
jQuery.fn.fileUploadUIX = function(method) {
    'use strict';

    // under windows, if wps is installed, word file will be taken as application/kswps or application/kset for excel
    var docTypes = /^application\/(msword|excel|x-excel|x-msexcel|vnd\.ms-excel|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.wordprocessingml\.document|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.spreadsheetml\.sheet|pdf|x-mht|kswps|kset)|vnd.oasis.opendocument.text|vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet|text\/richtext|text\/plain|text\/html|multipart\/related|message\/rfc822/i;

    var imageTypes = /^image\/(gif|bmp|jpeg|png|svg+xml)$/i;

    var docImageTypes = /^application\/(msword|vnd\.ms-office|pdf|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.wordprocessingml\.document|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.spreadsheetml\.sheet|vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.text|vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.spreadsheet|kswps|kset)|image\/(jpeg|png)/i;

    var officeTypes = /^application\/(msword|vnd\.ms-office|pdf|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.wordprocessingml\.document|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.spreadsheetml\.sheet|vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.text|vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.spreadsheet|kswps|kset)|image\/(jpeg)/i;
    var compressTypes = /^application\/(zip|octet-stream)$/i;

    //for IE only
    var validImageFileExts    = ["bmp","gif","png","jpg","jpeg"];   
    var validDocFileExts      = ["docx","doc","pdf","odf","rtf","mht","txt","htm","html"];
    var validDocImageFileExts = ["png","jpg","jpeg","docx","doc","pdf"];
    var validOfficeFileExts   = ["jpg","jpeg","docx","doc","pdf"];
    var validCompressFileExts = ["zip"];

    // map from type => ext
    var mimeTypeExtMap = {
       imageTypes: [imageTypes, validImageFileExts],
       docTypes: [docTypes, validDocFileExts],
       docImageTypes: [docImageTypes, validDocImageFileExts],
       officeTypes: [officeTypes, validOfficeFileExts],
       compressTypes: [compressTypes, validCompressFileExts]

    // Emulate jQuery UI button (without states) if not available:
    if (typeof jQuery().button !== 'function') {
        jQuery.fn.button = function (options) {
            return this.each(function () {
                if (options === 'destroy') {
                        'ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all' +
                            ' ui-button-icon-only ui-button-text-icon-primary'
                } else {
                        .addClass('ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all')
                            options.text === false ? 'ui-button-icon-only' :
                        .html(jQuery('<span class="ui-button-text"/>').text(jQuery(this).text()))
                            jQuery('<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon"/>')
    var UploadHandler = function (container, options) {
        var uploadHandler = this;

        this.locale = {};
        this.sequentialUploads = true;
        this.maxFileSize = null;
        this.minFileSize = 1;
        this.maxNumberOfFiles = null;
        this.acceptFileTypes = /.+$/i;
        this.acceptFileExts = jQuery.merge(jQuery.merge([], validImageFileExts), validDocFileExts),
        this.autoUpload = false;
        this.url = container.find('form:first').attr('action');
        this.dropZone = container.find('form:first');
        this.uploadTable = container.find('.files:first');
        this.progressAllNode = container.find('.file_upload_overall_progress div:first');
        this.uploadTemplate = this.uploadTable.find('.file_upload_template:first');
        this.multiButtons = container.find('.file_upload_buttons:first');

        /* based on option, change allow type */
        if(options.allowDocType) {
          this.acceptFileTypes = docTypes;
          this.acceptFileExts = validDocFileExts;
        } else if(options.allowImageType) {
          this.acceptFileTypes = imageTypes;
          this.acceptFileExts = validImageFileExts;
        } else if (options.allowDocImageType) {
          this.acceptFileTypes = docImageTypes;
          this.acceptFileExts = validDocImageFileExts;
        } else if (options.allowOfficeTypes) {
          this.acceptFileTypes = officeTypes;
          this.acceptFileExts = validOfficeFileExts;

        if(options.mixedFileTypes) {
            var self = this;
            this.acceptFileExts = [];
            this.acceptFileTypes = [];
            // allow mixed types is array
            $.each(options.mixedFileTypes, function(i, t) {
               var typeExt = mimeTypeExtMap[t];
               self.acceptFileTypes[self.acceptFileTypes.length++] = typeExt.shift();
               $.merge(self.acceptFileExts, typeExt.shift());

        this.adjustMaxNumberOfFiles = function (operand) {
            var number = container.fileUploadUIX('option', 'maxNumberOfFiles');
            if (typeof number === 'number') {
                container.fileUploadUIX('option', 'maxNumberOfFiles', number + operand);
        this.formatFileSize = function (bytes) {
            if (typeof bytes !== 'number' || bytes === null) {
                return '';
            if (bytes >= 1000000000) {
                return (bytes / 1000000000).toFixed(2) + ' GB';
            if (bytes >= 1000000) {
                return (bytes / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' MB';
            return (bytes / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' KB';
        this.formatFileName = function (name) {
            return name.replace(/^.*[\/\\]/, '');
        this.enableDragToDesktop = function () {
            var link = jQuery(this),
                url = link.get(0).href,
                name = decodeURIComponent(url.split('/').pop()).replace(/:/g, '-'),
                type = 'application/octet-stream';
            link.bind('dragstart', function (event) {
                try {
                        .setData('DownloadURL', [type, name, url].join(':'));
                } catch (e) {}

        this.buildMultiUploadRow = function (files, handler) {
            var rows = jQuery('<tbody style="display:none;"/>');
            jQuery.each(files, function (index, file) {
                var row = handler.buildUploadRow(files, index, handler).show(),
                    cells = row.find(
                        '.file_upload_progress, .file_upload_start, .file_upload_cancel'
                if (index) {
                } else {
                    cells.attr('rowspan', files.length);
            return rows;

        this.buildUploadRow = function (files, index, handler) {
            if (typeof index !== 'number') {
                return handler.buildMultiUploadRow(files, handler);
            var file = files[index],
                fileName = handler.formatFileName(,
                uploadRow = handler.uploadTemplate
            if (handler.autoUpload) {
                uploadRow.find('.file_upload_start button').hide();
            } else {
                uploadRow.find('.file_upload_start button')
            uploadRow.find('.file_upload_cancel button')
            return uploadRow;

        this.getFileUrl = function (file, handler) {
            return file.url;
        this.getThumbnailUrl = function (file, handler) {
            return file.thumbnail;

        this.onError = function (event, files, index, xhr, handler) {

                .find('.file_upload_progress').append(jQuery('<div class="error"/>').append(
                    handler.locale[event] || event

            // for autoUpload case the uploadRow has already been removed. re-added again
            if(handler.autoUpload) {
               var p = handler.uploadRow.appendTo(handler.uploadTable).fadeIn();
               p.find('.file_upload_cancel button').button()
                 .bind('click', function() { handler.removeNode(p, null);});
               p.find('.file_upload_progress div:first').hide();

        this.validate = function (event, files, index, xhr, handler) {
            var isValid = true,
            if (typeof index !== 'number') {
                jQuery.each(files, function (index, file) {
                    isValid = handler.validate(event, files, index, xhr, handler);
            } else {
                file = files[index];
                if (handler.maxFileSize && file.size > handler.maxFileSize) {
                    handler.onError('文件太大。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                    return false;
                } else if (typeof file.size === 'number' && file.size < handler.minFileSize) {
                    handler.onError('文件太小。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                    return false;

                if (jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version <= 9) {
                    if(jQuery.inArray(ext, handler.acceptFileExts) < 0) {
                        handler.onError('不正确的文件格式。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                        return false;
                else if (file.type.length <= 0) {
                    if(jQuery.inArray(ext, handler.acceptFileExts) < 0) {
                        handler.onError('不正确的文件格式。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                        return false;
                else {
                    if($.isArray(handler.acceptFileTypes)) {
                        var accepted = true;
                        $.each(handler.acceptFileTypes, function(i, r) {
                              isValid = true;

                           return isValid;
                           handler.onError('不正确的文件格式。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                           return false;
                    } else if ( !handler.acceptFileTypes.test(file.type) ) {
                        handler.onError('不正确的文件格式。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                        return false;
                if (typeof handler.maxNumberOfFiles === 'number' &&
                        handler.maxNumberOfFiles < index + 1) {
                    handler.onError('上传太多,已达上限。', files, index, xhr, handler);
                    return false;

            return isValid;

        this.uploadCallBack = function (event, files, index, xhr, handler, callBack) {

        this.beforeSend = function (event, files, index, xhr, handler, callBack) {
            if (!handler.validate(event, files, index, xhr, handler)) {
               handler.uploadRow.find(handler.cancelSelector).click(function (e) {



            if(options.captcha) {
               if(uploadHandler.captcha_checked == true) {
                  uploadHandler.captcha_checked = null;

            if(options.beforeSendCallback && jQuery.isFunction(options.beforeSendCallback)) {
               options.beforeSendCallback(this, handler, options);

            var number = typeof index === 'number' ? 1 : files.length;
            handler.uploadRow.find(handler.cancelSelector).click(function (e) {
            if (handler.autoUpload) {
                handler.uploadCallBack(event, files, index, xhr, handler, callBack);
            } else {
                handler.uploadRow.find('.file_upload_start button').click(function (e) {
                   var uploadCB = function(button) {
                     handler.uploadCallBack(event, files, index, xhr, handler, callBack);
                     /* schedule another one. The reason of doing this to avoid multiple captcha check */
                     uploadHandler.uploadTable.find(' button').triggerHandler('click');


                   /* validate captcha for every upload if it's enabled */
                   var button = this;
                   if(options.captcha && uploadHandler.captcha_checked == null) {
                     handler.validateCaptcha(files, index, xhr, handler, function() {

                   else if(!options.captcha || uploadHandler.captcha_checked == true) {

        this.removeNode = function(node, callBack) {

            if (node && node.length) { 
                var sentBefore = node.find("").length <= 0;

                // if node has no upload error and sentBefore (which active class has been removed from previous xhr check),
                // don't remove the node(the case when server returns some errors, and we want to tell browser why it fails)
                if(!node.hasClass("file_upload_error") && sentBefore) {
                  if (typeof callBack === "function") {
                node.fadeOut(function () {
                    if (typeof callBack === "function") {
                        try {
                        } catch (e) {
                            throw e;
            } else if (typeof callBack === "function") {

        this.deleteHandler = function (e) {
            var row = jQuery(this).closest('tr');
                url: getUrlQuery(uploadHandler.url, 'file=' + encodeURIComponent(
                type: 'DELETE',
                success: function () {
                    row.fadeOut(function () {
        this.multiButtonHandler = function (e) {
            if( == '') {
               if(options.captcha) {
                  /* we need to revalidate for any click */
                  if(uploadHandler.captcha_checked == false) {
                     uploadHandler.captcha_checked = null;

               uploadHandler.uploadTable.find( + ' button').triggerHandler('click');
               uploadHandler.uploadTable.find( + ' button').trigger('click');
        this.initMultiButtons = function () {
            if (uploadHandler.autoUpload) {
            } else {
                    .bind('click', {selector: ''}, uploadHandler.multiButtonHandler);
                .bind('click', {selector: '.file_upload_cancel'}, uploadHandler.multiButtonHandler);
        this.destroyMultiButtons = function () {
                '.file_upload_start:first, .file_upload_cancel:first'
            ).unbind('click', uploadHandler.multiButtonHandler).button('reset').show();

        this.initExtended = function () {

        this.destroyExtended = function () {

        this.cancelUpload = function (event, files, index, xhr, handler) {
            var readyState = xhr.readyState;
            // If readyState is below 2, abort() has no effect:
            if (typeof readyState !== 'number' || readyState < 2) {
                handler.onAbort(event, files, index, xhr, handler);

            /* check whether we need to disable buttons and captcha */
            if(uploadHandler.uploadTable.find('').length <= 0) {

        this.validateCaptcha = function(files, index, xhr, handler, cb) {
            if(options.captcha) {
               var captcha_code = jQuery(options.captcha.form).find("#captcha_code").val();
                  type: 'POST',
                  dataType: 'json',
                  url:  options.captcha.validate,
                  data: {'captcha_code': captcha_code},
                  success: function(data) {
                     try {
                        if(data.error) {
                           uploadHandler.captcha_checked = false;
                        /* set to be captcha checked */
                        uploadHandler.captcha_checked = true;
                     catch(e) { }

        options.onComplete = function (event, files, index, xhr, handler) {
            var response = handler.parseResponse(xhr, handler);
            if(response.error && response.error.length > 0) {
                handler.onError(response.error, files, index, xhr, handler);
            else {
               handler.completeOne(event, files, index, xhr, handler);
               handler.uploadRow.addClass('file_upload_error').addClass(options.keepList ? "keeprow" : "");

               if(options.onSuccess && $.isFunction(options.onSuccess)) {
                  options.onSuccess(this, handler, options);
                  handler.uploadRow.find('.file_upload_progress').append(jQuery('<div class="success"/>').append("成功上传"));

        this.completeOne = function(event, files, index, xhr, handler) {

        this.completeAll = function(list) {
            if(options.captcha) {

        if(!options.onCompleteAll) {
            options.onCompleteAll = function(list) {

        jQuery.extend(this, options);

    var methods = {
        init : function (options) {
            return this.each(function () {
                jQuery(this).fileUploadUI(new UploadHandler(jQuery(this), options));
        option: function (option, value, namespace) {
            if (!option || (typeof option === 'string' && typeof value === 'undefined')) {
                return jQuery(this).fileUpload('option', option, value, namespace);
            return this.each(function () {
                jQuery(this).fileUploadUI('option', option, value, namespace);
        destroy : function (namespace) {
            return this.each(function () {
                jQuery(this).fileUploadUI('destroy', namespace);
        upload: function (files, namespace) {
            return this.each(function () {
                jQuery(this).fileUploadUI('upload', files, namespace);
    if (methods[method]) {
        return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
    } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
        return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {
        jQuery.error('Method "' + method + '" does not exist on jQuery.fileUploadUIX');
* This file has yyjob modification at line 2289 to use --mime-type to disable
* charset output from the command
* This file has hulahoo modification to include correct language file path

// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | class.upload.php                                                       |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) Colin Verot 2003-2008. All rights reserved.              |
// | Version       0.26                                                     |
// | Last modified 13/11/2008                                               |
// | Email         [email protected]                                          |
// | Web                                      |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as      |
// | published by the Free Software Foundation.                             |
// |                                                                        |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         |
// | GNU General Public License for more details.                           |
// |                                                                        |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the                          |
// |   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,          |
// |   Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                                            |
// |                                                                        |
// | Please give credit on sites that use class.upload and submit changes   |
// | of the script so other people can use them as well.                    |
// | This script is free to use, don't abuse.                               |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+

* Class upload
* @version   0.26
* @author    Colin Verot <[email protected]>
* @license GNU Public License
* @copyright Colin Verot
* @package   cmf
* @subpackage external

