Harvard Computer Science

Computer Science

Primarily for Undergraduates For information concerning concentration in Computer Science please consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the Office of Student Affairs, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Pierce Hall 110. The Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences sections of the catalog should be consulted for additional courses relevant to computer science.
Computer Science 1. Great Ideas in Computer Science
Catalog Number: 6903
Henry H. Leitner
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 10–11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

An introduction to the most important discoveries and intellectual paradigms in computer science, designed for students with little or no previous background. Explores problem-solving using high and low-level programming languages; presents an integrated view of computer systems, from switching circuits up through compilers and GUI design. Examines theoretical and practical limitations related to unsolvable and intractable computational problems, and the social and ethical dilemmas presented by such issues as software unreliability and invasions of privacy.
Note: May not be taken for credit after completing Computer Science 50. This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning or the Core area requirement for Quantitative Reasoning.

Computer Science 20. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Catalog Number: 22235
Paul G. Bamberg
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Widely applicable mathematical tools for computer science, including topics from logic, set theory, combinatorics, number theory, probability theory, and graph theory. Practice in reasoning formally and proving theorems.
Note: Covers material used in Computer Science 121 and Computer Science 124. Students planning to take one of these computer science theory courses in the academic year 2012-2013 should consider taking Computer Science 20 in the spring of 2012.This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning or the Core area requirement for Quantitative Reasoning.

[*Computer Science 42. Controlling Cyberspace]
Catalog Number: 37293 Enrollment: Limited to 10. Course application due December 9, 2011.
Jonathan L. Zittrain
Half course (spring term). M., 5:30–7:30 p.m. EXAM GROUP: 9

Why does the Internet environment exist in the form it does today? What does its future, and the future of online life in general, look like? To what extent is this future malleable? Governments, corporate intermediaries, and hackers are empowered to different degrees by the space, and their interests and strengths are often in tension. This class uses academic as well as non-traditional texts to engender a broader understanding of Internet culture and technology, with an eye towards mapping informed choices about the future.
Note: Permission of instructor required after submission of an application form. Offered jointly with the Law School as LAW 2433.The course will be assisted by Kendra Albert.

Computer Science 50. Introduction to Computer Science I
Catalog Number: 4949
David J. Malan
Half course (fall term). M., W., 1-2:30, and a weekly section. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. Designed for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience.
Note: Undergraduates may take this course Pass/Fail, and cross-registered students may take this course SAT/UNSAT. Undergraduates and cross-registered students may take this course for letter grade. GSAS students must take this course for letter grade. When taken for a letter grade, this course meets the General Education requirement for undergraduates for Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning or the Core area requirement for undergraduates for Quantitative Reasoning.

Computer Science 51. Introduction to Computer Science II
Catalog Number: 3411
John G. Morrisett
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 1-2:30, and an additional 90-minute section to be arranged. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

Abstraction and design in computation. Topics include: Functional and object-oriented styles of programming; software engineering in the small; models of computation. Goal: understanding how to design large programs to make them readable, maintainable, efficient, and elegant. Exercises in ML and Java.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 50 or equivalent.

Computer Science 61. Systems Programming and Machine Organization
Catalog Number: 3461
Edward W. Kohler
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

Fundamentals of computer systems programming, machine organization, and performance tuning. This course provides a solid background in systems programming and a deep understanding of low-level machine organization and design. Topics include C and assembly language programming, program optimization, memory hierarchy and caching, virtual memory and dynamic memory management, concurrency, threads, and synchronization.
Prerequisite: CS50 or some experience programming in C.

*Computer Science 91r. Supervised Reading and Research
Catalog Number: 0361
Steven J. Gortler
Half course (fall term; repeated spring term). Hours to be arranged.

Supervised individual study of advanced topics in computer science. A student wishing to enroll in Computer Science 91r must be accepted by a faculty member who will supervise the course work. A form available from the Student Affairs Office, Pierce Hall 110, must be filled out and signed by the student and faculty supervisor. Students writing theses may enroll in this course while conducting thesis research and writing.
Note: At most two terms of Computer Science 91r may be taken for academic credit. May not be taken Pass/Fail. Students wishing more information about the range of suitable projects or faculty supervisors should consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

[*Computer Science 96. System Design Projects]
Catalog Number: 7499 Enrollment: Limited to 20.
Instructor to be determined
Half course (spring term). M., Th., 4–6.

