
概述 全球第一大在线软件商 ZOHO是AdventNet公司开发的一个办公室软件套装。Zoho提供了全方位的在线商务办公解决方案,并且完全同现在主流程序兼容,可以直接导入现在主流办公系统的各种文件,同时还可以管理计划、客户,甚至你无需懂编程也可以创建网站应用程序。Zoho采用了AJAX技术,在可视化界面下操作非常人性化,Zoho还提供一些很人性化的功能,如自动保存、拼写检查等。右键菜单也同线下的办公软件一致。 日前,宣布将正式登陆中国市场.这意味着ZOHO旗下包括字处理(Zoho Writer)、电子表格(Zoho Sheet)、演示幻灯片(Zoho Show)在内的全套在线 Office 解决方案将与中国用户见面.业内人士分析,ZOHO的加入无疑为本以炙手可热的在线软件市场又添一把火,而国内外巨头围绕在线企业商务软件领域的博弈也成为2008年整个IT界的一大亮点。 服务列表 Zoho Show:在线的PowerPoint,免费 Zoho Writer:在线的Word,免费 Zoho Sheet:在线Excel,免费 Zoho Virtual Office:在线虚拟办公室,免费版支持10个用户 Zoho CRM:客户关系管理系统,免费版支持3个用户 Zoho Creator:可以订制模块生成web应用程序,免费 Zoho Planner:计划、提醒、备忘,免费 Zoho Chat:聊天室,免费 Zoho Challenge:问卷调查,免费版支持25个 Thandora:基于TAG的黄页,免费 Site 24×7:网站监视服务,免费 Zoho Polls:投票系统,免费 Zoho Mail:企业和专业邮箱用户的最佳选择 官方介绍 Zoho is an Office Productivity Suite from AdventNet Inc. Founded in 1996, AdventNet is headquartered in Pleasanton, CA with offices in North America, Europe and Asia. AdventNet focuses on building affordable software for businesses. AdventNet offerings include software for IT Operations Management (www.manageengine.com), IT Security Management (www.securecentral.com) and database technologies and serve over 8000 enterprise customers worldwide. "We know our customers have a choice of many vendors, and we want to earn their business and their trust by working hard for it. And having earned their business, we want to keep them happy so they will choose to do business with us again. These simple ideas have served us well, during good times and bad." AdventNet has achieved impressive growth, and has emerged as a rock-solid supplier and partner, with sound financials.