* Class upload
* <b>What does it do?</b>
* It manages file uploads for you. In short, it manages the uploaded file,
* and allows you to do whatever you want with the file, especially if it
* is an image, and as many times as you want.
* It is the ideal class to quickly integrate file upload in your site.
* If the file is an image, you can convert, resize, crop it in many ways.
* You can also apply filters, add borders, text, watermarks, etc...
* That's all you need for a gallery script for instance. Supported formats
* are PNG, JPG, GIF and BMP.
* You can also use the class to work on local files, which is especially
* useful to use the image manipulation features. The class also supports
* Flash uploaders.
* The class works with PHP 4 and 5, and its error messages can
* be localized at will.
* <b>How does it work?</b>
* You instanciate the class with the $_FILES['my_field'] array
* where my_field is the field name from your upload form.
* The class will check if the original file has been uploaded
* to its temporary location (alternatively, you can instanciate
* the class with a local filename).
* You can then set a number of processing variables to act on the file.
* For instance, you can rename the file, and if it is an image,
* convert and resize it in many ways.
* You can also set what will the class do if the file already exists.
* Then you call the function {@link process} to actually perform the actions
* according to the processing parameters you set above.
* It will create new instances of the original file,
* so the original file remains the same between each process.
* The file will be manipulated, and copied to the given location.
* The processing variables will be reset once it is done.
* You can repeat setting up a new set of processing variables,
* and calling {@link process} again as many times as you want.
* When you have finished, you can call {@link clean} to delete
* the original uploaded file.
* If you don't set any processing parameters and call {@link process}
* just after instanciating the class. The uploaded file will be simply
* copied to the given location without any alteration or checks.
* Don't forget to add <i>enctype="multipart/form-data"</i> in your form
* tag <form> if you want your form to upload the file.
* <b>How to use it?</b><br>
* Create a simple HTML file, with a form such as:
* <pre>
* <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="upload.php">
*   <input type="file" size="32" name="image_field" value="">
*   <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="upload">
* </form>
* </pre>
* Create a file called upload.php:
* <pre>
*  $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field']);
*  if ($handle->uploaded) {
*      $handle->file_new_name_body   = 'image_resized';
*      $handle->image_resize         = true;
*      $handle->image_x              = 100;
*      $handle->image_ratio_y        = true;
*      $handle->process('/home/user/files/');
*      if ($handle->processed) {
*          echo 'image resized';
*          $handle->clean();
*      } else {
*          echo 'error : ' . $handle->error;
*      }
*  }
* </pre>
* <b>How to process local files?</b><br>
* Use the class as following, the rest being the same as above:
* <pre>
*  $handle = new upload('/home/user/myfile.jpg');
* </pre>
* <b>How to set the language?</b><br>
* Instantiate the class with a second argument being the language code:
* <pre>
*  $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field'], 'fr_FR');
*  $handle = new upload('/home/user/myfile.jpg', 'fr_FR');
* </pre>
* <b>How to output the resulting file or picture directly to the browser?</b><br>
* Simply call {@link process}() without an argument (or with null as first argument):
* <pre>
*  $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field']);
*  header('Content-type: ' . $handle->file_src_mime);
*  echo $handle->Process();
*  die();
* </pre>
* Or if you want to force the download of the file:
* <pre>
*  $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field']);
*  header('Content-type: ' . $handle->file_src_mime);
*  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".rawurlencode($handle->file_src_name).";");
*  echo $handle->Process();
*  die();
* </pre>
* <b>Processing parameters</b> (reset after each process)
* <ul>
*  <li><b>file_new_name_body</b> replaces the name body (default: '')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_new_name_body = 'new name';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>file_name_body_add</b> appends to the name body (default: '')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_name_body_add = '_uploaded';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>file_new_name_ext</b> replaces the file extension (default: '')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_new_name_ext = 'txt';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>file_safe_name</b> formats the filename (spaces changed to _) (default: true)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_safe_name = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>file_overwrite</b> sets behaviour if file already exists (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_overwrite = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>file_auto_rename</b> automatically renames file if it already exists (default: true)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_auto_rename = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>auto_create_dir</b> automatically creates destination directory if missing (default: true)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->auto_create_dir = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>dir_auto_chmod</b> automatically attempts to chmod the destination directory if not writeable (default: true)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->dir_auto_chmod = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>dir_chmod</b> chmod used when creating directory or if directory not writeable (default: 0777)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->dir_chmod = 0777;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>file_max_size</b> sets maximum upload size (default: upload_max_filesize from php.ini)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->file_max_size = '1024'; // 1KB</pre></li>
*  <li><b>mime_check</b> sets if the class check the MIME against the {@link allowed} list (default: true)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->mime_magic_check = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>no_script</b> sets if the class turns scripts into text files (default: true)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->no_script = false;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>allowed</b> array of allowed mime-types. wildcard accepted, as in image/* (default: check {@link Init})<br>
*  <pre>$handle->allowed = array('application/pdf','application/msword', 'image/*');</pre></li>
*  <li><b>forbidden</b> array of forbidden mime-types. wildcard accepted, as in image/*  (default: check {@link Init})<br>
*  <pre>$handle->forbidden = array('application/*');</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_convert</b> if set, image will be converted (possible values : ''|'png'|'jpeg'|'gif'|'bmp'; default: '')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_convert = 'jpg';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_background_color</b> if set, will forcibly fill transparent areas with the color, in hexadecimal (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_background_color = '#FF00FF';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_default_color</b> fallback color background color for non alpha-transparent output formats, such as JPEG or BMP, in hexadecimal (default: #FFFFFF)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_default_color = '#FF00FF';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>jpeg_quality</b> sets the compression quality for JPEG images (default: 85)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->jpeg_quality = 50;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>jpeg_size</b> if set to a size in bytes, will approximate {@link jpeg_quality} so the output image fits within the size (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->jpeg_size = 3072;</pre></li>
* </ul>
* The following eight settings can be used to invalidate an upload if the file is an image (note that <i>open_basedir</i> restrictions prevent the use of these settings)
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_max_width</b> if set to a dimension in pixels, the upload will be invalid if the image width is greater (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_max_width = 200;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_max_height</b> if set to a dimension in pixels, the upload will be invalid if the image height is greater (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_max_height = 100;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_max_pixels</b> if set to a number of pixels, the upload will be invalid if the image number of pixels is greater (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_max_pixels = 50000;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_max_ratio</b> if set to a aspect ratio (width/height), the upload will be invalid if the image apect ratio is greater (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_max_ratio = 1.5;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_min_width</b> if set to a dimension in pixels, the upload will be invalid if the image width is lower (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_min_width = 100;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_min_height</b> if set to a dimension in pixels, the upload will be invalid if the image height is lower (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_min_height = 500;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_min_pixels</b> if set to a number of pixels, the upload will be invalid if the image number of pixels is lower (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_min_pixels = 20000;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_min_ratio</b> if set to a aspect ratio (width/height), the upload will be invalid if the image apect ratio is lower (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_min_ratio = 0.5;</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_resize</b> determines is an image will be resized (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_resize = true;</pre></li>
* </ul>
*  The following variables are used only if {@link image_resize} == true
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_x</b> destination image width (default: 150)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_x = 100;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_y</b> destination image height (default: 150)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_y = 200;</pre></li>
* </ul>
*  Use either one of the following
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_ratio</b> if true, resize image conserving the original sizes ratio, using {@link image_x} AND {@link image_y} as max sizes if true (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_crop</b> if true, resize image conserving the original sizes ratio, using {@link image_x} AND {@link image_y} as max sizes, and cropping excedent to fill the space. setting can also be a string, with one or more from 'TBLR', indicating which side of the image will be kept while cropping (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_crop = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_fill</b> if true, resize image conserving the original sizes ratio, using {@link image_x} AND {@link image_y} as max sizes, fitting the image in the space and coloring the remaining space. setting can also be a string, with one or more from 'TBLR', indicating which side of the space the image will be in (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_fill = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_no_zoom_in</b> same as {@link image_ratio}, but won't resize if the source image is smaller than {@link image_x} x {@link image_y} (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_no_zoom_in = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_no_zoom_out</b> same as {@link image_ratio}, but won't resize if the source image is bigger than {@link image_x} x {@link image_y} (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_no_zoom_out = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_x</b> if true, resize image, calculating {@link image_x} from {@link image_y} and conserving the original sizes ratio (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_x = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_y</b> if true, resize image, calculating {@link image_y} from {@link image_x} and conserving the original sizes ratio (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_y = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_ratio_pixels</b> if set to a long integer, resize image, calculating {@link image_y} and {@link image_x} to match a the number of pixels (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_ratio_pixels = 25000;</pre></li>
* </ul>
*  The following image manipulations require GD2+
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_brightness</b> if set, corrects the brightness. value between -127 and 127 (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_brightness = 40;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_contrast</b> if set, corrects the contrast. value between -127 and 127 (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_contrast = 50;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_tint_color</b> if set, will tint the image with a color, value as hexadecimal #FFFFFF (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_tint_color = '#FF0000';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_overlay_color</b> if set, will add a colored overlay, value as hexadecimal #FFFFFF (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_overlay_color = '#FF0000';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_overlay_percent</b> used when {@link image_overlay_color} is set, determines the opacity (default: 50)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_overlay_percent = 20;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_negative</b> inverts the colors in the image (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_negative = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_greyscale</b> transforms an image into greyscale (default: false)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_greyscale = true;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_threshold</b> applies a threshold filter. value between -127 and 127 (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_threshold = 20;</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_text</b> creates a text label on the image, value is a string, with eventual replacement tokens (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text = 'test';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_direction</b> text label direction, either 'h' horizontal or 'v' vertical (default: 'h')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_direction = 'v';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_color</b> text color for the text label, in hexadecimal (default: #FFFFFF)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_color = '#FF0000';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_percent</b> text opacity on the text label, integer between 0 and 100 (default: 100)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_percent = 50;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_background</b> text label background color, in hexadecimal (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_background = '#FFFFFF';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_background_percent</b> text label background opacity, integer between 0 and 100 (default: 100)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_background_percent = 50;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_font</b> built-in font for the text label, from 1 to 5. 1 is the smallest (default: 5)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_font = 4;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_x</b> absolute text label position, in pixels from the left border. can be negative (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_x = 5;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_y</b> absolute text label position, in pixels from the top border. can be negative (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_y = 5;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_position</b> text label position withing the image, a combination of one or two from 'TBLR': top, bottom, left, right (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_position = 'LR';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_padding</b> text label padding, in pixels. can be overridden by {@link image_text_padding_x} and {@link image_text_padding_y} (default: 0)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_padding = 5;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_padding_x</b> text label horizontal padding (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_padding_x = 2;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_padding_y</b> text label vertical padding (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_padding_y = 10;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_alignment</b> text alignment when text has multiple lines, either 'L', 'C' or 'R' (default: 'C')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_alignment = 'R';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_text_line_spacing</b> space between lines in pixels, when text has multiple lines (default: 0)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_text_line_spacing = 3;</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_flip</b> flips image, wither 'h' horizontal or 'v' vertical (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_flip = 'h';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_rotate</b> rotates image. possible values are 90, 180 and 270 (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_rotate = 90;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_crop</b> crops image. accepts 4, 2 or 1 values as 'T R B L' or 'TB LR' or 'TBLR'. dimension can be 20, or 20px or 20% (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_crop = array(50,40,30,20); OR '-20 20%'...</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_bevel</b> adds a bevel border to the image. value is thickness in pixels (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_bevel = 20;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_bevel_color1</b> top and left bevel color, in hexadecimal (default: #FFFFFF)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_bevel_color1 = '#FFFFFF';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_bevel_color2</b> bottom and right bevel color, in hexadecimal (default: #000000)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_bevel_color2 = '#000000';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_border</b> adds a unicolor border to the image. accepts 4, 2 or 1 values as 'T R B L' or 'TB LR' or 'TBLR'. dimension can be 20, or 20px or 20% (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_border = '3px'; OR '-20 20%' OR array(3,2)...</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_border_color</b> border color, in hexadecimal (default: #FFFFFF)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_border_color = '#FFFFFF';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_frame</b> type of frame: 1=flat 2=crossed (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_frame = 2;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_frame_colors</b> list of hex colors, in an array or a space separated string (default: '#FFFFFF #999999 #666666 #000000')<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_frame_colors = array('#999999',  '#FF0000', '#666666', '#333333', '#000000');</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_watermark</b> adds a watermark on the image, value is a local filename. accepted files are GIF, JPG, BMP, PNG and PNG alpha (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_watermark = 'watermark.png';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_watermark_x</b> absolute watermark position, in pixels from the left border. can be negative (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_watermark_x = 5;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_watermark_y</b> absolute watermark position, in pixels from the top border. can be negative (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_watermark_y = 5;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_watermark_position</b> watermark position withing the image, a combination of one or two from 'TBLR': top, bottom, left, right (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_watermark_position = 'LR';</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_reflection_height</b> if set, a reflection will be added. Format is either in pixels or percentage, such as 40, '40', '40px' or '40%' (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_reflection_height = '25%';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_reflection_space</b> space in pixels between the source image and the reflection, can be negative (default: null)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_reflection_space = 3;</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_reflection_color</b> reflection background color, in hexadecimal. Now deprecated in favor of {@link image_default_color} (default: #FFFFFF)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_default_color = '#000000';</pre></li>
*  <li><b>image_reflection_opacity</b> opacity level at which the reflection starts, integer between 0 and 100 (default: 60)<br>
*  <pre>$handle->image_reflection_opacity = 60;</pre></li>
* </ul>
* <b>Values that can be read before calling {@link process}()</b>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>file_src_name</b> Source file name</li>
*  <li><b>file_src_name_body</b> Source file name body</li>
*  <li><b>file_src_name_ext</b> Source file extension</li>
*  <li><b>file_src_pathname</b> Source file complete path and name</li>
*  <li><b>file_src_mime</b> Source file mime type</li>
*  <li><b>file_src_size</b> Source file size in bytes</li>
*  <li><b>file_src_error</b> Upload error code</li>
*  <li><b>file_is_image</b> Boolean flag, true if the file is a supported image type</li>
* </ul>
* If the file is a supported image type (and <i>open_basedir</i> restrictions allow it)
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_src_x</b> Source file width in pixels</li>
*  <li><b>image_src_y</b> Source file height in pixels</li>
*  <li><b>image_src_pixels</b> Source file number of pixels</li>
*  <li><b>image_src_type</b> Source file type (png, jpg, gif or bmp)</li>
*  <li><b>image_src_bits</b> Source file color depth</li>
* </ul>
* <b>Values that can be read before after {@link process}()</b>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>file_dst_path</b> Destination file path</li>
*  <li><b>file_dst_name_body</b> Destination file name body</li>
*  <li><b>file_dst_name_ext</b> Destination file extension</li>
*  <li><b>file_dst_name</b> Destination file name</li>
*  <li><b>file_dst_pathname</b> Destination file complete path and name</li>
* </ul>
* If the file is a supported image type
* <ul>
*  <li><b>image_dst_x</b> Destination file width</li>
*  <li><b>image_dst_y</b> Destination file height</li>
*  <li><b>image_convert</b> Destination file format</li>
* </ul>
* <b>Requirements</b>
* Most of the image operations require GD. GD2 is greatly recommended
* The class is compatible with PHP 4.3+, and compatible with PHP5
* <b>Changelog</b>
* <ul>
*  <li><b>v 0.26</b> 13/11/2008<br>
*   - rewrote conversion from palette to true color to handle transparency better<br>
*   - fixed imagecopymergealpha() when the overlayed image is of wrong dimensions<br>
*   - fixed imagecreatenew() when the image to create have less than 1 pixels width or height<br>
*   - rewrote MIME type detection to be more secure and not rely on browser information; now using Fileinfo PECL extension, UNIX file() command, MIME magic, and getimagesize(), in that order<br>
*   - added support for Flash uploaders<br>
*   - some bug fixing and error handling</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.25</b> 17/11/2007<br>
*   - added translation files and mechanism to instantiate the class with a language different from English<br>
*   - added {@link forbidden} to set an array of forbidden MIME types<br>
*   - implemented support for simple wildcards in {@link allowed} and {@link forbidden}, such as image/*<br>
*   - preset the file extension to the desired conversion format when converting an image<br>
*   - added read and write support for BMP images<br>
*   - added a flag {@link file_is_image} to determine if the file is a supported image type<br>
*   - the class now provides some information about the image, before calling {@link process}(). Available are {@link image_src_x}, {@link image_src_y} and the newly introduced {@link image_src_bits}, {@link image_src_pixels} and {@link image_src_type}. Note that this will not work if <i>open_basedir</i> restrictions are in place<br>
*   - improved logging; now provides useful system information<br>
*   - added some more pre-processing checks for files that are images: {@link image_max_width}, {@link image_max_height}, {@link image_max_pixels}, {@link image_max_ratio}, {@link image_min_width}, {@link image_min_height}, {@link image_min_pixels} and {@link image_min_ratio}<br>
*   - added {@link image_ratio_pixels} to resize an image to a number of pixels, keeping aspect ratio<br>
*   - added {@link image_is_palette} and {@link image_is_transparent} and {@link image_transparent_color} for GIF images<br>
*   - added {@link image_default_color} to define a fallback color for non alpha-transparent output formats, such as JPEG or BMP<br>
*   - changed {@link image_background_color}, which now forces transparent areas to be painted<br>
*   - improved reflections and color overlays so that it works with alpha transparent images<br>
*   - {@link image_reflection_color} is now deprecated in favour of {@link image_default_color}<br />
*   - transparent PNGs are now processed in true color, and fully preserving the alpha channel when doing merges<br>
*   - transparent GIFs are now automatically detected. {@link preserve_transparency} is deprecated<br>
*   - transparent true color images can be saved as GIF while retaining transparency, semi transparent areas being merged with {@link image_default_color}<br>
*   - transparent true color images can be saved as JPG/BMP with the semi transparent areas being merged with {@link image_default_color}<br>
*   - fixed conversion of images to true color<br>
*   - the class can now output the uploaded files content as the return value of process() if the function is called with an empty or null argumenti, or no argument</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.24</b> 25/05/2007<br>
*   - added {@link image_background_color}, to set the default background color of an image<br>
*   - added possibility of using replacement tokens in text labels<br>
*   - changed default JPEG quality to 85<br>
*   - fixed a small bug when using greyscale filter and associated filters<br>
*   - added {@link image_ratio_fill} in order to fit an image within some dimensions and color the remaining space. Very similar to {@link image_ratio_crop}<br>
*   - improved the recursive creation of directories<br>
*   - the class now converts palette based images to true colors before doing graphic manipulations</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.23</b> 23/12/2006<br>
*   - fixed a bug when processing more than once the same uploaded file. If there is an open_basedir restriction, the class now creates a temporary file for the first call to process(). This file will be used for subsequent processes, and will be deleted upon calling clean()</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.22</b> 16/12/2006<br>
*   - added automatic creation of a temporary file if the upload directory is not within open_basedir<br>
*   - fixed a bug which was preventing to work on a local file by overwriting it with its processed copy<br>
*   - added MIME types video/x-ms-wmv and image/x-png and fixed PNG support for IE weird MIME types<br>
*   - modified {@link image_ratio_crop} so it can accept one or more from string 'TBLR', determining which side of the image is kept while cropping<br>
*   - added support for multiple lines in the text, using "\n" as a line break<br>
*   - added {@link image_text_line_spacing} which allow to set the space between several lines of text<br>
*   - added {@link image_text_alignment} which allow to set the alignment when text has several lines<br>
*   - {@link image_text_font} can now be set to the path of a GDF font to load external fonts<br>
*   - added {@link image_reflection_height} to create a reflection of the source image, which height is in pixels or percentage<br>
*   - added {@link image_reflection_space} to set the space in pixels between the source image and the reflection<br>
*   - added {@link image_reflection_color} to set the reflection background color<br>
*   - added {@link image_reflection_opacity} to set the initial level of opacity of the reflection</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.21</b> 30/09/2006<br>
*   - added {@link image_ratio_crop} which resizes within {@link image_x} and {@link image_y}, keeping ratio, but filling the space by cropping excedent of image<br>
*   - added {@link mime_check}, which default is true, to set checks against {@link allowed} MIME list<br>
*   - if MIME is empty, the class now triggers an error<br>
*   - color #000000 is OK for {@link image_text_color}, and related text transparency bug fixed<br>
*   - {@link gd_version}() now uses gd_info(), or else phpinfo()<br>
*   - fixed path issue when the destination path has no trailing slash on Windows systems <br>
*   - removed inline functions to be fully PHP5 compatible </li>
*  <li><b>v 0.20</b> 11/08/2006<br>
*   - added some more error checking and messages (GD presence, permissions...)<br>
*   - fix when uploading files without extension<br>
*   - changed values for {@link image_brightness} and {@link image_contrast} to be between -127 and 127<br>
*   - added {@link dir_auto_create} to automatically and recursively create destination directory if missing.<br>
*   - added {@link dir_auto_chmod} to automatically chmod the destination directory if not writeable.<br>
*   - added {@link dir_chmod} to set the default chmod to use.<br>
*   - added {@link image_crop} to crop images<br>
*   - added {@link image_negative} to invert the colors on the image<br>
*   - added {@link image_greyscale} to turn the image into greyscale<br>
*   - added {@link image_threshold} to apply a threshold filter on the image<br>
*   - added {@link image_bevel}, {@link image_bevel_color1} and {@link image_bevel_color2} to add a bevel border<br>
*   - added {@link image_border} and {@link image_border_color} to add a single color border<br>
*   - added {@link image_frame} and {@link image_frame_colors} to add a multicolored frame</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.19</b> 29/03/2006<br>
*   - class is now compatible i18n (thanks Sylwester).<br>
*   - the class can mow manipulate local files, not only uploaded files (instanciate the class with a local filename).<br>
*   - {@link file_safe_name} has been improved a bit.<br>
*   - added {@link image_brightness}, {@link image_contrast}, {@link image_tint_color}, {@link image_overlay_color} and {@link image_overlay_percent} to do color manipulation on the images.<br>
*   - added {@link image_text} and all derivated settings to add a text label on the image.<br>
*   - added {@link image_watermark} and all derivated settings to add a watermark image on the image.<br>
*   - added {@link image_flip} and {@link image_rotate} for more image manipulations<br>
*   - added {@link jpeg_size} to calculate the JPG compression quality in order to fit within one filesize.</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.18</b> 02/02/2006<br>
*   - added {@link no_script} to turn dangerous scripts into text files.<br>
*   - added {@link mime_magic_check} to set the class to use mime_magic.<br>
*   - added {@link preserve_transparency} *experimental*. Thanks Gregor.<br>
*   - fixed size and mime checking, wasn't working :/ Thanks Willem.<br>
*   - fixed memory leak when resizing images.<br>
*   - when resizing, it is not necessary anymore to set {@link image_convert}.<br>
*   - il is now possible to simply convert an image, with no resizing.<br>
*   - sets the default {@link file_max_size} to upload_max_filesize from php.ini. Thanks Edward</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.17</b> 28/05/2005<br>
*   - the class can be used with any version of GD.<br>
*   - added security check on the file with a list of mime-types.<br>
*   - changed the license to GPL v2 only</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.16</b> 19/05/2005<br>
*   - added {@link file_auto_rename} automatic file renaming if the same filename already exists.<br>
*   - added {@link file_safe_name} safe formatting of the filename (spaces to _underscores so far).<br>
*   - added some more error reporting to avoid crash if GD is not present</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.15</b> 16/04/2005<br>
*   - added JPEG compression quality setting. Thanks Vad</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.14</b> 14/03/2005<br>
*   - reworked the class file to allow parsing with phpDocumentor</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.13</b> 07/03/2005<br>
*   - fixed a bug with {@link image_ratio}. Thanks Justin.<br>
*   - added {@link image_ratio_no_zoom_in} and {@link image_ratio_no_zoom_out}</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.12</b> 21/01/2005<br>
*   - added {@link image_ratio} to resize within max values, keeping image ratio</li>
*  <li><b>v 0.11</b> 22/08/2003<br>
*   - update for GD2 (changed imageresized() into imagecopyresampled() and imagecreate() into imagecreatetruecolor())</li>
* </ul>
* @package   cmf
* @subpackage external
class upload {