Cooperative design, development, and testing of a sizable and realistic computer system. Students work as a group with a client on a real-world open-ended problem, and gain experience in problem definition, software development, and system lifecycle issues, and in the area of application. Students work in groups; both student participation in the classroom and effective group cooperation outside the classroom are stressed.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51 or 61.

For Undergraduates and Graduates

*Computer Science 105. Privacy and Technology
Catalog Number: 9751 Enrollment: Limited to 30.
James H. Waldo
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 16

What is privacy, and how is it affected by recent developments in computer technology? Course critically examines popular concepts of privacy and uses a rigorous analysis of technologies to understand the policy and ethical issues at play. Case studies: RFID, database anonymity, research ethics, wiretapping. Course relies on some technical material, but is open and accessible to all students, especially those with interest in economics, engineering, political science, computer science, sociology, biology, law, government, philosophy.
Note: This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Culture and Belief or the Core area requirement Social Analysis.

Computer Science 121. Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Catalog Number: 0669
Salil P. Vadhan
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 10-11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

General introduction to the theory of computation, teaching how to reason precisely about computation and prove mathematical theorems about its capabilities and limitations. Finite automata, Turing machines, formal languages, computability, uncomputability, computational complexity, and the P vs. NP question.
Prerequisite: experience in formal mathematics at the level of Computer Science 20.

Computer Science 124. Data Structures and Algorithms
Catalog Number: 5207
Michael D. Mitzenmacher
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Design and analysis of efficient algorithms and data structures. Algorithm design methods, graph algorithms, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms are covered.
Note: Starting in the spring of 2013, Computer Science 124 will assume background from Computer Science 20.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 50 or equivalent; Computer Science 51 is helpful. Some exposure to discrete applied mathematics, such as Applied Mathematics 106 or 107 or Computer Science 121 or Statistics 110, is also helpful.

Computer Science 141. Computing Hardware
Catalog Number: 4357
David M. Brooks
Half course (fall term). M., W., 1-2:30, and a two-hour weekly laboratory. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

Introduction to the design, structure, and operation of digital computers; logic circuits and digital electronics; computer arithmetic; computer architecture; and machine language programming. Consideration of the design interactions between hardware and software systems.
Prerequisite: Programming experience required.

Computer Science 143. Computer Networks
Catalog Number: 6401
H. T. Kung
Half course (fall term). M., W., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

Principles, design, implementation, and performance of computer networks. Topics include: Internet protocols and routing, local area networks, TCP, performance analysis, congestion control, network address translation, voice and video over IP, switching and routing, mobile IP, peer-to-peer overlay networks, network security, and other current research topics. Programming assignments on protocol implementation and analysis.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51.

[Computer Science 144r. Networks Design Projects]
Catalog Number: 5415
H. T. Kung
Half course (spring term). M., W., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 7, 8

Cooperative design and development of advanced network-based systems with both technology and business considerations. Students will work in 2 person teams. Student work will include reading assignments, homework sets, a project proposal, and project reports and presentations. At the end of the class, all teams will defend their approaches and results in front of the class and invited guests.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14. Preference given to upper-class undergraduates or graduate students in computer science or in business.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 143 or equivalent experience.

Computer Science 146. Computer Architecture
Catalog Number: 99684
David M. Brooks
Half course (spring term). M., W., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

Review of the fundamental structures in modern processor design. Topics include computer organization, memory system design, pipelining, and other techniques to exploit parallelism. Emphasis on a quantitative evaluation of design alternatives and an understanding of timing issues.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 141.

*Computer Science 148. Design of VLSI Circuits and Systems
Catalog Number: 1772 Enrollment: Limited to 16.
Gu-yeon Wei
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Presentation of concepts and techniques for the design and fabrication of VLSI systems and digital MOS integrated circuits. Topics include: basic semiconductor theory; MOS transistors and digital MOS circuits design; synchronous machines, clocking, and timing issues; high-level description and modeling of VLSI systems; synthesis and place and route design flows; and testing of VLSI circuits and systems. Various CAD tools for design, simulation, and verification are extensively used.
Note: Offered in alternate years.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 141 or permission of instructor.

