
Out of date information displaying on a website
Slow Web browser performance
Before clearing your cache, log out of any websites you're currently logged in to.
To Clear Your Cache in Google Chrome™
Open the Tools menu, and select Clear Browsing Data.
Select Empty the cache.
From the Clear data from this period list, select Everything.
Click Clear Browsing Data.
To Clear Your Cache in Internet Explorer®
Open the Tools menu, and select Internet Options.
Click on the General tab in the dialog box.
Under Browsing History, click Delete...
Select Temporary Internet Files and History, and Cookies and any other private data you want to delete.
Click Delete.
To Clear Your Cache in Mozilla Firefox®
Open the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History.
In the Details list, select Cache, and any other private data you want to delete.
Click Clear Now.
To Clear Your Cache in Mozilla Firefox 15
From the Firefox menu, click Options.
Go to the Privacy tab.
Click Clear recent history.
Select a Time range to clear, and then click Clear Now.
To Clear Your Cache in Netscape®
Open the Edit menu, and select Preferences.
Expand the Advanced menu by clicking on the plus sign (+).
Select Cache, and click Clear Cache.
Click OK.
To Clear Your Cache using Firefox® on a Macintosh®
Open the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History.
In the Details list, select Cache, and any other private data you want to delete.
Click Clear Now.
To Clear Your Cache using Safari® on a Macintosh®
Open the Safari menu.
Select Empty Cache.
In the Dialog box, click Empty.
We recommend using one of the fully-supported browsers listed below for a better experience here and at other leading Web destinations. Sites like ours are built with newer browsers in mind, and use their advanced-functionality to provide rich user experiences. If you use a non-recommended browser, it might cause our websites to display incorrectly or might limit your access to our applications' features.
To check which browser you use, click here.
Using Windows® XP or Windows 7
Mozilla® Firefox 4
Mozilla Firefox 3.6
Google® Chrome 12
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 9 (Windows 7 only)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Using Apple Mac OS® X Snow Leopard®
Mozilla Firefox 4
Mozilla Firefox 3.6
Google Chrome 12
Apple Safari® 5
Download a recommended browser using the links below:
For more detailed information about our browser support policy, see Which browsers work with your products?
Let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
Matthew T.
Online Support Team
7:59 am
show you the screen shot that my operation and the error!
please help me to solve it!
7:41 am
I have no credit card ,I only have a alipay account!
I have no choose! I only can use alipay to pay for it!
please tell me!why i can't pay for the domain by alipay?
why your answer is not what i need?
you don't understand?
Go Daddy Support
1:59 pm
Dear Yong,
Thank you for contacting Online Support.
Online Support is not able to process any orders using Alipay as the payment method. If you have another payment method, you add this to the GoDaddy account and then let us know the updated payment method that you would like to use. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
The last 4 digits of the payment method you are attempting to use (Adding and Updating the Credit Card Information for Your Account).
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
Bradley P.
Online Support
6:58 pm
Hi, information is below:
1. items to order:
CAIJICHE.COM Domain Renewal $26.02
2. I confirm the charge $26.02
3. My pay method is alipay
4. I agree your term of service.
5. Support pin: ****
The domain is very important to me ,
so please help me with the issue.
If you couldn't solve the problem, then explain the root cause to me!
Thank you very much!
Go Daddy Support
8:40 am
Dear Youn,
Thank you for your reply.
As I understand, you would like Online Support to process your domain name renewal for you. Please note that Online Support is not able to process AliPay for the customers AliPay must be completed by the customer or you will need to provide a different payment method.
You can manage the payment methods associated with your account.
Add Payment Method You can add as many payment methods as you'd like to your account.
Update Payment Method You can update your payment information to keep your payment method current and help avoid failed billing.
Remove Payment Method You can remove a payment method that you no longer want to use for future billing or purchases.
For information about how your payment methods work with renewals, see Managing Renewals for Products and Services.
Click the process you want learn more about below.
Adding Payment Methods
You can set up multiple payment methods for your account and each payment method can be assigned to various products and services in your account.
When your products come up for renewal, the selected payment method is used to renew your products and services if you have auto-renew enabled. For more information, see Managing Renewals for Products and Services.
To Add a Payment Method
Log in to your Account Manager.
Go to the Payments tab.