     * Class version
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $version;

     * Uploaded file name
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_src_name;

     * Uploaded file name body (i.e. without extension)
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_src_name_body;

     * Uploaded file name extension
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_src_name_ext;

     * Uploaded file MIME type
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_src_mime;

     * Uploaded file size, in bytes
     * @access public
     * @var double
    var $file_src_size;

     * Holds eventual PHP error code from $_FILES
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_src_error;

     * Uloaded file name, including server path
     * @access private
     * @var string
    var $file_src_pathname;

     * Uloaded file name temporary copy
     * @access private
     * @var string
    var $file_src_temp;

     * Destination file name
     * @access private
     * @var string
    var $file_dst_path;

     * Destination file name
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_dst_name;

     * Destination file name body (i.e. without extension)
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_dst_name_body;

     * Destination file extension
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_dst_name_ext;

     * Destination file name, including path
     * @access private
     * @var string
    var $file_dst_pathname;

     * Source image width
     * @access private
     * @var integer
    var $image_src_x;

     * Source image height
     * @access private
     * @var integer
    var $image_src_y;

     * Source image color depth
     * @access private
     * @var integer
    var $image_src_bits;

     * Number of pixels
     * @access private
     * @var long
    var $image_src_pixels;

     * Type of image (png, gif, jpg or bmp)
     * @access private
     * @var string
    var $image_src_type;

     * Destination image width
     * @access private
     * @var integer
    var $image_dst_x;

     * Destination image height
     * @access private
     * @var integer
    var $image_dst_y;

     * Supported image formats
     * @access private
     * @var array
    var $image_supported;

     * Flag to determine if the source file is an image
     * @access private
     * @var boolean
    var $file_is_image;

     * Flag set after instanciating the class
     * Indicates if the file has been uploaded properly
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $uploaded;

     * Flag stopping PHP upload checks
     * Indicates whether we instanciated the class with a filename, in which case
     * we will not check on the validity of the PHP *upload*
     * This flag is automatically set to true when working on a local file
     * Warning: for uploads, this flag MUST be set to false for security reason
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $no_upload_check;

     * Flag set after calling a process
     * Indicates if the processing, and copy of the resulting file went OK
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $processed;

     * Holds eventual error message in plain english
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $error;

     * Holds an HTML formatted log
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $log;

    // overiddable processing variables

     * Set this variable to replace the name body (i.e. without extension)
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_new_name_body;

     * Set this variable to add a string to the faile name body
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_name_body_add;

     * Set this variable to change the file extension
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $file_new_name_ext;

     * Set this variable to format the filename (spaces changed to _)
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $file_safe_name;

     * Set this variable to false if you don't want to check the MIME against the allowed list
     * This variable is set to true by default for security reason
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $mime_check;

     * Set this variable to true if you want to check the MIME type against a mime_magic file
     * This variable is set to false by default as many systems don't have mime_magic installed or properly set
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $mime_magic_check;

     * Set this variable to false if you don't want to turn dangerous scripts into simple text files
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $no_script;

     * Set this variable to true to allow automatic renaming of the file
     * if the file already exists
     * Default value is true
     * For instance, on uploading foo.ext,<br>
     * if foo.ext already exists, upload will be renamed foo_1.ext<br>
     * and if foo_1.ext already exists, upload will be renamed foo_2.ext<br>
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $file_auto_rename;

     * Set this variable to true to allow automatic creation of the destination
     * directory if it is missing (works recursively)
     * Default value is true
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $dir_auto_create;

     * Set this variable to true to allow automatic chmod of the destination
     * directory if it is not writeable
     * Default value is true
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $dir_auto_chmod;

     * Set this variable to the default chmod you want the class to use
     * when creating directories, or attempting to write in a directory
     * Default value is 0777 (without quotes)
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $dir_chmod;

     * Set this variable tu true to allow overwriting of an existing file
     * Default value is false, so no files will be overwritten
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $file_overwrite;

     * Set this variable to change the maximum size in bytes for an uploaded file
     * Default value is the value <i>upload_max_filesize</i> from php.ini
     * @access public
     * @var double
    var $file_max_size;

     * Set this variable to true to resize the file if it is an image
     * You will probably want to set {@link image_x} and {@link image_y}, and maybe one of the ratio variables
     * Default value is false (no resizing)
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $image_resize;

     * Set this variable to convert the file if it is an image
     * Possibles values are : ''; 'png'; 'jpeg'; 'gif'; 'bmp'
     * Default value is '' (no conversion)<br>
     * If {@link resize} is true, {@link convert} will be set to the source file extension
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $image_convert;

     * Set this variable to the wanted (or maximum/minimum) width for the processed image, in pixels
     * Default value is 150
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_x;

     * Set this variable to the wanted (or maximum/minimum) height for the processed image, in pixels
     * Default value is 150
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_y;

     * Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within {@link image_x} x {@link image_y}
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $image_ratio;

     * Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within {@link image_x} x {@link image_y}
     * The image will be resized as to fill the whole space, and excedent will be cropped
     * Value can also be a string, one or more character from 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left and right)
     * If set as a string, it determines which side of the image is kept while cropping.
     * By default, the part of the image kept is in the center, i.e. it crops equally on both sides
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var mixed
    var $image_ratio_crop;

     * Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within {@link image_x} x {@link image_y}
     * The image will be resized to fit entirely in the space, and the rest will be colored.
     * The default color is white, but can be set with {@link image_default_color}
     * Value can also be a string, one or more character from 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left and right)
     * If set as a string, it determines in which side of the space the image is displayed.
     * By default, the image is displayed in the center, i.e. it fills the remaining space equally on both sides
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var mixed
    var $image_ratio_fill;

     * Set this variable to a number of pixels so that {@link image_x} and {@link image_y} are the best match possible
     * The image will be resized to have approximatively the number of pixels
     * The aspect ratio wil be conserved
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var mixed
    var $image_ratio_pixels;

     * Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within {@link image_x} x {@link image_y},
     * but only if original image is bigger
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $image_ratio_no_zoom_in;

     * Set this variable to keep the original size ratio to fit within {@link image_x} x {@link image_y},
     * but only if original image is smaller
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $image_ratio_no_zoom_out;

     * Set this variable to calculate {@link image_x} automatically , using {@link image_y} and conserving ratio
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $image_ratio_x;

     * Set this variable to calculate {@link image_y} automatically , using {@link image_x} and conserving ratio
     * Default value is false
     * @access public
     * @var bool
    var $image_ratio_y;

     * Set this variable to set a maximum image width, above which the upload will be invalid
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_max_width;

     * Set this variable to set a maximum image height, above which the upload will be invalid
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_max_height;

     * Set this variable to set a maximum number of pixels for an image, above which the upload will be invalid
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var long
    var $image_max_pixels;

     * Set this variable to set a maximum image aspect ratio, above which the upload will be invalid
     * Note that ratio = width / height
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var float
    var $image_max_ratio;

     * Set this variable to set a minimum image width, below which the upload will be invalid
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_min_width;

     * Set this variable to set a minimum image height, below which the upload will be invalid
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_min_height;

     * Set this variable to set a minimum number of pixels for an image, below which the upload will be invalid
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var long
    var $image_min_pixels;

     * Set this variable to set a minimum image aspect ratio, below which the upload will be invalid
     * Note that ratio = width / height
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var float
    var $image_min_ratio;

     * Quality of JPEG created/converted destination image
     * Default value is 85
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $jpeg_quality;

     * Determines the quality of the JPG image to fit a desired file size
     * Value is in bytes. The JPG quality will be set between 1 and 100%
     * The calculations are approximations.
     * Default value is null (no calculations)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $jpeg_size;

     * Preserve transparency when resizing or converting an image (deprecated)
     * Default value is automatically set to true for transparent GIFs
     * This setting is now deprecated
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $preserve_transparency;

     * Flag set to true when the image is transparent
     * This is actually used only for transparent GIFs
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $image_is_transparent;

     * Transparent color in a palette
     * This is actually used only for transparent GIFs
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $image_transparent_color;

     * Background color, used to paint transparent areas with
     * If set, it will forcibly remove transparency by painting transparent areas with the color
     * This setting will fill in all transparent areas in PNG and GIF, as opposed to {@link image_default_color}
     * which will do so only in BMP, JPEG, and alpha transparent areas in transparent GIFs
     * This setting overrides {@link image_default_color}
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var string
    var $image_background_color;

     * Default color for non alpha-transparent images
     * This setting is to be used to define a background color for semi transparent areas
     * of an alpha transparent when the output format doesn't support alpha transparency
     * This is useful when, from an alpha transparent PNG image, or an image with alpha transparent features
     * if you want to output it as a transparent GIFs for instance, you can set a blending color for transparent areas
     * If you output in JPEG or BMP, this color will be used to fill in the previously transparent areas
     * The default color white
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $image_default_color;

     * Flag set to true when the image is not true color
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    var $image_is_palette;

     * Corrects the image brightness
     * Value can range between -127 and 127
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_brightness;

     * Corrects the image contrast
     * Value can range between -127 and 127
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_contrast;

     * Applies threshold filter
     * Value can range between -127 and 127
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_threshold;

     * Applies a tint on the image
     * Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_tint_color;

     * Applies a colored overlay on the image
     * Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF
     * To use with {@link image_overlay_percent}
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_overlay_color;

     * Sets the percentage for the colored overlay
     * Value is a percentage, as an integer between 0 and 100
     * Unless used with {@link image_overlay_color}, this setting has no effect
     * Default value is 50
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_overlay_percent;

     * Inverts the color of an image
     * Default value is FALSE
     * @access public
     * @var boolean;
    var $image_negative;

     * Turns the image into greyscale
     * Default value is FALSE
     * @access public
     * @var boolean;
    var $image_greyscale;

     * Adds a text label on the image
     * Value is a string, any text. Text will not word-wrap, although you can use breaklines in your text "\n"
     * If set, this setting allow the use of all other settings starting with image_text_
     * Replacement tokens can be used in the string:
     * <pre>
     * gd_version    src_name       src_name_body src_name_ext
     * src_pathname  src_mime       src_x         src_y
     * src_type      src_bits       src_pixels
     * src_size      src_size_kb    src_size_mb   src_size_human
     * dst_path      dst_name_body  dst_pathname
     * dst_name      dst_name_ext   dst_x         dst_y
     * date          time           host          server        ip
     * </pre>
     * The tokens must be enclosed in square brackets: [dst_x] will be replaced by the width of the picture
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_text;

     * Sets the text direction for the text label
     * Value is either 'h' or 'v', as in horizontal and vertical
     * Default value is h (horizontal)
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_text_direction;

     * Sets the text color for the text label
     * Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF
     * Default value is #FFFFFF (white)
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_text_color;

     * Sets the text visibility in the text label
     * Value is a percentage, as an integer between 0 and 100
     * Default value is 100
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_percent;

     * Sets the text background color for the text label
     * Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF
     * Default value is null (no background)
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_text_background;

     * Sets the text background visibility in the text label
     * Value is a percentage, as an integer between 0 and 100
     * Default value is 100
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_background_percent;

     * Sets the text font in the text label
     * Value is a an integer between 1 and 5 for GD built-in fonts. 1 is the smallest font, 5 the biggest
     * Value can also be a string, which represents the path to a GDF font. The font will be loaded into GD, and used as a built-in font.
     * Default value is 5
     * @access public
     * @var mixed;
    var $image_text_font;

     * Sets the text label position within the image
     * Value is one or two out of 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left, right)
     * The positions are as following:
     * <pre>
     *                        TL  T  TR
     *                        L       R
     *                        BL  B  BR
     * </pre>
     * Default value is null (centered, horizontal and vertical)
     * Note that is {@link image_text_x} and {@link image_text_y} are used, this setting has no effect
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_text_position;

     * Sets the text label absolute X position within the image
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the left of the image and the label
     * If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the right of the image and the label
     * Default value is null (so {@link image_text_position} is used)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_x;

     * Sets the text label absolute Y position within the image
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the top of the image and the label
     * If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the bottom of the image and the label
     * Default value is null (so {@link image_text_position} is used)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_y;

     * Sets the text label padding
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the text and the label background border
     * Default value is 0
     * This setting can be overriden by {@link image_text_padding_x} and {@link image_text_padding_y}
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_padding;

     * Sets the text label horizontal padding
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the text and the left and right label background borders
     * Default value is null
     * If set, this setting overrides the horizontal part of {@link image_text_padding}
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_padding_x;

     * Sets the text label vertical padding
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the text and the top and bottom label background borders
     * Default value is null
     * If set, his setting overrides the vertical part of {@link image_text_padding}
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_padding_y;

     * Sets the text alignment
     * Value is a string, which can be either 'L', 'C' or 'R'
     * Default value is 'C'
     * This setting is relevant only if the text has several lines.
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_text_alignment;

     * Sets the text line spacing
     * Value is an integer, in pixels
     * Default value is 0
     * This setting is relevant only if the text has several lines.
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_text_line_spacing;

     * Sets the height of the reflection
     * Value is an integer in pixels, or a string which format can be in pixels or percentage.
     * For instance, values can be : 40, '40', '40px' or '40%'
     * Default value is null, no reflection
     * @access public
     * @var mixed;
    var $image_reflection_height;

     * Sets the space between the source image and its relection
     * Value is an integer in pixels, which can be negative
     * Default value is 2
     * This setting is relevant only if {@link image_reflection_height} is set
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_reflection_space;

     * Sets the color of the reflection background (deprecated)
     * Value is an hexadecimal color, such as #FFFFFF
     * Default value is #FFFFFF
     * This setting is relevant only if {@link image_reflection_height} is set
     * This setting is now deprecated in favor of {@link image_default_color}
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_reflection_color;

     * Sets the initial opacity of the reflection
     * Value is an integer between 0 (no opacity) and 100 (full opacity).
     * The reflection will start from {@link image_reflection_opacity} and end up at 0
     * Default value is 60
     * This setting is relevant only if {@link image_reflection_height} is set
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_reflection_opacity;

     * Flips the image vertically or horizontally
     * Value is either 'h' or 'v', as in horizontal and vertical
     * Default value is null (no flip)
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_flip;

     * Rotates the image by increments of 45 degrees
     * Value is either 90, 180 or 270
     * Default value is null (no rotation)
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_rotate;

     * Crops an image
     * Values are four dimensions, or two, or one (CSS style)
     * They represent the amount cropped top, right, bottom and left.
     * These values can either be in an array, or a space separated string.
     * Each value can be in pixels (with or without 'px'), or percentage (of the source image)
     * For instance, are valid:
     * <pre>
     * $foo->image_crop = 20                  OR array(20);
     * $foo->image_crop = '20px'              OR array('20px');
     * $foo->image_crop = '20 40'             OR array('20', 40);
     * $foo->image_crop = '-20 25%'           OR array(-20, '25%');
     * $foo->image_crop = '20px 25%'          OR array('20px', '25%');
     * $foo->image_crop = '20% 25%'           OR array('20%', '25%');
     * $foo->image_crop = '20% 25% 10% 30%'   OR array('20%', '25%', '10%', '30%');
     * $foo->image_crop = '20px 25px 2px 2px' OR array('20px', '25%px', '2px', '2px');
     * $foo->image_crop = '20 25% 40px 10%'   OR array(20, '25%', '40px', '10%');
     * </pre>
     * If a value is negative, the image will be expanded, and the extra parts will be filled with black
     * Default value is null (no cropping)
     * @access public
     * @var string OR array;
    var $image_crop;