Computer Science 152. Programming Languages
Catalog Number: 6841
Stephen N. Chong
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 10–11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

Comprehensive introduction to the principal features and overall design of both traditional and modern programming languages, including syntax, formal semantics, abstraction mechanisms, modularity, type systems, naming, polymorphism, closures, continuations, and concurrency. Provides the intellectual tools needed to design, evaluate, choose, and use programming languages.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51; Computer Science 121 is recommended. Students must have good programming skills, be comfortable with recursion, basic mathematical ideas and notations.

[Computer Science 153. Compilers]
Catalog Number: 2842
John G. Morrisett
Half course (fall term). M., W., F., at 11. EXAM GROUP: 4

Implementation of efficient interpreters and compilers for programming languages. Associated algorithms and pragmatic issues. Emphasizes practical applications including those outside of programming languages proper. Also shows relationships to programming-language theory and design. Participants build a working compiler including lexical analysis, parsing, type checking, code generation, and register allocation. Exposure to run-time issues and optimization.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51 or 61.

Computer Science 161. Operating Systems
Catalog Number: 4347
Margo I. Seltzer
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

The fundamental principles of resource management and abstraction in modern operating systems. Control abstractions: threads, processes, scheduling, synchronization. Storage abstractions: dynamic memory allocation, virtual memory, file system design. Communication abstractions: interprocess communication, networking. Case studies. Design and implementation of parts of a multiuser multitasking virtual-memory operating system.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51 and 61.

[Computer Science 164. Mobile Software Engineering]
Catalog Number: 7295
David J. Malan
Half course (spring term). M., 1–3. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

Introduction to principles of software engineering for mobile devices and best practices, including code reviews, source control, and unit tests. Topics include Ajax, encapsulation, event handling, HTTP, memory management, MVC, object-oriented design, and user experience. Languages include JavaScript, Objective-C, and PHP. Projects include mobile web apps and native iOS apps.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14. Students are encouraged, but not required, to have a Mac as well as an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch; students without a Mac will have access to Macs in labs on campus. Students will work on projects in pairs; students are encouraged to enroll with a friend. Enrollment may be limited.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51 or 61.

[Computer Science 165. Information Management]
Catalog Number: 0560
Instructor to be determined.
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

Covers the fundamental concepts of database and information management. Data models: relational, object-oriented, and other; implementation techniques of database management systems, such as indexing structures, concurrency control, recovery, and query processing; management of unstructured data; terabyte-scale databases.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51.

Computer Science 171. Visualization
Catalog Number: 8877
Hanspeter Pfister
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4, and a weekly section to be arranged. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

An introduction to key design principles and techniques for visualizing data. Covers design practices, data and image models, visual perception, interaction principles, tools from various fields, and applications. Introduces programming of interactive visualizations.
Note: This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning or the Core area requirement for Quantitative Reasoning.
Prerequisite: Students are expected to have basic programming experience (e.g., Computer Science 50).

Computer Science 175. Computer Graphics
Catalog Number: 3771
Steven J. Gortler
Half course (fall term). M., W., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 7, 8

The computational aspects of computer graphics. Two major themes are image rendering (viewing transformations, clipping, visible-surface processing, raster algorithms, reflection models, lighting models, surface shading, antialiasing, ray tracing, radiosity, and volume rendering) and scene modeling (modeling transformations, curves and surfaces, texture mapping, data-amplification techniques, constructive solid geometry, scalar- and vector-field data, and animation). Ancillary topics include color compression, image compression, image compositing, graphical user interfaces, and special machine architectures for computer graphics.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51, Applied Mathematics 21b or Mathematics 21b.

*Computer Science 179. Design of Usable Interactive Systems
Catalog Number: 4052 Enrollment: Limited to 48.
Krzysztof Z. Gajos
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 10–11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

Usability and design as keys to successful technology. Covers user observation techniques, needs assessment, low and high fidelity prototyping, usability testing methods, as well as theory of human perception and performance, and design best practices. Focuses on understanding and applying the lessons of human interaction to the design of usable systems; will also look at lessons to be learned from less usable systems. The course includes several small and one large project.

Computer Science 181. Intelligent Machines: Perception, Learning, and Uncertainty
Catalog Number: 6454
Ryan Prescott Adams
Half course (spring term). M., W., 1–2:30.

Introduction to artificial intelligence, focusing on problems of perception, reasoning under uncertainty, and especially machine learning. Supervised learning algorithms. Decision trees. Ensemble learning and boosting. Neural networks, multi-layer perceptrons and applications. Support vector machines and kernel methods. Clustering and unsupervised learning. Probabilistic methods, parametric and non-parametric density estimation, maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori estimates. Bayesian networks and graphical models: representation, inference and learning. Hidden Markov models. Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning. Computational learning theory.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51, Computer Science 121, and Statistics 110.

