Sun服务器Solaris10安装步骤 (二)

q Identify This System qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

  On the next screens, you must identify this system as networked or
  non-networked, and set the default time zone and date/time.

  If this system is networked, the software will try to find the information
  it needs to identify your system; you will be prompted to supply any
  information it cannot find.

  > To begin identifying this system, press F2.
    F2_Continue    F6_Help


- Network Connectivity ---------------------------------------------------------

  Specify Yes if the system is connected to the network by one of the Solaris
  or vendor network/communication Ethernet cards that are supported on the
  Solaris CD. See your hardware documentation for the current list of
  supported cards.
  Specify No if the system is connected to a network/communication card that
  is not supported on the Solaris CD, and follow the instructions listed under

      [X] Yes
      [ ] No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-6_Help
安装程序提示系统是否连接了网络?使用上下箭头键移动,在合适的位置停止后,按空格键, 选中该选项;在我们的安装中,需要网络功能,因此按Esc-2键继续安装;

- Configure Multiple Network Interfaces ----------------------------------------

  Multiple network interfaces have been detected on this system.  Specify all
  of the network interfaces you want to configure.

  Note: You must choose at least one interface to configure.

      Network interfaces
      [X] bge0
      [ ] bge1
      [ ] bge2
      [ ] bge3
    Esc-2_Continue    Esc-6_Help
选择主网卡接口 在我们的安装例子中,使用上下箭头键移动光标,移动到bge0处,按空格键选中该网卡,,因此按Esc-2键继续安装

- DHCP for bge0 ----------------------------------------------------------------

  Specify whether or not this network interface should use DHCP to configure
  itself.  Choose Yes if DHCP is to be used, or No if the network interface is
  to be configured manually.

  NOTE: DHCP support will not be enabled, if selected, until after the system

      Use DHCP for bge0
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No