     * Adds a bevel border on the image
     * Value is a positive integer, representing the thickness of the bevel
     * If the bevel colors are the same as the background, it makes a fade out effect
     * Default value is null (no bevel)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_bevel;

     * Top and left bevel color
     * Value is a color, in hexadecimal format
     * This setting is used only if {@link image_bevel} is set
     * Default value is #FFFFFF
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_bevel_color1;

     * Right and bottom bevel color
     * Value is a color, in hexadecimal format
     * This setting is used only if {@link image_bevel} is set
     * Default value is #000000
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_bevel_color2;

     * Adds a single-color border on the outer of the image
     * Values are four dimensions, or two, or one (CSS style)
     * They represent the border thickness top, right, bottom and left.
     * These values can either be in an array, or a space separated string.
     * Each value can be in pixels (with or without 'px'), or percentage (of the source image)
     * See {@link image_crop} for valid formats
     * If a value is negative, the image will be cropped.
     * Note that the dimensions of the picture will be increased by the borders' thickness
     * Default value is null (no border)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_border;

     * Border color
     * Value is a color, in hexadecimal format.
     * This setting is used only if {@link image_border} is set
     * Default value is #FFFFFF
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_border_color;

     * Adds a multi-color frame on the outer of the image
     * Value is an integer. Two values are possible for now:
     * 1 for flat border, meaning that the frame is mirrored horizontally and vertically
     * 2 for crossed border, meaning that the frame will be inversed, as in a bevel effect
     * The frame will be composed of colored lines set in {@link image_frame_colors}
     * Note that the dimensions of the picture will be increased by the borders' thickness
     * Default value is null (no frame)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_frame;

     * Sets the colors used to draw a frame
     * Values is a list of n colors in hexadecimal format.
     * These values can either be in an array, or a space separated string.
     * The colors are listed in the following order: from the outset of the image to its center
     * For instance, are valid:
     * <pre>
     * $foo->image_frame_colors = '#FFFFFF #999999 #666666 #000000';
     * $foo->image_frame_colors = array('#FFFFFF', '#999999', '#666666', '#000000');
     * </pre>
     * This setting is used only if {@link image_frame} is set
     * Default value is '#FFFFFF #999999 #666666 #000000'
     * @access public
     * @var string OR array;
    var $image_frame_colors;

     * Adds a watermark on the image
     * Value is a local image filename, relative or absolute. GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG are supported, as well as PNG alpha.
     * If set, this setting allow the use of all other settings starting with image_watermark_
     * Default value is null
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_watermark;

     * Sets the watermarkposition within the image
     * Value is one or two out of 'TBLR' (top, bottom, left, right)
     * The positions are as following:   TL  T  TR
     *                                   L       R
     *                                   BL  B  BR
     * Default value is null (centered, horizontal and vertical)
     * Note that is {@link image_watermark_x} and {@link image_watermark_y} are used, this setting has no effect
     * @access public
     * @var string;
    var $image_watermark_position;

     * Sets the watermark absolute X position within the image
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the top of the image and the watermark
     * If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the bottom of the image and the watermark
     * Default value is null (so {@link image_watermark_position} is used)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_watermark_x;

     * Sets the twatermark absolute Y position within the image
     * Value is in pixels, representing the distance between the left of the image and the watermark
     * If a negative value is used, it will represent the distance between the right of the image and the watermark
     * Default value is null (so {@link image_watermark_position} is used)
     * @access public
     * @var integer
    var $image_watermark_y;

     * Allowed MIME types
     * Default is a selection of safe mime-types, but you might want to change it
     * Simple wildcards are allowed, such as image/* or application/*
     * @access public
     * @var array
    var $allowed;

     * Forbidden MIME types
     * Default is a selection of safe mime-types, but you might want to change it
     * To only check for forbidden MIME types, and allow everything else, set {@link allowed} to array('* / *') without the spaces
     * Simple wildcards are allowed, such as image/* or application/*
     * @access public
     * @var array
    var $forbidden;

     * Array of translated error messages
     * By default, the language is english (en_GB)
     * Translations can be in separate files, in a lang/ subdirectory
     * @access public
     * @var array
    var $translation;

     * Language selected for the translations
     * By default, the language is english ("en_GB")
     * @access public
     * @var array
    var $language;

     * Init or re-init all the processing variables to their default values
     * This function is called in the constructor, and after each call of {@link process}
     * @access private
    function init() {

        // overiddable variables
        $this->file_new_name_body       = '';       // replace the name body
        $this->file_name_body_add       = '';       // append to the name body
        $this->file_new_name_ext        = '';       // replace the file extension
        $this->file_safe_name           = true;     // format safely the filename
        $this->file_overwrite           = false;    // allows overwritting if the file already exists
        $this->file_auto_rename         = true;     // auto-rename if the file already exists
        $this->dir_auto_create          = true;     // auto-creates directory if missing
        $this->dir_auto_chmod           = true;     // auto-chmod directory if not writeable
        $this->dir_chmod                = 0777;     // default chmod to use

        $this->mime_check               = true;     // don't check the mime type against the allowed list
        $this->mime_magic_check         = false;    // don't double check the MIME type with mime_magic
        $this->no_script                = true;     // turns scripts into test files

        $val = trim(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
        $last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1});
        switch($last) {
            case 'g':
                $val *= 1024;
            case 'm':
                $val *= 1024;
            case 'k':
                $val *= 1024;
        $this->file_max_size = $val;

        $this->image_resize             = false;    // resize the image
        $this->image_convert            = '';       // convert. values :''; 'png'; 'jpeg'; 'gif'; 'bmp'

        $this->image_x                  = 150;
        $this->image_y                  = 150;
        $this->image_ratio              = false;    // keeps aspect ratio with x and y dimensions
        $this->image_ratio_crop         = false;    // keeps aspect ratio with x and y dimensions, filling the space
        $this->image_ratio_fill         = false;    // keeps aspect ratio with x and y dimensions, fitting the image in the space, and coloring the rest
        $this->image_ratio_pixels       = false;    // keeps aspect ratio, calculating x and y so that the image is approx the set number of pixels
        $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in   = false;
        $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out  = false;
        $this->image_ratio_x            = false;    // calculate the $image_x if true
        $this->image_ratio_y            = false;    // calculate the $image_y if true
        $this->jpeg_quality             = 85;
        $this->jpeg_size                = null;
        $this->preserve_transparency    = false;
        $this->image_is_transparent     = false;
        $this->image_transparent_color  = null;
        $this->image_background_color   = null;
        $this->image_default_color      = '#ffffff';
        $this->image_is_palette         = false;

        $this->image_max_width          = null;
        $this->image_max_height         = null;
        $this->image_max_pixels         = null;
        $this->image_max_ratio          = null;
        $this->image_min_width          = null;
        $this->image_min_height         = null;
        $this->image_min_pixels         = null;
        $this->image_min_ratio          = null;

        $this->image_brightness         = null;
        $this->image_contrast           = null;
        $this->image_threshold          = null;
        $this->image_tint_color         = null;
        $this->image_overlay_color      = null;
        $this->image_overlay_percent    = null;
        $this->image_negative           = false;
        $this->image_greyscale          = false;

        $this->image_text               = null;
        $this->image_text_direction     = null;
        $this->image_text_color         = '#FFFFFF';
        $this->image_text_percent       = 100;
        $this->image_text_background    = null;
        $this->image_text_background_percent = 100;
        $this->image_text_font          = 5;
        $this->image_text_x             = null;
        $this->image_text_y             = null;
        $this->image_text_position      = null;
        $this->image_text_padding       = 0;
        $this->image_text_padding_x     = null;
        $this->image_text_padding_y     = null;
        $this->image_text_alignment     = 'C';
        $this->image_text_line_spacing  = 0;

        $this->image_reflection_height  = null;
        $this->image_reflection_space   = 2;
        $this->image_reflection_color   = '#ffffff';
        $this->image_reflection_opacity = 60;

        $this->image_watermark          = null;
        $this->image_watermark_x        = null;
        $this->image_watermark_y        = null;
        $this->image_watermark_position = null;

        $this->image_flip               = null;
        $this->image_rotate             = null;
        $this->image_crop               = null;

        $this->image_bevel              = null;
        $this->image_bevel_color1       = '#FFFFFF';
        $this->image_bevel_color2       = '#000000';
        $this->image_border             = null;
        $this->image_border_color       = '#FFFFFF';
        $this->image_frame              = null;
        $this->image_frame_colors       = '#FFFFFF #999999 #666666 #000000';

        $this->forbidden = array();
        $this->allowed = array("application/rar",


     * Constructor. Checks if the file has been uploaded
     * The constructor takes $_FILES['form_field'] array as argument
     * where form_field is the form field name
     * The constructor will check if the file has been uploaded in its temporary location, and
     * accordingly will set {@link uploaded} (and {@link error} is an error occurred)
     * If the file has been uploaded, the constructor will populate all the variables holding the upload
     * information (none of the processing class variables are used here).
     * You can have access to information about the file (name, size, MIME type...).
     * Alternatively, you can set the first argument to be a local filename (string)
     * This allows processing of a local file, as if the file was uploaded
     * The optional second argument allows you to set the language for the error messages
     * @access private
     * @param  array  $file $_FILES['form_field']
     *    or   string $file Local filename
     * @param  string $lang Optional language code
    function upload($file, $lang = 'en_GB') {

        $this->version            = '0.26';

        $this->file_src_name      = '';
        $this->file_src_name_body = '';
        $this->file_src_name_ext  = '';
        $this->file_src_mime      = '';
        $this->file_src_size      = '';
        $this->file_src_error     = '';
        $this->file_src_pathname  = '';
        $this->file_src_temp      = '';

        $this->file_dst_path      = '';
        $this->file_dst_name      = '';
        $this->file_dst_name_body = '';
        $this->file_dst_name_ext  = '';
        $this->file_dst_pathname  = '';

        $this->image_src_x        = null;
        $this->image_src_y        = null;
        $this->image_src_bits     = null;
        $this->image_src_type     = null;
        $this->image_src_pixels   = null;
        $this->image_dst_x        = 0;
        $this->image_dst_y        = 0;

        $this->uploaded           = true;
        $this->no_upload_check    = false;
        $this->processed          = true;
        $this->error              = '';
        $this->log                = '';
        $this->allowed            = array();
        $this->forbidden          = array();
        $this->file_is_image      = false;
        $info                     = null;
        $mime_from_browser        = null;

        // sets default language
        $this->translation        = array();
        $this->translation['file_error']                  = 'File error. Please try again.';
        $this->translation['local_file_missing']          = 'Local file doesn\'t exist.';
        $this->translation['local_file_not_readable']     = 'Local file is not readable.';
        $this->translation['uploaded_too_big_ini']        = 'File upload error (the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini).';
        $this->translation['uploaded_too_big_html']       = 'File upload error (the uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form).';
        $this->translation['uploaded_partial']            = 'File upload error (the uploaded file was only partially uploaded).';
        $this->translation['uploaded_missing']            = 'File upload error (no file was uploaded).';
        $this->translation['uploaded_unknown']            = 'File upload error (unknown error code).';
        $this->translation['try_again']                   = 'File upload error. Please try again.';
        $this->translation['file_too_big']                = 'File too big.';
        $this->translation['no_mime']                     = 'MIME type can\'t be detected.';
        $this->translation['incorrect_file']              = 'Incorrect type of file.';
        $this->translation['image_too_wide']              = 'Image too wide.';
        $this->translation['image_too_narrow']            = 'Image too narrow.';
        $this->translation['image_too_high']              = 'Image too high.';
        $this->translation['image_too_short']             = 'Image too short.';
        $this->translation['ratio_too_high']              = 'Image ratio too high (image too wide).';
        $this->translation['ratio_too_low']               = 'Image ratio too low (image too high).';
        $this->translation['too_many_pixels']             = 'Image has too many pixels.';
        $this->translation['not_enough_pixels']           = 'Image has not enough pixels.';
        $this->translation['file_not_uploaded']           = 'File not uploaded. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['already_exists']              = '%s already exists. Please change the file name.';
        $this->translation['temp_file_missing']           = 'No correct temp source file. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['source_missing']              = 'No correct uploaded source file. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['destination_dir']             = 'Destination directory can\'t be created. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['destination_dir_missing']     = 'Destination directory doesn\'t exist. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['destination_path_not_dir']    = 'Destination path is not a directory. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['destination_dir_write']       = 'Destination directory can\'t be made writeable. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['destination_path_write']      = 'Destination path is not a writeable. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['temp_file']                   = 'Can\'t create the temporary file. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['source_not_readable']         = 'Source file is not readable. Can\'t carry on a process.';
        $this->translation['no_create_support']           = 'No create from %s support.';
        $this->translation['create_error']                = 'Error in creating %s image from source.';
        $this->translation['source_invalid']              = 'Can\'t read image source. Not an image?.';
        $this->translation['gd_missing']                  = 'GD doesn\'t seem to be present.';
        $this->translation['watermark_no_create_support'] = 'No create from %s support, can\'t read watermark.';
        $this->translation['watermark_create_error']      = 'No %s read support, can\'t create watermark.';
        $this->translation['watermark_invalid']           = 'Unknown image format, can\'t read watermark.';
        $this->translation['file_create']                 = 'No %s create support.';
        $this->translation['no_conversion_type']          = 'No conversion type defined.';
        $this->translation['copy_failed']                 = 'Error copying file on the server. copy() failed.';
        $this->translation['reading_failed']              = 'Error reading the file.';

        // determines the language
        $this->lang               = $lang;
        if ($this->lang != 'en_GB') {
            $translation = null;
            if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/components/com_easygallery/class.upload.php/lang/class.upload.' . $lang . '.php')){
               include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/components/com_easygallery/class.upload.php/lang/class.upload.' . $lang . '.php');
            }elseif(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../web/components/com_easygallery/class.upload.php/lang/class.upload.' . $lang . '.php')){
               include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../web/components/com_easygallery/class.upload.php/lang/class.upload.' . $lang . '.php');
            if (is_array($translation)) {
                $this->translation = array_merge($this->translation, $translation);
            } else {
                $this->lang = 'en_GB';

        // determines the supported MIME types, and matching image format
        $this->image_supported = array();
        if ($this->gdversion()) {
            if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) {
                $this->image_supported['image/gif'] = 'gif';
            if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) {
                $this->image_supported['image/jpg'] = 'jpg';
                $this->image_supported['image/jpeg'] = 'jpg';
                $this->image_supported['image/pjpeg'] = 'jpg';
            if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) {
                $this->image_supported['image/png'] = 'png';
                $this->image_supported['image/x-png'] = 'png';
            if (imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) {
                $this->image_supported['image/bmp'] = 'bmp';
                $this->image_supported['image/x-ms-bmp'] = 'bmp';
                $this->image_supported['image/x-windows-bmp'] = 'bmp';

        // display some system information
        if (empty($this->log)) {
            $this->log .= '<b>system information</b><br />';
            $inis = ini_get_all();
            $open_basedir = (array_key_exists('open_basedir', $inis) && array_key_exists('local_value', $inis['open_basedir']) && !empty($inis['open_basedir']['local_value'])) ? $inis['open_basedir']['local_value'] : false;
            $gd           = $this->gdversion() ? $this->gdversion(true) : 'GD not present';
            $supported    = trim((in_array('png', $this->image_supported) ? 'png' : '') . ' ' . (in_array('jpg', $this->image_supported) ? 'jpg' : '') . ' ' . (in_array('gif', $this->image_supported) ? 'gif' : '') . ' ' . (in_array('bmp', $this->image_supported) ? 'bmp' : ''));
            $this->log .= '-&nbsp;class version           : ' . $this->version . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '-&nbsp;GD version              : ' . $gd . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '-&nbsp;supported image types   : ' . (!empty($supported) ? $supported : 'none') . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '-&nbsp;open_basedir            : ' . (!empty($open_basedir) ? $open_basedir : 'no restriction') . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '-&nbsp;language                : ' . $this->lang . '<br />';

        if (!$file) {
            $this->uploaded = false;
            $this->error = $this->translate('file_error');