[Computer Science 182. Intelligent Machines: Reasoning, Actions, and Plans]
Catalog Number: 0134
Radhika Nagpal
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

Introduction to AI, focused on problems in reasoning about action and rational decision making. Search: constraint satisfaction; informed search and optimization; game playing. Knowledge representation and logical inference. Planning: representation, search and heuristics. Bounded rationality, situated agents. Multiagent systems. Discussion of relevant work in philosophy, economics, and decision theory. Applications to scheduling, robotics and e-commerce.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 51; Computer Science 121 (may be taken concurrently).

Computer Science 186. Economics and Computation
Catalog Number: 87282
David C. Parkes
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

The interplay between economic thinking and computational thinking as it relates to electronic commerce, social networks, collective intelligence and networked systems. Topics covered include: game theory, peer production, reputation and recommender systems, prediction markets, crowd sourcing, network influence and dynamics, auctions and mechanisms, privacy and security, matching and allocation problems, computational social choice and behavioral game theory. Emphasis will be given to core methodologies, with students engaged in theoretical, computational and empirical exercises.
Prerequisite: Applied Math 21b, Computer Science 51 or equivalent, Statistics 110, and one of Computer Science 181, Computer Science 182, Economics 1011a, or Economics 1056.

Computer Science 187. Computational Linguistics
Catalog Number: 0249
Stuart M. Shieber
Half course (spring term). M., W., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 7, 8

Watson is the world Jeopardy champion. Siri responds accurately to "Should I bring an umbrella tomorrow?". How do they work? This course provides an introduction to the field of computational linguistics, the study of human language using the tools and techniques of computer science, with applications to a variety of natural-language-processing problems such as those deployed in Watson and Siri, and covers pertinent ideas from linguistics, logic programming, and statistical modeling.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 121 or permission of the instructor.

[*Computer Science 189r. Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems]
Catalog Number: 36932 Enrollment: Limited to 15.
Radhika Nagpal
Half course (fall term). F., 1–4. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7, 8

Building autonomous robotic systems requires understanding how to make robots that observe, reason, and act. Each component uses many engineering principles: how to fuse, multiple, noisy sensors; how to balance short-term versus long-term goals; how to control one’s actions and how to coordinate with others. This year, we will study these questions in the context of a project to develop autonomous robot soccer teams. The class format will mix seminar and lab formats.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14. Preference will be given to students with experience in AI (e.g. CS181 or CS182 and/or robotics ES159).

Primarily for Graduates

[*Computer Science 201. Cyberlaw and Intellectual Property: Advanced Problem Solving Workshop]
Catalog Number: 15116 Enrollment: Limited to 10. Course application due December 9, 2011.
John G. Palfrey (Law School) and Jonathan Zittrain
Half course (spring term). M., Tu., 3:20–4:50.

Students in this experimental capstone course will work in teams to solve a series of hard problems-based cases related to cyberlaw and intellectual property.
Note: Here is the link to the application form: CS 201hf Application. Offered jointly with the Law School as 2315, and will meet at the Law School.

[*Computer Science 203hf. A Better Internet: Policy and Practice]
Catalog Number: 81745 Enrollment: Students will be selected via an application process.
Jonathan L. Zittrain
Half course (throughout the year). Fall: W., 5–7 p.m. EXAM GROUP: Fall: 9

Students will propose ideas for a better Internet, test them with stakeholders, prototype them for industries and organizations, and attack difficult implementation problems in a problem-solving capstone.
Note: Half course through the year, meeting in January at Stanford University. Offered jointly offered at Law School as LAW 2055. Here is the link to the application form: CS 203hf Application. Applications are due July 31, with admissions on a rolling basis.

Computer Science 205. Computing Foundations for Computational Science
Catalog Number: 85368
Hanspeter Pfister
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4, and a weekly section to be arranged. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

An applications course highlighting the use of computers in solving scientific problems. Students will be exposed to fundamental computer science concepts such as computer architectures, data structures, algorithms, and parallel computing. Fundamentals of scientific computing including abstract thinking, algorithmic development, and assessment of computational approaches. Students will learn to use open source tools and libraries and apply them to data analysis, modeling, and visualization of real scientific problems. Emphasizes parallel programming and "parallel thinking."
Prerequisite: Students are expected to have basic programming experience (e.g., Computer Science 50).

