<insert id="saveTestTb" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" parameterType="TestTb"> insert into db_ap_fgm_TestTb(id,traffic_type <include refid="getTestTbField" /> ) values(#{id},#{trafficType} <include refid="getTestTbValue" /> ) </insert> <sql id="getTestTbField"> <trim prefix="," suffixOverrides=","> <if test="testA!=null and testA!='null' and testA!=''"> TESTA, </if> <if test="level!=null and level!='null' and level!=''"> LEVEL, </if> <if test="state!=null and state!='null' and state!=''"> STATE, </if> <if test="description!=null and description!='null' and description!=''"> DESCRIPTION </if> </trim> </sql> <sql id="getTestTbValue"> <trim prefix="," suffixOverrides=","> <if test="testA!=null and testA!='null' and testA!=''"> #{testA}, </if> <if test="level!=null and level!='null' and level!=''"> #{level}, </if> <if test="state!=null and state!='null' and state!=''"> #{state}, </if> <if test="description!=null and description!='null' and description!=''"> #{description} </if> </trim> </sql>