        // check if we sent a local filename rather than a $_FILE element
        if (!is_array($file)) {
            if (empty($file)) {
                $this->uploaded = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('file_error');
            } else {
                $this->no_upload_check = TRUE;
                // this is a local filename, i.e.not uploaded
                $this->log .= '<b>' . $this->translate("source is a local file") . ' ' . $file . '</b><br />';

                if ($this->uploaded && !file_exists($file)) {
                    $this->uploaded = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('local_file_missing');

                if ($this->uploaded && !is_readable($file)) {
                    $this->uploaded = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('local_file_not_readable');

                if ($this->uploaded) {
                    $this->file_src_pathname   = $file;
                    $this->file_src_name       = basename($file);
                    $this->log .= '- local file name OK<br />';
                    preg_match('/\.([^\.]*$)/', $this->file_src_name, $extension);
                    if (is_array($extension) && sizeof($extension) > 0) {
                        $this->file_src_name_ext      = strtolower($extension[1]);
                        $this->file_src_name_body     = substr($this->file_src_name, 0, ((strlen($this->file_src_name) - strlen($this->file_src_name_ext)))-1);
                    } else {
                        $this->file_src_name_ext      = '';
                        $this->file_src_name_body     = $this->file_src_name;
                    $this->file_src_size = (file_exists($file) ? filesize($file) : 0);
                $this->file_src_error = 0;
        } else {
            // this is an element from $_FILE, i.e. an uploaded file
            $this->log .= '<b>source is an uploaded file</b><br />';
            if ($this->uploaded) {
                $this->file_src_error         = $file['error'];
                switch($this->file_src_error) {
                    case 0:
                        // all is OK
                        $this->log .= '- upload OK<br />';
                    case 1:
                        $this->uploaded = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('uploaded_too_big_ini');
                    case 2:
                        $this->uploaded = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('uploaded_too_big_html');
                    case 3:
                        $this->uploaded = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('uploaded_partial');
                    case 4:
                        $this->uploaded = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('uploaded_missing');
                        $this->uploaded = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('uploaded_unknown') . ' ('.$this->file_src_error.')';

            if ($this->uploaded) {
                $this->file_src_pathname   = $file['tmp_name'];
                $this->file_src_name       = $file['name'];
                if ($this->file_src_name == '') {
                    $this->uploaded = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('try_again');

            if ($this->uploaded) {
                $this->log .= '- file name OK<br />';
                preg_match('/\.([^\.]*$)/', $this->file_src_name, $extension);
                if (is_array($extension) && sizeof($extension) > 0) {
                    $this->file_src_name_ext      = strtolower($extension[1]);
                    $this->file_src_name_body     = substr($this->file_src_name, 0, ((strlen($this->file_src_name) - strlen($this->file_src_name_ext)))-1);
                } else {
                    $this->file_src_name_ext      = '';
                    $this->file_src_name_body     = $this->file_src_name;
                $this->file_src_size = $file['size'];
                $mime_from_browser = $file['type'];

        if ($this->uploaded) {
            $this->file_src_mime = null;
            // checks MIME type with Fileinfo PECL extension
            if (!$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                //hulahoo: disable magic, use built-in default
                if (0 && getenv('MAGIC') === FALSE) {
                    if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
                        putenv('MAGIC=' . realpath(ini_get('extension_dir') . '/../') . 'extras/magic');
                    } else {

                if (function_exists('finfo_open')) {
                    $f = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME, getenv('MAGIC'));
                    if (is_resource($f)) {
                        //hulahoo: add FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE to avoid charset. We should pull latest code later
                        $mime = finfo_file($f, realpath($this->file_src_pathname), FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
                        $this->file_src_mime = $mime;
                        $this->log .= '- MIME type detected as ' . $this->file_src_mime . ' by Fileinfo PECL extension<br />';
                } elseif (class_exists('finfo')) {
                    //hulahoo: add FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE and fix $info to $f
                    $f = new finfo( FILEINFO_MIME );
                    $this->file_src_mime = $f->file(realpath($this->file_src_pathname), FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
                    $this->log .= '- MIME type detected as ' . $this->file_src_mime . ' by Fileinfo PECL extension<br />';
            // checks MIME type with shell if unix access is authorized
            if (!$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN' && strlen($mime = @shell_exec("file -b --mime-type ".escapeshellarg($this->file_src_pathname))) != 0) {
                    $this->file_src_mime = trim($mime);
                    $this->log .= '- MIME type detected as ' . $this->file_src_mime . ' by UNIX file() command<br />';
            // checks MIME type with mime_magic
            if (!$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
                    $this->file_src_mime = mime_content_type($this->file_src_pathname);
                    $this->log .= '- MIME type detected as ' . $this->file_src_mime . ' by mime_content_type()<br />';
            // checks MIME type with getimagesize()
            if (!$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                $info = getimagesize($this->file_src_pathname);
                if (is_array($info) && array_key_exists('mime', $info)) {
                    $this->file_src_mime = trim($info['mime']);
                    if (empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                        $mime = (is_array($info) && array_key_exists(2, $info) ? $info[2] : null); // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
                        $this->file_src_mime = ($mime==IMAGETYPE_GIF ? 'image/gif' : ($mime==IMAGETYPE_JPEG ? 'image/jpeg' : ($mime==IMAGETYPE_PNG ? 'image/png' : ($mime==IMAGETYPE_BMP ? 'image/bmp' : null))));
                    $this->log .= '- MIME type detected as ' . $this->file_src_mime . ' by PHP getimagesize() function<br />';

            // default to MIME from browser (or Flash)
            if (!empty($mime_from_browser) && !$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                $this->file_src_mime =$mime_from_browser;
                $this->log .= '- MIME type detected as ' . $this->file_src_mime . ' by browser<br />';

            // hulahoo: we need to work out microsoft docx/pptx/dotx/xlsx mime type correctly since they are recognized as zip
            $arrayZips = array("application/zip", "application/x-zip", "application/x-zip-compressed");
            if (in_array($this->file_src_mime, $arrayZips))
               switch($this->file_src_name_ext) {
                  case 'pptx':
                     $this->file_src_mime = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation';
                  case 'docx':
                     $this->file_src_mime = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document';
                  case 'dotx':
                     $this->file_src_mime = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template';
                  case 'xlsx':
                     $this->file_src_mime = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template';

            // we need to work some magic if we upload via Flash
            if ($this->file_src_mime == 'application/octet-stream' || !$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                if ($this->file_src_mime == 'application/octet-stream') $this->log .= '- Flash may be rewriting MIME as application/octet-stream<br />';
                $this->log .= ' - Try to guess MIME type from file extension (' . $this->file_src_name_ext . '): ';
                switch($this->file_src_name_ext) {
                    case 'jpg':
                    case 'jpeg':
                    case 'jpe':
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'image/jpeg';
                    case 'gif':
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'image/gif';
                    case 'png':
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'image/png';
                    case 'bmp':
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'image/bmp';
                    case 'js' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/x-javascript';
                    case 'json' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/json';
                    case 'tiff' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'image/tiff';
                    case 'css' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'text/css';
                    case 'xml' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/xml';
                    case 'doc' :
                    case 'docx' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/msword';
                    case 'xls' :
                    case 'xlt' :
                    case 'xlm' :
                    case 'xld' :
                    case 'xla' :
                    case 'xlc' :
                    case 'xlw' :
                    case 'xll' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/';
                    case 'ppt' :
                    case 'pps' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/';
                    case 'rtf' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/rtf';
                    case 'pdf' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/pdf';
                    case 'html' :
                    case 'htm' :
                    case 'php' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'text/html';
                    case 'txt' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'text/plain';
                    case 'mpeg' :
                    case 'mpg' :
                    case 'mpe' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'video/mpeg';
                    case 'mp3' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'audio/mpeg3';
                    case 'wav' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'audio/wav';
                    case 'aiff' :
                    case 'aif' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'audio/aiff';
                    case 'avi' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'video/msvideo';
                    case 'wmv' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'video/x-ms-wmv';
                    case 'mov' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'video/quicktime';
                    case 'zip' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/zip';
                    case 'tar' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/x-tar';
                    case 'swf' :
                        $this->file_src_mime = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
                if ($this->file_src_mime == 'application/octet-stream') {
                    $this->log .= 'doesn\t look like anything known<br />';
                } else {
                    $this->log .= 'MIME type set to ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';

            if (!$this->file_src_mime || !is_string($this->file_src_mime) || empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                $this->log .= '- MIME type couldn\'t be detected!<br />';
$this->log .= '- $this->file_src_mime: ' . $this->file_src_mime  . '<br/>';
            // determine whether the file is an image
            if ($this->file_src_mime && is_string($this->file_src_mime) && !empty($this->file_src_mime) && array_key_exists($this->file_src_mime, $this->image_supported)) {
                $this->file_is_image = true;
                $this->image_src_type = $this->image_supported[$this->file_src_mime];

            // if the file is an image, we gather some useful data
            if ($this->file_is_image) {
                $info = @getimagesize($this->file_src_pathname);
                if (is_array($info)) {
                    $this->image_src_x    = $info[0];
                    $this->image_src_y    = $info[1];
                    $this->image_src_pixels = $this->image_src_x * $this->image_src_y;
                    $this->image_src_bits = array_key_exists('bits', $info) ? $info['bits'] : null;
                } else {
                    $this->log .= '- can\'t retrieve image information. open_basedir restriction in place?<br />';

            $this->log .= '- source variables<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_name         : ' . $this->file_src_name . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_name_body    : ' . $this->file_src_name_body . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_name_ext     : ' . $this->file_src_name_ext . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_pathname     : ' . $this->file_src_pathname . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_mime         : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_size         : ' . $this->file_src_size . ' (max= ' . $this->file_max_size . ')<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_src_error        : ' . $this->file_src_error . '<br />';

            if ($this->file_is_image) {
                $this->log .= '- source file is an image<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_x           : ' . $this->image_src_x . '<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_y           : ' . $this->image_src_y . '<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_pixels      : ' . $this->image_src_pixels . '<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_type        : ' . $this->image_src_type . '<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_bits        : ' . $this->image_src_bits . '<br />';


     * Returns the version of GD
     * @access public
     * @param  boolean  $full Optional flag to get precise version
     * @return float GD version
    function gdversion($full = false) {
        static $gd_version = null;
        static $gd_full_version = null;
        if ($gd_version === null) {
            if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
                $gd = gd_info();
                $gd = $gd["GD Version"];
                $regex = "/([\d\.]+)/i";
            } else {
                $gd = ob_get_contents();
                $regex = "/\bgd\s+version\b[^\d\n\r]+?([\d\.]+)/i";
            if (preg_match($regex, $gd, $m)) {
                $gd_full_version = (string) $m[1];
                $gd_version = (float) $m[1];
            } else {
                $gd_full_version = 'none';
                $gd_version = 0;
        if ($full) {
            return $gd_full_version;
        } else {
            return $gd_version;

     * Creates directories recursively
     * @access private
     * @param  string  $path Path to create
     * @param  integer $mode Optional permissions
     * @return boolean Success
    function rmkdir($path, $mode = 0777) {
        return is_dir($path) || ( $this->rmkdir(dirname($path), $mode) && $this->_mkdir($path, $mode) );

     * Creates directory
     * @access private
     * @param  string  $path Path to create
     * @param  integer $mode Optional permissions
     * @return boolean Success
    function _mkdir($path, $mode = 0777) {
        $old = umask(0);
        $res = @mkdir($path, $mode);
        return $res;

     * Translate error messages
     * @access private
     * @param  string  $str    Message to translate
     * @param  array   $tokens Optional token values
     * @return string Translated string
    function translate($str, $tokens = array()) {
        if (array_key_exists($str, $this->translation)) $str = $this->translation[$str];
        if (is_array($tokens) && sizeof($tokens) > 0)   $str = vsprintf($str, $tokens);
        return $str;

     * Decodes colors
     * @access private
     * @param  string  $color  Color string
     * @return array RGB colors
    function getcolors($color) {
        $r = sscanf($color, "#%2x%2x%2x");
        $red   = (array_key_exists(0, $r) && is_numeric($r[0]) ? $r[0] : 0);
        $green = (array_key_exists(1, $r) && is_numeric($r[1]) ? $r[1] : 0);
        $blue  = (array_key_exists(2, $r) && is_numeric($r[2]) ? $r[2] : 0);
        return array($red, $green, $blue);

     * Creates a container image
     * @access private
     * @param  integer  $x    Width
     * @param  integer  $y    Height
     * @param  boolean  $fill Optional flag to draw the background color or not
     * @param  boolean  $trsp Optional flag to set the background to be transparent
     * @return resource Container image
    function imagecreatenew($x, $y, $fill = true, $trsp = false) {
        if ($x < 1) $x = 1; if ($y < 1) $y = 1;
        if ($this->gdversion() >= 2 && !$this->image_is_palette) {
            // create a true color image
            $dst_im = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);
            // this preserves transparency in PNGs, in true color
            if (empty($this->image_background_color) || $trsp) {
                imagealphablending($dst_im, false );
                imagefilledrectangle($dst_im, 0, 0, $x, $y, imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_im, 0, 0, 0, 127));
        } else {
            // creates a palette image
            $dst_im = imagecreate($x, $y);
            // preserves transparency for palette images, if the original image has transparency
            if (($fill && $this->image_is_transparent && empty($this->image_background_color)) || $trsp) {
                imagefilledrectangle($dst_im, 0, 0, $x, $y, $this->image_transparent_color);
                imagecolortransparent($dst_im, $this->image_transparent_color);
        // fills with background color if any is set
        if ($fill && !empty($this->image_background_color) && !$trsp) {
            list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_background_color);
            $background_color = imagecolorallocate($dst_im, $red, $green, $blue);
            imagefilledrectangle($dst_im, 0, 0, $x, $y, $background_color);
        return $dst_im;

     * Transfers an image from the container to the destination image
     * @access private
     * @param  resource $src_im Container image
     * @param  resource $dst_im Destination image
     * @return resource Destination image
    function imagetransfer($src_im, $dst_im) {
        if (is_resource($dst_im)) imagedestroy($dst_im);
        $dst_im = & $src_im;
        return $dst_im;

     * Merges two images
     * If the output format is PNG, then we do it pixel per pixel to retain the alpha channel
     * @access private
     * @param  resource $dst_img Destination image
     * @param  resource $src_img Overlay image
     * @param  int      $dst_x   x-coordinate of destination point
     * @param  int      $dst_y   y-coordinate of destination point
     * @param  int      $src_x   x-coordinate of source point
     * @param  int      $src_y   y-coordinate of source point
     * @param  int      $src_w   Source width
     * @param  int      $src_h   Source height
     * @param  int      $pct     Optional percentage of the overlay, between 0 and 100 (default: 100)
     * @return resource Destination image
    function imagecopymergealpha(&$dst_im, &$src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct = 0) {
        $dst_x = (int) $dst_x;
        $dst_y = (int) $dst_y;
        $src_x = (int) $src_x;
        $src_y = (int) $src_y;
        $src_w = (int) $src_w;
        $src_h = (int) $src_h;
        $pct   = (int) $pct;
        $dst_w = imagesx($dst_im);
        $dst_h = imagesy($dst_im);

        for ($y = $src_y; $y < $src_h; $y++) {
            for ($x = $src_x; $x < $src_w; $x++) {

                if ($x + $dst_x >= 0 && $x + $dst_x < $dst_w && $x + $src_x >= 0 && $x + $src_x < $src_w
                 && $y + $dst_y >= 0 && $y + $dst_y < $dst_h && $y + $src_y >= 0 && $y + $src_y < $src_h) {

                    $dst_pixel = imagecolorsforindex($dst_im, imagecolorat($dst_im, $x + $dst_x, $y + $dst_y));
                    $src_pixel = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, imagecolorat($src_im, $x + $src_x, $y + $src_y));

                    $src_alpha = 1 - ($src_pixel['alpha'] / 127);
                    $dst_alpha = 1 - ($dst_pixel['alpha'] / 127);
                    $opacity = $src_alpha * $pct / 100;
                    if ($dst_alpha >= $opacity) $alpha = $dst_alpha;
                    if ($dst_alpha < $opacity)  $alpha = $opacity;
                    if ($alpha > 1) $alpha = 1;

                    if ($opacity > 0) {
                        $dst_red   = round(( ($dst_pixel['red']   * $dst_alpha * (1 - $opacity)) ) );
                        $dst_green = round(( ($dst_pixel['green'] * $dst_alpha * (1 - $opacity)) ) );
                        $dst_blue  = round(( ($dst_pixel['blue']  * $dst_alpha * (1 - $opacity)) ) );
                        $src_red   = round((($src_pixel['red']   * $opacity)) );
                        $src_green = round((($src_pixel['green'] * $opacity)) );
                        $src_blue  = round((($src_pixel['blue']  * $opacity)) );
                        $red   = round(($dst_red   + $src_red  ) / ($dst_alpha * (1 - $opacity) + $opacity));
                        $green = round(($dst_green + $src_green) / ($dst_alpha * (1 - $opacity) + $opacity));
                        $blue  = round(($dst_blue  + $src_blue ) / ($dst_alpha * (1 - $opacity) + $opacity));
                        if ($red   > 255) $red   = 255;
                        if ($green > 255) $green = 255;
                        if ($blue  > 255) $blue  = 255;
                        $alpha =  round((1 - $alpha) * 127);
                        $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_im, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha);
                        imagesetpixel($dst_im, $x + $dst_x, $y + $dst_y, $color);
        return true;

     * Actually uploads the file, and act on it according to the set processing class variables
     * This function copies the uploaded file to the given location, eventually performing actions on it.
     * Typically, you can call {@link process} several times for the same file,
     * for instance to create a resized image and a thumbnail of the same file.
     * The original uploaded file remains intact in its temporary location, so you can use {@link process} several times.
     * You will be able to delete the uploaded file with {@link clean} when you have finished all your {@link process} calls.
     * According to the processing class variables set in the calling file, the file can be renamed,
     * and if it is an image, can be resized or converted.
     * When the processing is completed, and the file copied to its new location, the
     * processing class variables will be reset to their default value.
     * This allows you to set new properties, and perform another {@link process} on the same uploaded file
     * If the function is called with a null or empty argument, then it will return the content of the picture
     * It will set {@link processed} (and {@link error} is an error occurred)
     * @access public
     * @param  string $server_path Optional path location of the uploaded file, with an ending slash
     * @return string Optional content of the image
    function process($server_path = null) {

        $this->error        = '';
        $this->processed    = true;
        $return_mode        = false;
        $return_content     = null;

        if (empty($server_path) || is_null($server_path)) {
            $this->log .= '<b>process file and return the content</b><br />';
            $return_mode = true;
        } else {
            if(strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win') {
                if (substr($server_path, -1, 1) != '\\') $server_path = $server_path . '\\';
            } else {
                if (substr($server_path, -1, 1) != '/') $server_path = $server_path . '/';
            $this->log .= '<b>process file to '  . $server_path . '</b><br />';

        // checks file size and mine type
        if ($this->uploaded) {

            if ($this->file_src_size > $this->file_max_size ) {
                $this->processed = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('file_too_big');
            } else {
                $this->log .= '- file size OK<br />';

            // turn dangerous scripts into text files
            if ($this->no_script) {
                if (((substr($this->file_src_mime, 0, 5) == 'text/' || strpos($this->file_src_mime, 'javascript') !== false)  && (substr($this->file_src_name, -4) != '.txt'))
                    || preg_match('/\.(php|pl|py|cgi|asp)$/i', $this->file_src_name) || empty($this->file_src_name_ext)) {
                    $this->file_src_mime = 'text/plain';
                    $this->log .= '- script '  . $this->file_src_name . ' renamed as ' . $this->file_src_name . '.txt!<br />';
                    $this->file_src_name_ext .= (empty($this->file_src_name_ext) ? 'txt' : '.txt');

            if ($this->mime_check && empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
                $this->processed = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('no_mime');
            } else if ($this->mime_check && !empty($this->file_src_mime) && strpos($this->file_src_mime, '/') !== false) {
                list($m1, $m2) = explode('/', $this->file_src_mime);
                $allowed = false;
                // check wether the mime type is allowed
                foreach($this->allowed as $k => $v) {
                    list($v1, $v2) = explode('/', $v);
                    if (($v1 == '*' && $v2 == '*') || ($v1 == $m1 && ($v2 == $m2 || $v2 == '*'))) {
                        $allowed = true;
                // check wether the mime type is forbidden
                foreach($this->forbidden as $k => $v) {
                    list($v1, $v2) = explode('/', $v);
                    if (($v1 == '*' && $v2 == '*') || ($v1 == $m1 && ($v2 == $m2 || $v2 == '*'))) {
                        $allowed = false;
                if (!$allowed) {
                    $this->processed = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('incorrect_file');
                } else {
                    $this->log .= '- file mime OK : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';
            } else {
                $this->log .= '- file mime OK : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';