Computer Science 207. Systems Development for Computational Science
Catalog Number: 33846
Cristopher R. Cecka
Half course (spring term). M., W., F., at 11. EXAM GROUP: 4

This is a project-based course emphasizing designing, building, testing, maintaining and modifying software for scientific computing. Students will work in groups on a number of projects, ranging from small data-transformation utilities to large-scale systems. Students will learn to use a variety of tools and languages, as well as various techniques for organizing teams. Most important, students will learn to fit tools and approaches to the problem being solved.
Prerequisite: Students are expected to have basic programming experience (Computer Science 50) and have completed Computer Science 205.

[Computer Science 220r. Cryptography: Trust and Adversity]
Catalog Number: 1637
Michael O. Rabin
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 10–11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

Modern cryptography. Mathematical tools. Public-key encryptions, digital signatures, key exchanges, zero-knowledge proofs, authentication, oblivious transfer, practical zero-knowledge proofs and financial cryptography, secure multi-party computation, provably secure encryptions. Foundations: Probabilistic encryption and semantic security. Attacks and countermeasures.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.

[Computer Science 221. Computational Complexity]
Catalog Number: 5812
Michael D. Mitzenmacher
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

A quantitative theory of the resources needed for computing and the impediments to efficient computation. The models of computation considered include ones that are finite or infinite, deterministic, randomized, quantum or nondeterministic, discrete or algebraic, sequential or parallel.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 121 or equivalent.

Computer Science 222. Algorithms at the Ends of the Wire
Catalog Number: 2493
Michael D. Mitzenmacher
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Covers topics related to algorithms for big data, especially related to networks. Themes include compression, cryptography, coding, and information retrieval related to the World Wide Web. Requires a major final project.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 124.

[Computer Science 223. Probabilistic Analysis and Algorithms]
Catalog Number: 4740
Michael D. Mitzenmacher
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Probabilistic techniques and tools for the design and analysis of algorithms. Designed for all first-year graduate students in all areas.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 124. Preferably additional probability, such as in Computer Science 226r, Statistics 110, or Mathematics 191.

[Computer Science 225. Pseudorandomness]
Catalog Number: 4869
Salil P. Vadhan
Half course (spring term). M., W., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 7, 8

Efficiently generating objects that “look random” despite being constructed using little or no randomness. Connections and applications to computational complexity, cryptography, and combinatorics. Pseudorandom generators, randomness extractors, expander graphs, error-correcting codes, hash functions.
Prerequisite: Exposure to randomized algorithms (as in Computer Science 124), computational complexity (as in Computer Science 121), and algebra (as in Applied Mathematics 106, Mathematics 123, or Computer Science 226r).

[Computer Science 226r. Efficient Algorithms]
Catalog Number: 1749
Instructor to be determined
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Important algorithms and their real life applications. Topics include combinatorics, string matching, wavelets, FFT, computational algebra number theory and geometry, randomized algorithms, search engines, page rankings, maximal flows, error correcting codes, cryptography, parallel algorithms.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.

[Computer Science 228. Computational Learning Theory]
Catalog Number: 0364
Leslie G. Valiant
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

Possibilities of and limitations to performing learning by computational agents. Topics include computational models, polynomial time learnability, learning from examples and learning from queries to oracles. Applications to Boolean functions, automata and geometric functions.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 121 or equivalent.

Computer Science 229r. Topics in the Theory of Computation
Catalog Number: 3730
Salil P. Vadhan
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 10–11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

Current research directions in theoretical computer science. Topic for Spring 2013: Mathematical Approaches to Data Privacy.
Prerequisite: comfort with rigorous mathematics, discrete probability, and reasoning about algorithms (e.g. as in CS 124).

[Computer Science 244r. Networks Design Projects]
Catalog Number: 3018
H. T. Kung
Half course (spring term). M., W., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 7, 8

The contents and course requirements are similar to those of Computer Science 144r, with the exception that students enrolled in Computer Science 244r are expected to do substantial system implementation and perform graduate-level work.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14. Preference given to upper-class undergraduates or graduate students in computer science or in business who are proficient in computer programming or in business software.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 143 or equivalent experience.