Click Payment Methods.
Above the Payment Methods list, click either Add a Credit Card, Add a Checking Account, or Add a Gift Card.
In the New Payment Information area on the right, enter the required New Account Details.
Click Save Changes.
If you have more than one payment method, you can designate an alternate payment method to use in the event that the primary payment method does not process.
To Designate an Alternate Payment Method
Log in to your Account Manager.
Go to the Payments tab.
Click Payment Methods.
Above the Payment Methods list, click Alternate Payment Info.
In the Payment Methods list, select the payment method you want to designate as your alternate, and then click Update Alternate Payment.
Updating Your Payment Method Information
When your credit card information changes, such as an expiration date or billing address, you can update your information to keep your payment information current and avoid failed billing attempts.
To Update your Payment Method Information
Log in to your Account Manager.
Go to the Payments tab.
Click Payment Methods.
In the Payment Methods list, click the payment method you want to update.
NOTE: Click View Items to see renewing products associated with the payment method. You can select products you want to update payment methods for, and then click Update Payment Option.
In the Update Payment Information area on the right, enter the required Update Account Details.
Click Save Changes.
Removing Payment Methods
If there is a payment method listed in your account that you no longer want to use for future billing or purchases, you can remove it.
To Remove a Payment Method
Log in to your Account Manager.
Go to the Payments tab.
Click Payment Methods.
In the Payment Methods list, select the payment method that you want to remove, and then click Deactivate Payment Method.
In the Change Payment Type area on the right, do one of the following:
If there are no products or services associated with the selected payment method, in the Deactivate Payment Type area, select Please deactivate this account and then click Save Changes.
If there are products or services associated with the selected payment method, you are prompted to select a new payment method for those products and services. You can either select an existing payment method from the list or select Add New Payment Type, select Credit Card, and then click Save Changes. Then, in the New Payment Information area on the right, enter your credit card account information and your billing address information, and then click Save Changes.
Select the payment method again, and then click Deactivate Payment Method.
Select Deactivate Valid Account(s) Listed Above, and then click Save Changes.
NOTE: You must have at least one payment method active in your account if you have active products or services.
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
Daniel P.
Online Support Team
7:38 pm
Hi, information is below:
1. items to order:
CAIJICHE.COM Domain Renewal $26.02
2. I confirm the charge $26.02
3. My pay method is alipay, which is
4. I agree you term of service.
5. Support pin: ****
The domain is very important to me ,
so do me a favor and place the order for me!
Thank you very much!
7:37 pm
4. I agree you term of service.
5. Support pin: ****
The domain is very important to me ,
so do me a favor and place the order for me!
Thank you very much!
7:37 pm
3. My pay method is alipay, which is
7:36 pm
2. I confirm the charge $26.02
7:35 pm
Hi, information is below:
1. items to order:
CAIJICHE.COM Domain Renewal $26.02
7:07 pm
Go Daddy Support
6:35 pm
Dear Youn Liu,
Thank you for contacting Online support. In order for us to properly look into this issue we will need to attempt to duplicate the order and the error that you are receiving. If the issue continues, please respond with the following information:
The items that you have in the cart that you are attempting to order.
Your confirmation that you authorize the charge shown in the cart (include the exact amount).
The last 4 digits of the payment method you are attempting to use (Adding and Updating the Credit Card Information for Your Account).
That you have read and agree to our Universal Terms of Service.
Specific statements for any other listed agreements from the shopping cart. These must be specific statements to any agreements showing just prior to checkout.
Please also include your account's 4 Digit Support PIN.
Once this information is provided we can attempt to place the order on your behalf. This will help to determine if any issues are present in the cart and where they may be coming from. Thank you for your cooperation.
To verify the Support PIN linked to the customer number::
Log into the account. Once logged in you will see the account holders first and last name in capital letters towards the top of the screen. Under the account holders name will be the Customer Number with the the word 'PIN:' followed by 4 blue, underlined asterisks. ****. Clicking the four blue stars (****) will show your 4 Digit Support PIN.
Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.
Chris D.
Online Support
7:52 am
when i renew my domain,payment error display:
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your purchase using this form of payment. Please utilize another form of payment, or contact (480) 505-8855 for further assistance.
Please click here to go back and confirm that your information is correct.
please help me to solve this problem!