            // if the file is an image, we can check on its dimensions
            // these checks are not available if open_basedir restrictions are in place
            if ($this->file_is_image) {
                if (is_numeric($this->image_src_x) && is_numeric($this->image_src_y)) {
                    $ratio = $this->image_src_x / $this->image_src_y;
                    if (!is_null($this->image_max_width) && $this->image_src_x > $this->image_max_width) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_wide');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_min_width) && $this->image_src_x < $this->image_min_width) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_narrow');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_max_height) && $this->image_src_y > $this->image_max_height) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_high');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_min_height) && $this->image_src_y < $this->image_min_height) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_short');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_max_ratio) && $ratio > $this->image_max_ratio) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('ratio_too_high');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_min_ratio) && $ratio < $this->image_min_ratio) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('ratio_too_low');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_max_pixels) && $this->image_src_pixels > $this->image_max_pixels) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('too_many_pixels');
                    if (!is_null($this->image_min_pixels) && $this->image_src_pixels < $this->image_min_pixels) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('not_enough_pixels');
                } else {
                    $this->log .= '- no image properties available, can\'t enforce dimension checks : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';

        } else {
            $this->error = $this->translate('file_not_uploaded');
            $this->processed = false;

        if ($this->processed) {
            $this->file_dst_path        = $server_path;

            // repopulate dst variables from src
            $this->file_dst_name        = $this->file_src_name;
            $this->file_dst_name_body   = $this->file_src_name_body;
            $this->file_dst_name_ext    = $this->file_src_name_ext;

            if ($this->image_convert != '') { // if we convert as an image
                $this->file_dst_name_ext  = $this->image_convert;
                $this->log .= '- new file name ext : ' . $this->image_convert . '<br />';
            if ($this->file_new_name_body != '') { // rename file body
                $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_new_name_body;
                $this->log .= '- new file name body : ' . $this->file_new_name_body . '<br />';
            if ($this->file_new_name_ext != '') { // rename file ext
                $this->file_dst_name_ext  = $this->file_new_name_ext;
                $this->log .= '- new file name ext : ' . $this->file_new_name_ext . '<br />';
            if ($this->file_name_body_add != '') { // append a bit to the name
                $this->file_dst_name_body  = $this->file_dst_name_body . $this->file_name_body_add;
                $this->log .= '- file name body add : ' . $this->file_name_body_add . '<br />';
            if ($this->file_safe_name) { // formats the name
                $this->file_dst_name_body = strtr($this->file_dst_name_body, 'ŠŽšžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ', 'SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy');
                $this->file_dst_name_body = strtr($this->file_dst_name_body, array('Þ' => 'TH', 'þ' => 'th', 'Ð' => 'DH', 'ð' => 'dh', 'ß' => 'ss', 'Œ' => 'OE', 'œ' => 'oe', 'Æ' => 'AE', 'æ' => 'ae', 'µ' => 'u'));
                $this->file_dst_name_body = preg_replace(array('/\s/', '/\.[\.]+/', '/[^\w_\.\-]/'), array('_', '.', ''), $this->file_dst_name_body);
                $this->log .= '- file name safe format<br />';

            $this->log .= '- destination variables<br />';
            if (empty($this->file_dst_path) || is_null($this->file_dst_path)) {
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_path         : n/a<br />';
            } else {
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_path         : ' . $this->file_dst_path . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name_body    : ' . $this->file_dst_name_body . '<br />';
            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name_ext     : ' . $this->file_dst_name_ext . '<br />';

            // do we do some image manipulation?
            $image_manipulation  = ($this->file_is_image && (
                                 || $this->image_convert != ''
                                 || is_numeric($this->image_brightness)
                                 || is_numeric($this->image_contrast)
                                 || is_numeric($this->image_threshold)
                                 || !empty($this->image_tint_color)
                                 || !empty($this->image_overlay_color)
                                 || !empty($this->image_text)
                                 || $this->image_greyscale
                                 || $this->image_negative
                                 || !empty($this->image_watermark)
                                 || is_numeric($this->image_rotate)
                                 || is_numeric($this->jpeg_size)
                                 || !empty($this->image_flip)
                                 || !empty($this->image_crop)
                                 || !empty($this->image_border)
                                 || $this->image_frame > 0
                                 || $this->image_bevel > 0
                                 || $this->image_reflection_height));

            if ($image_manipulation) {
                if ($this->image_convert=='') {
                    $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                    $this->log .= '- image operation, keep extension<br />';
                } else {
                    $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . '.' . $this->image_convert;
                    $this->log .= '- image operation, change extension for conversion type<br />';
            } else {
                $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                $this->log .= '- no image operation, keep extension<br />';

            if (!$return_mode) {
                if (!$this->file_auto_rename) {
                    $this->log .= '- no auto_rename if same filename exists<br />';
                    $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
                } else {
                    $this->log .= '- checking for auto_rename<br />';
                    $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
                    $body     = $this->file_dst_name_body;
                    $cpt = 1;
                    while (@file_exists($this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                        $this->file_dst_name_body = $body . '_' . $cpt;
                        $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                        $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
                    if ($cpt>1) $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;auto_rename to ' . $this->file_dst_name . '<br />';

                $this->log .= '- destination file details<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name         : ' . $this->file_dst_name . '<br />';
                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_pathname     : ' . $this->file_dst_pathname . '<br />';

                if ($this->file_overwrite) {
                     $this->log .= '- no overwrite checking<br />';
                } else {
                    if (@file_exists($this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('already_exists', array($this->file_dst_name));
                    } else {
                        $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_name . ' doesn\'t exist already<br />';
        } else {
            $this->processed = false;

        // if we have already moved the uploaded file, we use the temporary copy as source file, and check if it exists
        if (!empty($this->file_src_temp)) {
            $this->log .= '- use the temp file instead of the original file since it is a second process<br />';
            $this->file_src_pathname   = $this->file_src_temp;
            if (!file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                $this->processed = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('temp_file_missing');
        // if we haven't a temp file, and that we do check on uploads, we use is_uploaded_file()
        } else if (!$this->no_upload_check) {
            if (!is_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                $this->processed = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('source_missing');
        // otherwise, if we don't check on uploaded files (local file for instance), we use file_exists()
        } else {
            if (!file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                $this->processed = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('source_missing');

        // checks if the destination directory exists, and attempt to create it
        if (!$return_mode) {
            if ($this->processed && !file_exists($this->file_dst_path)) {
                if ($this->dir_auto_create) {
                    $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_path . ' doesn\'t exist. Attempting creation:';
                    if (!$this->rmkdir($this->file_dst_path, $this->dir_chmod)) {
                        $this->log .= ' failed<br />';
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir');
                    } else {
                        $this->log .= ' success<br />';
                } else {
                    $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir_missing');

            if ($this->processed && !is_dir($this->file_dst_path)) {
                $this->processed = false;
                $this->error = $this->translate('destination_path_not_dir');

            // checks if the destination directory is writeable, and attempt to make it writeable
            $hash = md5($this->file_dst_name_body . rand(1, 1000));
            if ($this->processed && !($f = @fopen($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext, 'a+'))) {
                if ($this->dir_auto_chmod) {
                    $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_path . ' is not writeable. Attempting chmod:';
                    if (!@chmod($this->file_dst_path, $this->dir_chmod)) {
                        $this->log .= ' failed<br />';
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir_write');
                    } else {
                        $this->log .= ' success<br />';
                        if (!($f = @fopen($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext, 'a+'))) { // we re-check
                            $this->processed = false;
                            $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir_write');
                        } else {
                } else {
                    $this->processed = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('destination_path_write');
            } else {
                if ($this->processed) @fclose($f);
                @unlink($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext);

            // if we have an uploaded file, and if it is the first process, and if we can't access the file directly (open_basedir restriction)
            // then we create a temp file that will be used as the source file in subsequent processes
            // the third condition is there to check if the file is not accessible *directly* (it already has positively gone through is_uploaded_file(), so it exists)
            if (!$this->no_upload_check && empty($this->file_src_temp) && !@file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                $this->log .= '- attempting creating a temp file:';
                $hash = md5($this->file_dst_name_body . rand(1, 1000));
                if (move_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext)) {
                    $this->file_src_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext;
                    $this->file_src_temp = $this->file_src_pathname;
                    $this->log .= ' file created<br />';
                    $this->log .= '    temp file is: ' . $this->file_src_temp . '<br />';
                } else {
                    $this->log .= ' failed<br />';
                    $this->processed = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('temp_file');

        if ($this->processed) {

            // we do a quick check to ensure the file is really an image
            // we can do this only now, as it would have failed before in case of open_basedir
            if ($image_manipulation && !@getimagesize($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                $this->log .= '- the file is not an image!<br />';
                $image_manipulation = false;

            if ($image_manipulation) {

                // checks if the source file is readable
                if ($this->processed && !($f = @fopen($this->file_src_pathname, 'r'))) {
                    $this->processed = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('source_not_readable');
                } else {

                // we now do all the image manipulations
                $this->log .= '- image resizing or conversion wanted<br />';
                if ($this->gdversion()) {
                    switch($this->image_src_type) {
                        case 'jpg':
                            if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('JPEG'));
                            } else {
                                $image_src = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->file_src_pathname);
                                if (!$image_src) {
                                    $this->processed = false;
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('JPEG'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '- source image is JPEG<br />';
                        case 'png':
                            if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('PNG'));
                            } else {
                                $image_src = @imagecreatefrompng($this->file_src_pathname);
                                if (!$image_src) {
                                    $this->processed = false;
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('PNG'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '- source image is PNG<br />';
                        case 'gif':
                            if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('GIF'));
                            } else {
                                $image_src = @imagecreatefromgif($this->file_src_pathname);
                                if (!$image_src) {
                                    $this->processed = false;
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('GIF'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '- source image is GIF<br />';
                        case 'bmp':
                            if (!method_exists($this, 'imagecreatefrombmp')) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('BMP'));
                            } else {
                                $image_src = @$this->imagecreatefrombmp($this->file_src_pathname);
                                if (!$image_src) {
                                    $this->processed = false;
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('BMP'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '- source image is BMP<br />';
                            $this->processed = false;
                            $this->error = $this->translate('source_invalid');
                } else {
                    $this->processed = false;
                    $this->error = $this->translate('gd_missing');

                if ($this->processed && $image_src) {

                    // we have to set image_convert if it is not already
                    if (empty($this->image_convert)) {
                        $this->log .= '- setting destination file type to ' . $this->file_src_name_ext . '<br />';
                        $this->image_convert = $this->file_src_name_ext;

                    if (!in_array($this->image_convert, $this->image_supported)) {
                        $this->image_convert = 'jpg';

                    // we set the default color to be the background color if we don't output in a transparent format
                    if ($this->image_convert != 'png' && $this->image_convert != 'gif' && !empty($this->image_default_color) && empty($this->image_background_color)) $this->image_background_color = $this->image_default_color;
                    if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) $this->image_default_color = $this->image_background_color;
                    if (empty($this->image_default_color)) $this->image_default_color = '#FFFFFF';

                    $this->image_src_x = imagesx($image_src);
                    $this->image_src_y = imagesy($image_src);
                    $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_src_x;
                    $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_src_y;
                    $gd_version = $this->gdversion();
                    $ratio_crop = null;

                    if (!imageistruecolor($image_src)) {  // $this->image_src_type == 'gif'
                        $this->log .= '- image is detected as having a palette<br />';
                        $this->image_is_palette = true;
                        $this->image_transparent_color = imagecolortransparent($image_src);
                        if ($this->image_transparent_color >= 0 && imagecolorstotal($image_src) > $this->image_transparent_color) {
                            $this->image_is_transparent = true;
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;palette image is detected as transparent<br />';
                        // if the image has a palette (GIF), we convert it to true color, preserving transparency
                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;convert palette image to true color<br />';
                        $true_color = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                        imagealphablending($true_color, false);
                        imagesavealpha($true_color, true);
                        for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_src_x; $x++) {
                            for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_src_y; $y++) {
                                if ($this->image_transparent_color >= 0 && imagecolorat($image_src, $x, $y) == $this->image_transparent_color) {
                                    imagesetpixel($true_color, $x, $y, 127 << 24);
                                } else {
                                    $rgb = imagecolorsforindex($image_src, imagecolorat($image_src, $x, $y));
                                    imagesetpixel($true_color, $x, $y, ($rgb['alpha'] << 24) | ($rgb['red'] << 16) | ($rgb['green'] << 8) | $rgb['blue']);
                        $image_src = $this->imagetransfer($true_color, $image_src);
                        imagealphablending($image_src, false);
                        imagesavealpha($image_src, true);
                        $this->image_is_palette = false;

                    if ($this->image_resize) {
                        $this->log .= '- resizing...<br />';

                        if ($this->image_ratio_x) {
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;calculate x size<br />';
                            $this->image_dst_x = round(($this->image_src_x * $this->image_y) / $this->image_src_y);
                            $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                        } else if ($this->image_ratio_y) {
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;calculate y size<br />';
                            $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                            $this->image_dst_y = round(($this->image_src_y * $this->image_x) / $this->image_src_x);
                        } else if (is_numeric($this->image_ratio_pixels)) {
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;calculate x/y size to match a number of pixels<br />';
                            $pixels = $this->image_src_y * $this->image_src_x;
                            $diff = sqrt($this->image_ratio_pixels / $pixels);
                            $this->image_dst_x = round($this->image_src_x * $diff);
                            $this->image_dst_y = round($this->image_src_y * $diff);
                        } else if ($this->image_ratio || $this->image_ratio_crop || $this->image_ratio_fill || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out) {
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;check x/y sizes<br />';
                            if ((!$this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in && !$this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out)
                                 || ($this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in && ($this->image_src_x > $this->image_x || $this->image_src_y > $this->image_y))
                                 || ($this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out && $this->image_src_x < $this->image_x && $this->image_src_y < $this->image_y)) {
                                $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                if ($this->image_ratio_crop) {
                                    if (!is_string($this->image_ratio_crop)) $this->image_ratio_crop = '';
                                    $this->image_ratio_crop = strtolower($this->image_ratio_crop);
                                    if (($this->image_src_x/$this->image_x) > ($this->image_src_y/$this->image_y)) {
                                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                        $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x*($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                        $ratio_crop = array();
                                        $ratio_crop['x'] = $this->image_dst_x - $this->image_x;
                                        if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'l') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['l'] = 0;
                                            $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                        } else if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'r') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['l'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                            $ratio_crop['r'] = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $ratio_crop['l'] = round($ratio_crop['x']/2);
                                            $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'] - $ratio_crop['l'];
                                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_crop_x         : ' . $ratio_crop['x'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['l'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['r'] . ')<br />';
                                        if (is_null($this->image_crop)) $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                    } else {
                                        $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                        $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y*($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                        $ratio_crop = array();
                                        $ratio_crop['y'] = $this->image_dst_y - $this->image_y;
                                        if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 't') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['t'] = 0;
                                            $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                        } else if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'b') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['t'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                            $ratio_crop['b'] = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $ratio_crop['t'] = round($ratio_crop['y']/2);
                                            $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'] - $ratio_crop['t'];
                                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_crop_y         : ' . $ratio_crop['y'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['t'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['b'] . ')<br />';
                                        if (is_null($this->image_crop)) $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                } else if ($this->image_ratio_fill) {
                                    if (!is_string($this->image_ratio_fill)) $this->image_ratio_fill = '';
                                    $this->image_ratio_fill = strtolower($this->image_ratio_fill);
                                    if (($this->image_src_x/$this->image_x) < ($this->image_src_y/$this->image_y)) {
                                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                        $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x*($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                        $ratio_crop = array();
                                        $ratio_crop['x'] = $this->image_dst_x - $this->image_x;
                                        if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 'l') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['l'] = 0;
                                            $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                        } else if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 'r') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['l'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                            $ratio_crop['r'] = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $ratio_crop['l'] = round($ratio_crop['x']/2);
                                            $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'] - $ratio_crop['l'];
                                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_fill_x         : ' . $ratio_crop['x'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['l'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['r'] . ')<br />';
                                        if (is_null($this->image_crop)) $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                    } else {
                                        $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                        $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y*($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                        $ratio_crop = array();
                                        $ratio_crop['y'] = $this->image_dst_y - $this->image_y;
                                        if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 't') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['t'] = 0;
                                            $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                        } else if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 'b') !== false) {
                                            $ratio_crop['t'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                            $ratio_crop['b'] = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $ratio_crop['t'] = round($ratio_crop['y']/2);
                                            $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'] - $ratio_crop['t'];
                                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_fill_y         : ' . $ratio_crop['y'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['t'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['b'] . ')<br />';
                                        if (is_null($this->image_crop)) $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                } else {
                                    if (($this->image_src_x/$this->image_x) > ($this->image_src_y/$this->image_y)) {
                                        $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                        $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y*($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                    } else {
                                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                        $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x*($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                            } else {
                                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;doesn\'t calculate x/y sizes<br />';
                                $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_src_x;
                                $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_src_y;
                        } else {
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;use plain sizes<br />';
                            $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                            $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;

                        if ($this->image_dst_x < 1) $this->image_dst_x = 1;
                        if ($this->image_dst_y < 1) $this->image_dst_y = 1;
                        $image_dst = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);

                        if ($gd_version >= 2) {
                            $res = imagecopyresampled($image_dst, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                        } else {
                            $res = imagecopyresized($image_dst, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);