Computer Science 246. Advanced Computer Architecture
Catalog Number: 0979
David M. Brooks
Half course (spring term). M., W., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

The contents and course requirements are similar to those of Computer Science 146, with the exception that students enrolled in Computer Science 246 are expected to undertake a substantial course project.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 141.

[Computer Science 247r. Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture ]
Catalog Number: 48162
David M. Brooks
Half course (spring term). M., W., F., at 10. EXAM GROUP: 3

Seminar course exploring recent research in computer architecture. Topics vary from year to year and will include subjects such as multi-core architectures, energy-efficient computing, reliable computing, and the interactions of these issues with system software. Students read and present research papers, undertake a research project.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 146 or 246 or permission of the instructor.

*Computer Science 248. Advanced Design of VLSI Circuits and Systems
Catalog Number: 7191 Enrollment: Limited to 16.
Gu-yeon Wei
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

The contents and course requirements are similar to those of Computer Science 148, with the exception that students enrolled in Computer Science 248 are expected to do a substantial design project and paper discussions on advanced topics.
Note: Offered in alternate years.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 141 or permission of instructor.

Computer Science 252r. Advanced Topics in Programming Languages
Catalog Number: 1986
John G. Morrisett
Half course (fall term). M., W., F., at 3. EXAM GROUP: 8

Seminar course exploring recent research in programming languages. Topics vary from year to year. Students read and present research papers, undertake a research project.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 152 or permission of the instructor.

[Computer Science 253r. Virtual Machines]
Catalog Number: 2901
Instructor to be determined.
Half course (fall term). M., F., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7
Preference given to graduate students or upper-class concentrators.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 153 or equivalent.

[Computer Science 261. Research Topics in Operating Systems]
Catalog Number: 6706
Edward W. Kohler
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30.

A quantitative approach to operating system design and evaluation. Discussion of recent research including extensible operating system architectures, distributed systems, and performance analysis. Overview of research techniques and methodology.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 161, or equivalent.

[Computer Science 262. Introduction to Distributed Computing]
Catalog Number: 7949
James H. Waldo
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

Examination of the special problems associated with distributed computing such as partial failure, lack of global knowledge and protocols that function in the face of these problems. Emphasis on causal ordering, event and RPC-based systems.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 161 or permission of instructor.

[Computer Science 264. Massively Parallel Computing]
Catalog Number: 37157
Instructor to be determined.
Half course (spring term). M., W., F., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

This course is an introduction to several modern parallel computing approaches and languages. Covers programming models, hardware architectures, multi-threaded programming, GPU programming with CUDA, cluster computing with MPI, cloud computing, and map-reduce using Hadoop and Amazon’s EC2. Students will complete readings, programming assignments, and a final project.

[Computer Science 265. Database Systems]
Catalog Number: 2083
Instructor to be determined.
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

A research-oriented introduction to Database Management systems. First third covers database design, implementation, and use. Topics include: network, relational, and object oriented database models, system architectures, transaction processing, system implementation, and SQL. Remaining two-thirds address research literature surrounding database systems, including an historical perspective, the emergence of relational and object-oriented systems, concurrency control, and distributed systems. Students will be expected to undertake a final research project.
Prerequisite: CS 165 or permission of instructor.

[*Computer Science 266. Biologically-Inspired Distributed and Multi-Agent Systems]
Catalog Number: 0766 Enrollment: Limited to 20.
Radhika Nagpal
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Surveys biologically-inspired approaches to designing distributed systems. Focus is on algorithms, analysis, and programming paradigms. Topics: swarm intelligence, amorphous computing, immune-inspired systems, synthetic biology. Discussion of research papers and a research project required.
Note: Geared toward graduate students of all levels as well as advanced undergraduates. Preference given to graduate students or upper-level concentrators.
Prerequisite: Experience with algorithms (e.g. Computer Science 124) and programming (e.g. Computer Science 51).

Computer Science 277. Geometric Modeling in Computer Graphics
Catalog Number: 3067
Steven J. Gortler
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

Advanced seminar in computer graphics focusing on geometric representations and processing. Topics include: direct manipulation, implicit surfaces, spline presentations, recursively subdivided surfaces, model simplification, surface parameterization and processing, mesh generation, and motion capture processing.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 175.

[Computer Science 278. Rendering and Image Processing in Computer Graphics]
Catalog Number: 4883
Steven J. Gortler
Half course (spring term). M., W., 4–5:30. EXAM GROUP: 9

Advanced course in computer graphics focusing on image rendering and processing. Topics include: light transport, efficient rendering, image based rendering, texture processing, interactive image processing.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 175 or permission of instructor.

*Computer Science 279 (formerly *Computer Science 279r). Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction
Catalog Number: 1435
Krzysztof Z. Gajos
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 10–11:30. EXAM GROUP: 12, 13

Current topics in HCI research, including intelligent interactive systems, usable privacy and security, interaction techniques, design methods, design for emerging markets. Special focus this year is on human computation and crowdsourcing. The course covers core research methods in HCI including experimental design, statistical data analysis, and qualitative methods. Activities will include discussion of primary literature, lectures, assignments, and a research project. Designed for first year grads from all areas. Advanced undergrads welcome.
Prerequisite: None for graduate students; CS 179 strongly recommended for undergraduates.

Computer Science 280r. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence - (New Course)
Catalog Number: 11199
Barbara J. Grosz
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4. EXAM GROUP: 16, 17

Seminar course exploring research directions in artificial intelligence (AI), typically combining two or more of such areas as multi-agent systems, natural-language processing, machine learning, reasoning under uncertainty, representation systems. Topic for Spring 2013: AI techniques to support improved health care information technology.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 181 or 182, or equivalents; or permission of instructor.

[Computer Science 281. Advanced Machine Learning]
Catalog Number: 97848
Ryan Prescott Adams
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 15, 16

Advanced statistical machine learning and probabilistic data analysis. Topics include: Markov chain Monte Carlo, variational inference, Bayesian nonparametrics, text topic modeling, unsupervised learning, dimensionality reduction and visualization. Requires a major final project.
Note: Expected to be given in 2013–14.
Prerequisite: Students should feel comfortable with basic linear algebra and probability theory. Students will be expected to implement algorithms in a programming language such as Matlab, Python or R.

Computer Science 283. Computer Vision
Catalog Number: 4475
Todd Zickler
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1. EXAM GROUP: 13, 14

Vision as an ill-posed inverse problem: image formation, two-dimensional signal processing; image enhancement and restoration; feature analysis; image segmentation; structure from motion, texture, and shading; multiple view geometry; pattern classification; and applications.

[Computer Science 285. Multi-Agent Systems]
Catalog Number: 1060
David C. Parkes
Half course (fall term). Tu., Th., 11:30–1.

Algorithmic, game-theoretic and logical foundations of multi-agent systems, including distributed optimization and problem solving, non-cooperative game theory, learning and teaching, communication, social choice, mechanism design, auctions, negotiation, coalitional game theory, logics of knowledge and belief, collaborative plans and social systems.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 181 or 182, or permission of instructor.

Computer Science 286r. Topics at the Interface between Computer Science and Economics
Catalog Number: 1099 Enrollment: Limited to 20.
Yiling Chen
Half course (fall term). M., W., 1–2:30. EXAM GROUP: 6, 7

Interplay between computation and economics. Topics in electronic commerce, computational social choice, computational mechanism design, peer production, prediction markets and reputation systems. Readings in AI, theoretical CS, multi-agent systems, economic theory, and operations research.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 21b, Applied Mathematics 21b, or equivalent; Computer Science 124, and 181 or 182, or equivalents; or permission of instructor.

[Computer Science 287r. Natural Language Processing]
Catalog Number: 3306
Stuart M. Shieber
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th., 2:30–4.

In-depth investigation of natural-language-processing techniques. Topics include: finite-state, context-free, and trans-context-free formalisms, syntactic analysis, semantic interpretation, weighted automata and transducers. Students discuss research papers and undertake a significant research project.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 187 or permission of instructor.

Computer Science 299r. Special Topics in Computer Science
Catalog Number: 4592
Michael D. Mitzenmacher
Half course (fall term; repeated spring term). Hours to be arranged.

Supervision of experimental or theoretical research on acceptable computer science problems and supervision of reading on topics not covered by regular courses of instruction.
Note: Open to graduate students and AB/SM candidates only. Students must arrange such work with a member of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. This course is graded and is ordinarily taken with the approval of the Committee on Higher Degrees. Applicants must file a project sheet before study cards are filed. Project sheets may be obtained from the Academic Office, Pierce Hall 110.