                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;resized image object created<br />';
                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_x y        : ' . $this->image_src_x . ' x ' . $this->image_src_y . '<br />';
                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_dst_x y        : ' . $this->image_dst_x . ' x ' . $this->image_dst_y . '<br />';

                    } else {
                        // we only convert, so we link the dst image to the src image
                        $image_dst = & $image_src;

                    // crop imag (and also crops if image_ratio_crop is used)
                    if ((!empty($this->image_crop) || !is_null($ratio_crop))) {
                        if (is_array($this->image_crop)) {
                            $vars = $this->image_crop;
                        } else {
                            $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_crop);
                        if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                            $ct = $vars[0]; $cr = $vars[1]; $cb = $vars[2]; $cl = $vars[3];
                        } else if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                            $ct = $vars[0]; $cr = $vars[1]; $cb = $vars[0]; $cl = $vars[1];
                        } else {
                            $ct = $vars[0]; $cr = $vars[0]; $cb = $vars[0]; $cl = $vars[0];
                        if (strpos($ct, '%')>0) $ct = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%','',$ct) / 100);
                        if (strpos($cr, '%')>0) $cr = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%','',$cr) / 100);
                        if (strpos($cb, '%')>0) $cb = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%','',$cb) / 100);
                        if (strpos($cl, '%')>0) $cl = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%','',$cl) / 100);
                        if (strpos($ct, 'px')>0) $ct = str_replace('px','',$ct);
                        if (strpos($cr, 'px')>0) $cr = str_replace('px','',$cr);
                        if (strpos($cb, 'px')>0) $cb = str_replace('px','',$cb);
                        if (strpos($cl, 'px')>0) $cl = str_replace('px','',$cl);
                        $ct = (int) $ct;
                        $cr = (int) $cr;
                        $cb = (int) $cb;
                        $cl = (int) $cl;
                        // we adjust the cropping if we use image_ratio_crop
                        if (!is_null($ratio_crop)) {
                            if (array_key_exists('t', $ratio_crop)) $ct += $ratio_crop['t'];
                            if (array_key_exists('r', $ratio_crop)) $cr += $ratio_crop['r'];
                            if (array_key_exists('b', $ratio_crop)) $cb += $ratio_crop['b'];
                            if (array_key_exists('l', $ratio_crop)) $cl += $ratio_crop['l'];
                        $this->log .= '- crop image : ' . $ct . ' ' . $cr . ' ' . $cb . ' ' . $cl . ' <br />';
                        $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x - $cl - $cr;
                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y - $ct - $cb;
                        if ($this->image_dst_x < 1) $this->image_dst_x = 1;
                        if ($this->image_dst_y < 1) $this->image_dst_y = 1;
                        $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);

                        // we copy the image into the recieving image
                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, $cl, $ct, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);

                        // if we crop with negative margins, we have to make sure the extra bits are the right color, or transparent
                        if ($ct < 0 || $cr < 0 || $cb < 0 || $cl < 0 ) {
                            // use the background color if present
                            if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                                list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_background_color);
                                $fill = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                            } else {
                                $fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, 0, 0, 0, 127);
                            // fills eventual negative margins
                            if ($ct < 0) imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, -$ct, $fill);
                            if ($cr < 0) imagefilledrectangle($tmp, $this->image_dst_x + $cr, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $fill);
                            if ($cb < 0) imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, $this->image_dst_y + $cb, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $fill);
                            if ($cl < 0) imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, -$cl, $this->image_dst_y, $fill);

                        // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                        $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // flip image
                    if ($gd_version >= 2 && !empty($this->image_flip)) {
                        $this->image_flip = strtolower($this->image_flip);
                        $this->log .= '- flip image : ' . $this->image_flip . '<br />';
                        $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                        for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                            for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++){
                                if (strpos($this->image_flip, 'v') !== false) {
                                    imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                                } else {
                                    imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                        // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                        $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // rotate image
                    if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_rotate)) {
                        if (!in_array($this->image_rotate, array(0, 90, 180, 270))) $this->image_rotate = 0;
                        if ($this->image_rotate != 0) {
                            if ($this->image_rotate == 90 || $this->image_rotate == 270) {
                                $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_y, $this->image_dst_x);
                            } else {
                                $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                            $this->log .= '- rotate image : ' . $this->image_rotate . '<br />';
                            for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++){
                                    if ($this->image_rotate == 90) {
                                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $y, $x, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, 1, 1);
                                    } else if ($this->image_rotate == 180) {
                                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $y, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, 1, 1);
                                    } else if ($this->image_rotate == 270) {
                                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $y, $x, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $y, 1, 1);
                                    } else {
                                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                            if ($this->image_rotate == 90 || $this->image_rotate == 270) {
                                $t = $this->image_dst_y;
                                $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_x;
                                $this->image_dst_x = $t;
                            // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                            $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // add color overlay
                   if ($gd_version >= 2 && (is_numeric($this->image_overlay_percent) && $this->image_overlay_percent > 0 && !empty($this->image_overlay_color))) {
                        $this->log .= '- apply color overlay<br />';
                        list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_overlay_color);
                        $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                        $color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                        imagefilledrectangle($filter, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $color);
                        $this->imagecopymergealpha($image_dst, $filter, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_overlay_percent);

                    // add brightness, contrast and tint, turns to greyscale and inverts colors
                    if ($gd_version >= 2 && ($this->image_negative || $this->image_greyscale || is_numeric($this->image_threshold)|| is_numeric($this->image_brightness) || is_numeric($this->image_contrast) || !empty($this->image_tint_color))) {
                        $this->log .= '- apply tint, light, contrast correction, negative, greyscale and threshold<br />';
                        if (!empty($this->image_tint_color)) list($tint_red, $tint_green, $tint_blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_tint_color);
                        imagealphablending($image_dst, true);
                        for($y=0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                            for($x=0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                if ($this->image_greyscale) {
                                    $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                    $r = $g = $b = round((0.2125 * $pixel['red']) + (0.7154 * $pixel['green']) + (0.0721 * $pixel['blue']));
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                    imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                                if (is_numeric($this->image_threshold)) {
                                    $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                    $c = (round($pixel['red'] + $pixel['green'] + $pixel['blue']) / 3) - 127;
                                    $r = $g = $b = ($c > $this->image_threshold ? 255 : 0);
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                    imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                                if (is_numeric($this->image_brightness)) {
                                    $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                    $r = max(min(round($pixel['red'] + (($this->image_brightness * 2))), 255), 0);
                                    $g = max(min(round($pixel['green'] + (($this->image_brightness * 2))), 255), 0);
                                    $b = max(min(round($pixel['blue'] + (($this->image_brightness * 2))), 255), 0);
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                    imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                                if (is_numeric($this->image_contrast)) {
                                    $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                    $r = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['red'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                    $g = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['green'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                    $b = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['blue'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                    imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                                if (!empty($this->image_tint_color)) {
                                    $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                    $r = min(round($tint_red * $pixel['red'] / 169), 255);
                                    $g = min(round($tint_green * $pixel['green'] / 169), 255);
                                    $b = min(round($tint_blue * $pixel['blue'] / 169), 255);
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                    imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                                if (!empty($this->image_negative)) {
                                    $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                    $r = round(255 - $pixel['red']);
                                    $g = round(255 - $pixel['green']);
                                    $b = round(255 - $pixel['blue']);
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                    imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);

                    // adds a border
                    if ($gd_version >= 2 && !empty($this->image_border)) {
                        if (is_array($this->image_border)) {
                            $vars = $this->image_border;
                            $this->log .= '- add border : ' . implode(' ', $this->image_border) . '<br />';
                        } else {
                            $this->log .= '- add border : ' . $this->image_border . '<br />';
                            $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_border);
                        if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                            $ct = $vars[0]; $cr = $vars[1]; $cb = $vars[2]; $cl = $vars[3];
                        } else if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                            $ct = $vars[0]; $cr = $vars[1]; $cb = $vars[0]; $cl = $vars[1];
                        } else {
                            $ct = $vars[0]; $cr = $vars[0]; $cb = $vars[0]; $cl = $vars[0];
                        if (strpos($ct, '%')>0) $ct = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%','',$ct) / 100);
                        if (strpos($cr, '%')>0) $cr = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%','',$cr) / 100);
                        if (strpos($cb, '%')>0) $cb = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%','',$cb) / 100);
                        if (strpos($cl, '%')>0) $cl = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%','',$cl) / 100);
                        if (strpos($ct, 'px')>0) $ct = str_replace('px','',$ct);
                        if (strpos($cr, 'px')>0) $cr = str_replace('px','',$cr);
                        if (strpos($cb, 'px')>0) $cb = str_replace('px','',$cb);
                        if (strpos($cl, 'px')>0) $cl = str_replace('px','',$cl);
                        $ct = (int) $ct;
                        $cr = (int) $cr;
                        $cb = (int) $cb;
                        $cl = (int) $cl;
                        $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x + $cl + $cr;
                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $ct + $cb;
                        if (!empty($this->image_border_color)) list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_border_color);
                        // we now create an image, that we fill with the border color
                        $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                        $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red, $green, $blue, 0);
                        imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $background);
                        // we then copy the source image into the new image, without merging so that only the border is actually kept
                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $cl, $ct, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x - $cr - $cl, $this->image_dst_y - $cb - $ct);
                        // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                        $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // add frame border
                    if (is_numeric($this->image_frame)) {
                        if (is_array($this->image_frame_colors)) {
                            $vars = $this->image_frame_colors;
                            $this->log .= '- add frame : ' . implode(' ', $this->image_frame_colors) . '<br />';
                        } else {
                            $this->log .= '- add frame : ' . $this->image_frame_colors . '<br />';
                            $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_frame_colors);
                        $nb = sizeof($vars);
                        $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x + ($nb * 2);
                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + ($nb * 2);
                        $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $nb, $nb, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x - ($nb * 2), $this->image_dst_y - ($nb * 2));
                        for ($i=0; $i<$nb; $i++) {
                            list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($vars[$i]);
                            $c = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                            if ($this->image_frame == 1) {
                                imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $i, $c);
                                imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $i, $c);
                                imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $c);
                                imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $c);
                            } else {
                                imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $i, $c);
                                imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $nb - $i, $c);
                                imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $nb - $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $c);
                                imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $c);
                        // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                        $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // add bevel border
                    if ($this->image_bevel > 0) {
                        if (empty($this->image_bevel_color1)) $this->image_bevel_color1 = '#FFFFFF';
                        if (empty($this->image_bevel_color2)) $this->image_bevel_color2 = '#000000';
                        list($red1, $green1, $blue1) = $this->getcolors($this->image_bevel_color1);
                        list($red2, $green2, $blue2) = $this->getcolors($this->image_bevel_color2);
                        $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                        imagealphablending($tmp, true);
                        for ($i=0; $i<$this->image_bevel; $i++) {
                            $alpha = round(($i / $this->image_bevel) * 127);
                            $c1 = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red1, $green1, $blue1, $alpha);
                            $c2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red2, $green2, $blue2, $alpha);
                            imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $i, $c1);
                            imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $this->image_dst_y - $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $i, $c2);
                            imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i -1, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $c2);
                            imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i -1, $c1);
                        // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                        $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // add watermark image
                    if ($this->image_watermark!='' && file_exists($this->image_watermark)) {
                        $this->log .= '- add watermark<br />';
                        $this->image_watermark_position = strtolower($this->image_watermark_position);
                        $watermark_info = getimagesize($this->image_watermark);
                        $watermark_type = (array_key_exists(2, $watermark_info) ? $watermark_info[2] : null); // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
                        $watermark_checked = false;
                        if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
                            if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                                $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('GIF'));
                            } else {
                                $filter = @imagecreatefromgif($this->image_watermark);
                                if (!$filter) {
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('GIF'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is GIF<br />';
                                    $watermark_checked = true;
                        } else if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
                            if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
                                $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('JPEG'));
                            } else {
                                $filter = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->image_watermark);
                                if (!$filter) {
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('JPEG'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is JPEG<br />';
                                    $watermark_checked = true;
                        } else if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
                            if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                                $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('PNG'));
                            } else {
                                $filter = @imagecreatefrompng($this->image_watermark);
                                if (!$filter) {
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('PNG'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is PNG<br />';
                                    $watermark_checked = true;
                        } else if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_BMP) {
                            if (!method_exists($this, 'imagecreatefrombmp')) {
                                $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('BMP'));
                            } else {
                                $filter = @$this->imagecreatefrombmp($this->image_watermark);
                                if (!$filter) {
                                    $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('BMP'));
                                } else {
                                    $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is BMP<br />';
                                    $watermark_checked = true;
                        } else {
                            $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_invalid');
                        if ($watermark_checked) {
                            $watermark_width  = imagesx($filter);
                            $watermark_height = imagesy($filter);
                            $watermark_x = 0;
                            $watermark_y = 0;
                            if (is_numeric($this->image_watermark_x)) {
                                if ($this->image_watermark_x < 0) {
                                    $watermark_x = $this->image_dst_x - $watermark_width + $this->image_watermark_x;
                                } else {
                                    $watermark_x = $this->image_watermark_x;
                            } else {
                                if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'r') !== false) {
                                    $watermark_x = $this->image_dst_x - $watermark_width;
                                } else if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'l') !== false) {
                                    $watermark_x = 0;
                                } else {
                                    $watermark_x = ($this->image_dst_x - $watermark_width) / 2;
                            if (is_numeric($this->image_watermark_y)) {
                                if ($this->image_watermark_y < 0) {
                                    $watermark_y = $this->image_dst_y - $watermark_height + $this->image_watermark_y;
                                } else {
                                    $watermark_y = $this->image_watermark_y;
                            } else {
                                if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'b') !== false) {
                                    $watermark_y = $this->image_dst_y - $watermark_height;
                                } else if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 't') !== false) {
                                    $watermark_y = 0;
                                } else {
                                    $watermark_y = ($this->image_dst_y - $watermark_height) / 2;
                            imagecopyresampled ($image_dst, $filter, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, $watermark_width, $watermark_height);
                        } else {
                            $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_invalid');

                    // add text
                    if (!empty($this->image_text)) {
                        $this->log .= '- add text<br />';

                        // calculate sizes in human readable format
                        $src_size       = $this->file_src_size / 1024;
                        $src_size_mb    = number_format($src_size / 1024, 1, ".", " ");
                        $src_size_kb    = number_format($src_size, 1, ".", " ");
                        $src_size_human = ($src_size > 1024 ? $src_size_mb . " MB" : $src_size_kb . " kb");

                        $this->image_text = str_replace(

                        if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding)) $this->image_text_padding = 0;
                        if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_line_spacing)) $this->image_text_line_spacing = 0;
                        if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding_x)) $this->image_text_padding_x = $this->image_text_padding;
                        if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding_y)) $this->image_text_padding_y = $this->image_text_padding;
                        $this->image_text_position = strtolower($this->image_text_position);
                        $this->image_text_direction = strtolower($this->image_text_direction);
                        $this->image_text_alignment = strtolower($this->image_text_alignment);

                        // if the font is a string, we assume that we might want to load a font
                        if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_font) && strlen($this->image_text_font) > 4 && substr(strtolower($this->image_text_font), -4) == '.gdf') {
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;try to load font ' . $this->image_text_font . '... ';
                            if ($this->image_text_font = @imageloadfont($this->image_text_font)) {
                                $this->log .=  'success<br />';
                            } else {
                                $this->log .=  'error<br />';
                                $this->image_text_font = 5;

                        $text = explode("\n", $this->image_text);
                        $char_width = imagefontwidth($this->image_text_font);
                        $char_height = imagefontheight($this->image_text_font);
                        $text_height = 0;
                        $text_width = 0;
                        $line_height = 0;
                        $line_width = 0;

                        foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                            if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                $h = ($char_width * strlen($v));
                                if ($h > $text_height) $text_height = $h;
                                $line_width = $char_height;
                                $text_width += $line_width + ($k < (sizeof($text)-1) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0);
                            } else {
                                $w = ($char_width * strlen($v));
                                if ($w > $text_width) $text_width = $w;
                                $line_height = $char_height;
                                $text_height += $line_height + ($k < (sizeof($text)-1) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0);
                        $text_width  += (2 * $this->image_text_padding_x);
                        $text_height += (2 * $this->image_text_padding_y);
                        $text_x = 0;
                        $text_y = 0;
                        if (is_numeric($this->image_text_x)) {
                            if ($this->image_text_x < 0) {
                                $text_x = $this->image_dst_x - $text_width + $this->image_text_x;
                            } else {
                                $text_x = $this->image_text_x;
                        } else {
                            if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'r') !== false) {
                                $text_x = $this->image_dst_x - $text_width;
                            } else if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'l') !== false) {
                                $text_x = 0;
                            } else {
                                $text_x = ($this->image_dst_x - $text_width) / 2;
                        if (is_numeric($this->image_text_y)) {
                            if ($this->image_text_y < 0) {
                                $text_y = $this->image_dst_y - $text_height + $this->image_text_y;
                            } else {
                                $text_y = $this->image_text_y;
                        } else {
                            if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'b') !== false) {
                                $text_y = $this->image_dst_y - $text_height;
                            } else if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 't') !== false) {
                                $text_y = 0;
                            } else {
                                $text_y = ($this->image_dst_y - $text_height) / 2;

                        // add a background, maybe transparent
                        if (!empty($this->image_text_background)) {
                            list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_text_background);
                            if ($gd_version >= 2 && (is_numeric($this->image_text_background_percent)) && $this->image_text_background_percent >= 0 && $this->image_text_background_percent <= 100) {
                                $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($text_width, $text_height);
                                $background_color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                                imagefilledrectangle($filter, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $background_color);
                                $this->imagecopymergealpha($image_dst, $filter, $text_x, $text_y, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $this->image_text_background_percent);
                            } else {
                                $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image_dst ,$red, $green, $blue);
                                imagefilledrectangle($image_dst, $text_x, $text_y, $text_x + $text_width, $text_y + $text_height, $background_color);

                        $text_x += $this->image_text_padding_x;
                        $text_y += $this->image_text_padding_y;
                        $t_width = $text_width - (2 * $this->image_text_padding_x);
                        $t_height = $text_height - (2 * $this->image_text_padding_y);
                        list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_text_color);