Graduate Courses of Reading and Research

Reading courses are odd-numbered; research courses are even-numbered.
[*Computer Science 301qc. iLaw: Internet Technology, Law, and Policy]
Catalog Number: 65515
Yochai Benkler (Law School), Terry Fisher (Law School), Urs Gasser (Law School), Lawrence Lessig (Law School), Phil Malone (Law School), Charles Nesson (Law School), John Palfrey (Law School), and Jonathan Zittrain
Quarter course (fall term). Hours to be arranged.

Internet Technology, Law, and Policy. Intensive four-day course on the current state of the Internet, its problems, and its path. Privacy, property, speech, and governance. A rigorous survey course with a final work product required of students.

*Computer Science 303,304. Statistical Machine Learning
Catalog Number: 46531,61638
Ryan Prescott Adams 3022

*Computer Science 305,306. Readable, Extensible, High-Performance Software Systems - (New Course)
Catalog Number: 15739,17423
Edward W. Kohler 1996

*Computer Science 307,308. Biologically-Inspired Multi-Agent Systems, Distributed Systems, and Computational Biology
Catalog Number: 8289,8308
Radhika Nagpal 5068 (on leave 2012-13)

*Computer Science 309,310. Computational Mechanism Design, Electronic Marketplaces, and Multi-Agent Systems
Catalog Number: 8764,0931
David C. Parkes 4202 (on leave fall term)

*Computer Science 311,312. Collaborative Systems, AI Planning, and Natural Language Processing
Catalog Number: 4677,6223
Barbara J. Grosz 1599

*Computer Science 313,314. Visual Computing
Catalog Number: 4273,1628
Hanspeter Pfister 5882

*Computer Science 315,316. Social Computing: Computation and Economics
Catalog Number: 2892,2433
Yiling Chen 6187

*Computer Science 321,322. Databases, Operating System, and Software Design
Catalog Number: 4085,4086
Margo I. Seltzer 3371

*Computer Science 323,324. Human-Computer Communication through Natural, Graphical, and Artificial Languages
Catalog Number: 2450,2453
Stuart M. Shieber 2456

*Computer Science 325,326. Intelligent Interactive Systems and Human-Computer
Catalog Number: 15849,82478
Krzysztof Z. Gajos 6339

*Computer Science 327,328. Mathematical Logic, Theory of Computation
Catalog Number: 1160,3576
Harry R. Lewis 4455 (on leave 2012-13)

*Computer Science 343,344. Computer Architecture: Modeling and Design
Catalog Number: 3932,9266
David M. Brooks 4222

*Computer Science 345,346. High-Performance Computer Systems
Catalog Number: 6154,6156
Michael D. Smith 3372

*Computer Science 347,348. Computer Vision
Catalog Number: 1882,8831
Todd Zickler 5143

*Computer Science 351,352. Cryptography: Unbreakable Codes and Financial Cryptography
Catalog Number: 0218,0255
Michael O. Rabin 7003 (on leave fall term)

*Computer Science 355,356. Computational Complexity, Parallel Computation, Computational Learning, Neural Computation
Catalog Number: 0345,0346
Leslie G. Valiant 7396 (on leave 2012-13)

*Computer Science 357,358. Computational Complexity, Cryptography, and Pseudorandomness
Catalog Number: 3485,8641
Salil P. Vadhan 3833

*Computer Science 359,360. On-line Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms
Catalog Number: 2104,1477
Michael D. Mitzenmacher 7748

*Computer Science 361,362. Programming Languages and Semantics
Catalog Number: 8672,8366
John G. Morrisett 4853

*Computer Science 363,364. Programming Languages and Security
Catalog Number: 52264,67371
Stephen N. Chong 6340

*Computer Science 365. SEAS Teaching Practicum
Catalog Number: 8195
John G. Morrisett 4853
Half course (spring term). W., 2:30–4.

Gain effective skills for teaching applied sciences. Topics: presentation and communication, lesson planning, classroom practice, office hours and 1-on-1 interactions, feedback, assessment, and working with course staff. Seminar style with an emphasis on observation, practice, feedback, discussion, and reflection.

*Computer Science 375,376. Computer Graphics
Catalog Number: 6832,7313
Steven J. Gortler 2824

Cross-listed Courses

MCB 131. Computational Neuroscience
Statistics 221. Statistical Computing and Visualization

*Statistics 285r (formerly *Statistics 385). Statistical Machine Learning