                        // add the text, maybe transparent
                        if ($gd_version >= 2 && (is_numeric($this->image_text_percent)) && $this->image_text_percent >= 0 && $this->image_text_percent <= 100) {
                            if ($t_width < 0) $t_width = 0;
                            if ($t_height < 0) $t_height = 0;
                            $filter = $this->imagecreatenew($t_width, $t_height, false, true);
                            $text_color = imagecolorallocate($filter ,$red, $green, $blue);

                            foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                                if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                                  $k * ($line_width  + ($k > 0 && $k < (sizeof($text)) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)),
                                                  $text_height - (2 * $this->image_text_padding_y) - ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : (($t_height - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2))) ,
                                } else {
                                                ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : (($t_width - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2))),
                                                $k * ($line_height  + ($k > 0 && $k < (sizeof($text)) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)),
                            $this->imagecopymergealpha($image_dst, $filter, $text_x, $text_y, 0, 0, $t_width, $t_height, $this->image_text_percent);

                        } else {
                            $text_color = imageColorAllocate($image_dst ,$red, $green, $blue);
                            foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                                if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                                  $text_x + $k * ($line_width  + ($k > 0 && $k < (sizeof($text)) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)),
                                                  $text_y + $text_height - (2 * $this->image_text_padding_y) - ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : (($t_height - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2))),
                                } else {
                                                $text_x + ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : (($t_width - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2))),
                                                $text_y + $k * ($line_height  + ($k > 0 && $k < (sizeof($text)) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)),

                    // add a reflection
                    if ($this->image_reflection_height) {
                        $this->log .= '- add reflection : ' . $this->image_reflection_height . '<br />';
                        // we decode image_reflection_height, which can be a integer, a string in pixels or percentage
                        $image_reflection_height = $this->image_reflection_height;
                        if (strpos($image_reflection_height, '%')>0) $image_reflection_height = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%','',$image_reflection_height / 100));
                        if (strpos($image_reflection_height, 'px')>0) $image_reflection_height = str_replace('px','',$image_reflection_height);
                        $image_reflection_height = (int) $image_reflection_height;
                        if ($image_reflection_height > $this->image_dst_y) $image_reflection_height = $this->image_dst_y;
                        if (empty($this->image_reflection_opacity)) $this->image_reflection_opacity = 60;
                        // create the new destination image
                        $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space, true);
                        $transparency = $this->image_reflection_opacity;

                        // copy the original image
                        imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + ($this->image_reflection_space < 0 ? $this->image_reflection_space : 0));

                        // we have to make sure the extra bit is the right color, or transparent
                        if ($image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space > 0) {
                            // use the background color if present
                            if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                                list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_background_color);
                                $fill = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                            } else {
                                $fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, 0, 0, 0, 127);
                            // fill in from the edge of the extra bit
                            imagefill($tmp, round($this->image_dst_x / 2), $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space - 1, $fill);

                        // copy the reflection
                        for ($y = 0; $y < $image_reflection_height; $y++) {
                            for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                $pixel_b = imagecolorsforindex($tmp, imagecolorat($tmp, $x, $y + $this->image_dst_y + $this->image_reflection_space));
                                $pixel_o = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1 + ($this->image_reflection_space < 0 ? $this->image_reflection_space : 0)));
                                $alpha_o = 1 - ($pixel_o['alpha'] / 127);
                                $alpha_b = 1 - ($pixel_b['alpha'] / 127);
                                $opacity = $alpha_o * $transparency / 100;
                                if ($opacity > 0) {
                                    $red   = round((($pixel_o['red']   * $opacity) + ($pixel_b['red']  ) * $alpha_b) / ($alpha_b + $opacity));
                                    $green = round((($pixel_o['green'] * $opacity) + ($pixel_b['green']) * $alpha_b) / ($alpha_b + $opacity));
                                    $blue  = round((($pixel_o['blue']  * $opacity) + ($pixel_b['blue'] ) * $alpha_b) / ($alpha_b + $opacity));
                                    $alpha = ($opacity + $alpha_b);
                                    if ($alpha > 1) $alpha = 1;
                                    $alpha =  round((1 - $alpha) * 127);
                                    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha);
                                    imagesetpixel($tmp, $x, $y + $this->image_dst_y + $this->image_reflection_space, $color);
                            if ($transparency > 0) $transparency = $transparency - ($this->image_reflection_opacity / $image_reflection_height);

                        // copy the resulting image into the destination image
                        $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space;
                        $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);

                    // reduce the JPEG image to a set desired size
                    if (is_numeric($this->jpeg_size) && $this->jpeg_size > 0 && ($this->image_convert == 'jpeg' || $this->image_convert == 'jpg')) {
                        // inspired by: JPEGReducer class version 1, 25 November 2004, Author: Huda M ElMatsani, justhuda at netscape dot net
                        $this->log .= '- JPEG desired file size : ' . $this->jpeg_size . '<br />';
                        // calculate size of each image. 75%, 50%, and 25% quality
                        ob_start(); imagejpeg($image_dst,'',75);  $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
                        $size75 = strlen($buffer);
                        ob_start(); imagejpeg($image_dst,'',50);  $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
                        $size50 = strlen($buffer);
                        ob_start(); imagejpeg($image_dst,'',25);  $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
                        $size25 = strlen($buffer);

                        // calculate gradient of size reduction by quality
                        $mgrad1 = 25 / ($size50-$size25);
                        $mgrad2 = 25 / ($size75-$size50);
                        $mgrad3 = 50 / ($size75-$size25);
                        $mgrad  = ($mgrad1 + $mgrad2 + $mgrad3) / 3;
                        // result of approx. quality factor for expected size
                        $q_factor = round($mgrad * ($this->jpeg_size - $size50) + 50);

                        if ($q_factor<1) {
                        } elseif ($q_factor>100) {
                        } else {
                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JPEG quality factor set to ' . $this->jpeg_quality . '<br />';

                    // converts image from true color, and fix transparency if needed
                    $this->log .= '- converting...<br />';
                    switch($this->image_convert) {
                        case 'gif':
                            // if the image is true color, we convert it to a palette
                            if (imageistruecolor($image_dst)) {
                                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;true color to palette<br />';
                                // creates a black and white mask
                                $mask = array(array());
                                for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                    for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                        $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                        $mask[$x][$y] = $pixel['alpha'];
                                list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_default_color);
                                // first, we merge the image with the background color, so we know which colors we will have
                                for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                    for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                        if ($mask[$x][$y] > 0){
                                            // we have some transparency. we combine the color with the default color
                                            $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                            $alpha = ($mask[$x][$y] / 127);
                                            $pixel['red'] = round(($pixel['red'] * (1 -$alpha) + $red * ($alpha)));
                                            $pixel['green'] = round(($pixel['green'] * (1 -$alpha) + $green * ($alpha)));
                                            $pixel['blue'] = round(($pixel['blue'] * (1 -$alpha) + $blue * ($alpha)));
                                            $color = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, $pixel['red'], $pixel['green'], $pixel['blue']);
                                            imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                                // transfrom the true color image into palette, with it merged default color in
                                // we will have the best color possible, including the background
                                if (empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                                    imagetruecolortopalette($image_dst, true, 255);
                                    $transparency = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, 254, 1, 253);
                                    imagecolortransparent($image_dst, $transparency);
                                    // make the transparent areas transparent
                                    for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                        for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                            // we test wether we have enough opacity to justify keeping the color
                                            if ($mask[$x][$y] > 120) imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $transparency);
                        case 'jpg':
                        case 'bmp':
                            // if the image doesn't support any transparency, then we merge it with the default color
                            $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fills in transparency with default color<br />';
                                list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_default_color);
                                $transparency = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, $red, $green, $blue);
                                // make the transaparent areas transparent
                                for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                    for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                        // we test wether we have some transparency, in which case we will merge the colors
                                        $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                        if ($pixel['alpha'] == 127) {
                                            // we have full transparency. we make the pixel transparent
                                            imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $transparency);
                                        } else if ($pixel['alpha'] > 0) {
                                            // we have some transparency. we combine the color with the default color
                                            $alpha = ($pixel['alpha'] / 127);
                                            $pixel['red'] = round(($pixel['red'] * (1 -$alpha) + $red * ($alpha)));
                                            $pixel['green'] = round(($pixel['green'] * (1 -$alpha) + $green * ($alpha)));
                                            $pixel['blue'] = round(($pixel['blue'] * (1 -$alpha) + $blue * ($alpha)));
                                            $color = imagecolorclosest($image_dst, $pixel['red'], $pixel['green'], $pixel['blue']);
                                            imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);


                    // outputs image
                    $this->log .= '- saving image...<br />';
                    switch($this->image_convert) {
                        case 'jpeg':
                        case 'jpg':
                            if (!$return_mode) {
                                $result = @imagejpeg($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname, $this->jpeg_quality);
                            } else {
                                $result = @imagejpeg($image_dst, '', $this->jpeg_quality);
                                $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                            if (!$result) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('JPEG'));
                            } else {
                                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JPEG image created<br />';
                        case 'png':
                            imagealphablending( $image_dst, false );
                            imagesavealpha( $image_dst, true );
                            if (!$return_mode) {
                                $result = @imagepng($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                            } else {
                                $result = @imagepng($image_dst);
                                $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                            if (!$result) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('PNG'));
                            } else {
                                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PNG image created<br />';
                        case 'gif':
                            if (!$return_mode) {
                                $result = @imagegif($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                            } else {
                                $result = @imagegif($image_dst);
                                $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                            if (!$result) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('GIF'));
                            } else {
                                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;GIF image created<br />';
                        case 'bmp':
                            if (!$return_mode) {
                                $result = $this->imagebmp($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                            } else {
                                $result = $this->imagebmp($image_dst);
                                $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                            if (!$result) {
                                $this->processed = false;
                                $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('BMP'));
                            } else {
                                $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BMP image created<br />';

                            $this->processed = false;
                            $this->error = $this->translate('no_conversion_type');
                    if ($this->processed) {
                        if (is_resource($image_src)) imagedestroy($image_src);
                        if (is_resource($image_dst)) imagedestroy($image_dst);
                        $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image objects destroyed<br />';

            } else {
                $this->log .= '- no image processing wanted<br />';

                if (!$return_mode) {
                      // copy the file to its final destination. we don't use move_uploaded_file here
                    // if we happen to have open_basedir restrictions, it is a temp file that we copy, not the original uploaded file
                    if (!copy($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('copy_failed');
                } else {
                    // returns the file, so that its content can be received by the caller
                    $return_content = @file_get_contents($this->file_src_pathname);
                    if ($return_content === FALSE) {
                        $this->processed = false;
                        $this->error = $this->translate('reading_failed');

        if ($this->processed) {
            $this->log .= '- <b>process OK</b><br />';

        // we reinit all the vars

        // we may return the image content
        if ($return_mode) return $return_content;


     * Deletes the uploaded file from its temporary location
     * When PHP uploads a file, it stores it in a temporary location.
     * When you {@link process} the file, you actually copy the resulting file to the given location, it doesn't alter the original file.
     * Once you have processed the file as many times as you wanted, you can delete the uploaded file.
     * If there is open_basedir restrictions, the uploaded file is in fact a temporary file
     * You might want not to use this function if you work on local files, as it will delete the source file
     * @access public
    function clean() {
        $this->log .= '<b>cleanup</b><br />';
        $this->log .= '- delete temp file '  . $this->file_src_pathname . '<br />';

     * Opens a BMP image
     * This function has been written by DHKold, and is used with permission of the author
     * @access public
    function imagecreatefrombmp($filename) {
        if (! $f1 = fopen($filename,"rb")) return false;

        $file = unpack("vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset", fread($f1,14));
        if ($file['file_type'] != 19778) return false;

        $bmp = unpack('Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel'.
                      '/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important', fread($f1,40));
        $bmp['colors'] = pow(2,$bmp['bits_per_pixel']);
        if ($bmp['size_bitmap'] == 0) $bmp['size_bitmap'] = $file['file_size'] - $file['bitmap_offset'];
        $bmp['bytes_per_pixel'] = $bmp['bits_per_pixel']/8;
        $bmp['bytes_per_pixel2'] = ceil($bmp['bytes_per_pixel']);
        $bmp['decal'] = ($bmp['width']*$bmp['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
        $bmp['decal'] -= floor($bmp['width']*$bmp['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
        $bmp['decal'] = 4-(4*$bmp['decal']);
        if ($bmp['decal'] == 4) $bmp['decal'] = 0;

        $palette = array();
        if ($bmp['colors'] < 16777216) {
            $palette = unpack('V'.$bmp['colors'], fread($f1,$bmp['colors']*4));

        $im = fread($f1,$bmp['size_bitmap']);
        $vide = chr(0);

        $res = imagecreatetruecolor($bmp['width'],$bmp['height']);
        $P = 0;
        $Y = $bmp['height']-1;
        while ($Y >= 0) {
            while ($X < $bmp['width']) {
                if ($bmp['bits_per_pixel'] == 24)
                    $color = unpack("V",substr($im,$P,3).$vide);
                elseif ($bmp['bits_per_pixel'] == 16) {
                    $color = unpack("n",substr($im,$P,2));
                    $color[1] = $palette[$color[1]+1];
                } elseif ($bmp['bits_per_pixel'] == 8) {
                    $color = unpack("n",$vide.substr($im,$P,1));
                    $color[1] = $palette[$color[1]+1];
                } elseif ($bmp['bits_per_pixel'] == 4) {
                    $color = unpack("n",$vide.substr($im,floor($P),1));
                    if (($P*2)%2 == 0) $color[1] = ($color[1] >> 4) ; else $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x0F);
                    $color[1] = $palette[$color[1]+1];
                } elseif ($bmp['bits_per_pixel'] == 1)  {
                    $color = unpack("n",$vide.substr($im,floor($P),1));
                    if     (($P*8)%8 == 0) $color[1] =  $color[1]        >>7;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 1) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x40)>>6;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 2) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x20)>>5;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 3) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x10)>>4;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 4) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x8)>>3;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 5) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x4)>>2;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 6) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x2)>>1;
                    elseif (($P*8)%8 == 7) $color[1] = ($color[1] & 0x1);
                    $color[1] = $palette[$color[1]+1];
                } else
                    return FALSE;
                $P += $bmp['bytes_per_pixel'];
        return $res;

     * Saves a BMP image
     * This function has been published on the PHP website, and can be used freely
     * @access public
    function imagebmp(&$im, $filename = "") {

        if (!$im) return false;
        $w = imagesx($im);
        $h = imagesy($im);
        $result = '';

        // if the image is not true color, we convert it first
        if (!imageistruecolor($im)) {
            $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
            imagecopy($tmp, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
            $im = & $tmp;

        $biBPLine = $w * 3;
        $biStride = ($biBPLine + 3) & ~3;
        $biSizeImage = $biStride * $h;
        $bfOffBits = 54;
        $bfSize = $bfOffBits + $biSizeImage;

        $result .= substr('BM', 0, 2);
        $result .=  pack ('VvvV', $bfSize, 0, 0, $bfOffBits);
        $result .= pack ('VVVvvVVVVVV', 40, $w, $h, 1, 24, 0, $biSizeImage, 0, 0, 0, 0);

        $numpad = $biStride - $biBPLine;
        for ($y = $h - 1; $y >= 0; --$y) {
            for ($x = 0; $x < $w; ++$x) {
                $col = imagecolorat ($im, $x, $y);
                $result .=  substr(pack ('V', $col), 0, 3);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $numpad; ++$i)
                $result .= pack ('C', 0);

            echo $result;
        } else {
            $file = fopen($filename, "wb");
            fwrite($file, $result);
        return true;

html example:
<div class="tips">通过公司验证是获得广大人才应聘者信任的重要一环。<br/>请准备好您公司的<em>最新年检的营业执照副本</em>,点击下面的按钮上传。<br/><span>(支持最大4M的Word,PDF,JPG,PNG格式)</span></div>
      <div class="tips approve_tips normal">
         <div id="uploadlicenseform" class="uploadform">
            <form id="uploadform" class="file_upload" action="<?php echo OC_Helper::linkToRoute('company_uploadlicense');?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
               <div class="uploadbtn">
                  <input class="inputfile" type="file" name="Filedata"/>
                  <div class="btn-upload large" data-nodragtext="选择营业执照副本上传">选择或拖拽营业执照副本至该区域上传</div>
               <input type="hidden" name="requesttoken" value="<?php echo $_['requesttoken'] ?>" id="requesttoken">
             <table class="files">
                <tr class="file_upload_template" style="display:none;">
                   <td class="file_name" width="240"></td>
                   <td class="file_size"></td>
                   <td class="file_upload_progress"><div></div></td>
                   <td class="file_upload_start"><button class="btn btn-info">开始上传</button></td>
      <!-- 上传公司认证文件第三步 -->
      <div id='successmsg'>
           <div class="success"><img src="/images/3/up_success.png"/></div>
         <div class="tips approve_tips approve_tips_width normal">感谢您的信任,我们将及时验证您的营业执照,一旦通过,我们将及时通知您。请耐心等待!</div>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
  if(!(window.XMLHttpRequestUpload && window.FileReader)) {
    $('#uploadlicenseform .btn-upload').html($('#uploadlicenseform .btn-upload').data('nodragtext'));

      allowDocImageType: true,
      maxFileSize: 4*1024*1024,
      keepList: false,
      autoUpload: true,
      onCompleteAll: function(list) {
         var errors = [];
         var success = [];
         jQuery.each(list, function(i, o) {
            var handler = o.slice(-1)[0];
            if(handler.response.error && handler.response.error.length > 0) {
               errors[errors.length] =;
               success[success.length] =;

         if(errors.length > 0 || success.length <= 0)

         var p = jQuery("#uploadlicenseform");
         p.jobUtil("timerDown", function() {
         }, 3);

//for some doc file which have html content
 if(($handle->file_src_mime == 'text/html' || $handle->file_src_mime == 'text/plain') && ($fileext == 'doc' || $fileext == 'docx' )){
     $handle->file_src_mime = 'application/msword';
     $handle->file_src_name_ext = $fileext;

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