以上就是一个最普通不过的URL,其中包含的元素有option(组件参数,告诉系统一下内容来自哪个组件)、task(任务参数,组件内执行什么任务上面的例子中代表执行分类列表,sectionid内容的单元号JOOMLA特有,id,itemid项目号)。Joomla本身就自带一个URL优化的组件,也就是一个函数实现对上述地址的重写为index.php/content/view/4/13/27.html 是不是貌似静态,严格来说应该是伪装的静态。
<?php /** * @version $Id: sef.php 6022 2006-12-18 22:30:07Z friesengeist $ * @package Joomla * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); /* if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; }*/ if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } if ($mosConfig_sef) { $url_array = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (in_array('content', $url_array)) { /** * Content * http://www.domain.com/$option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart */ $uri = explode('content/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $option = 'com_content'; $_GET['option'] = $option; $_REQUEST['option'] = $option; $pos = array_search ('content', $url_array); // language hook for content $lang = ''; foreach($url_array as $key=>$value) { if ( !strcasecmp(substr($value,0,5),'lang,') ) { $temp = explode(',', $value); if (isset($temp[0]) && $temp[0] != '' && isset($temp[1]) && $temp[1] != '') { $_GET['lang'] = $temp[1]; $_REQUEST['lang'] = $temp[1]; $lang = $temp[1]; } unset($url_array[$key]); } } if (isset($url_array[$pos+8]) && $url_array[$pos+8] != '' && in_array('category', $url_array) && ( strpos( $url_array[$pos+5], 'order,' ) !== false ) && ( strpos( $url_array[$pos+6], 'filter,' ) !== false ) ) { // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$order/$filter/$limit/$limitstart $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $sectionid = $url_array[$pos+2]; $id = $url_array[$pos+3]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+4]; $order = str_replace( 'order,', '', $url_array[$pos+5] ); $filter = str_replace( 'filter,', '', $url_array[$pos+6] ); $limit = $url_array[$pos+7]; $limitstart = $url_array[$pos+8]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_REQUEST['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_GET['order'] = $order; $_REQUEST['order'] = $order; $_GET['filter'] = $filter; $_REQUEST['filter'] = $filter; $_GET['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['limit'] = $limit; $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task§ionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&order=$order&filter=$filter&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart"; } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+7]) && $url_array[$pos+7] != '' && $url_array[$pos+5] > 1000 && ( in_array('archivecategory', $url_array) || in_array('archivesection', $url_array) ) ) { // $option/$task/$id/$limit/$limitstart/year/month/module $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $id = $url_array[$pos+2]; $limit = $url_array[$pos+3]; $limitstart = $url_array[$pos+4]; $year = $url_array[$pos+5]; $month = $url_array[$pos+6]; $module = $url_array[$pos+7]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['limit'] = $limit; $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_GET['year'] = $year; $_REQUEST['year'] = $year; $_GET['month'] = $month; $_REQUEST['month'] = $month; $_GET['module'] = $module; $_REQUEST['module'] = $module; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart&year=$year&month=$month&module=$module"; } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+7]) && $url_array[$pos+7] != '' && $url_array[$pos+6] > 1000 && ( in_array('archivecategory', $url_array) || in_array('archivesection', $url_array) ) ) { // $option/$task/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart/year/month $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $id = $url_array[$pos+2]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+3]; $limit = $url_array[$pos+4]; $limitstart = $url_array[$pos+5]; $year = $url_array[$pos+6]; $month = $url_array[$pos+7]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_GET['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['limit'] = $limit; $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_GET['year'] = $year; $_REQUEST['year'] = $year; $_GET['month'] = $month; $_REQUEST['month'] = $month; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart&year=$year&month=$month"; } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+7]) && $url_array[$pos+7] != '' && in_array('category', $url_array) && ( strpos( $url_array[$pos+5], 'order,' ) !== false )) { // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$order/$limit/$limitstart $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $sectionid = $url_array[$pos+2]; $id = $url_array[$pos+3]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+4]; $order = str_replace( 'order,', '', $url_array[$pos+5] ); $limit = $url_array[$pos+6]; $limitstart = $url_array[$pos+7]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_REQUEST['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_GET['order'] = $order; $_REQUEST['order'] = $order; $_GET['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['limit'] = $limit; $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task§ionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&order=$order&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart"; } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+6]) && $url_array[$pos+6] != '') { // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $sectionid = $url_array[$pos+2]; $id = $url_array[$pos+3]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+4]; $limit = $url_array[$pos+5]; $limitstart = $url_array[$pos+6]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_REQUEST['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_GET['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['limit'] = $limit; $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task§ionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart"; } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+5]) && $url_array[$pos+5] != '') { // $option/$task/$id/$Itemid/$limit/$limitstart $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $id = $url_array[$pos+2]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+3]; $limit = $url_array[$pos+4]; $limitstart = $url_array[$pos+5]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_GET['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['limit'] = $limit; $_GET['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $_REQUEST['limitstart'] = $limitstart; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid&limit=$limit&limitstart=$limitstart"; } else if (isset($url_array[$pos+4]) && $url_array[$pos+4] != '' && ( in_array('archivecategory', $url_array) || in_array('archivesection', $url_array) )) { // $option/$task/$year/$month/$module $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $year = $url_array[$pos+2]; $month = $url_array[$pos+3]; $module = $url_array[$pos+4]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['year'] = $year; $_REQUEST['year'] = $year; $_GET['month'] = $month; $_REQUEST['month'] = $month; $_GET['module'] = $module; $_REQUEST['module'] = $module; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&year=$year&month=$month&module=$module"; } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+5]) && $url_array[$pos+5] != '') && isset($url_array[$pos+4]) && $url_array[$pos+4] != '') { // $option/$task/$sectionid/$id/$Itemid $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $sectionid = $url_array[$pos+2]; $id = $url_array[$pos+3]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+4]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_REQUEST['sectionid'] = $sectionid; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task§ionid=$sectionid&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid"; } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+4]) && $url_array[$pos+4] != '') && (isset($url_array[$pos+3]) && $url_array[$pos+3] != '')) { // $option/$task/$id/$Itemid $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $id = $url_array[$pos+2]; $Itemid = $url_array[$pos+3]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $_GET['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id&Itemid=$Itemid"; } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+3]) && $url_array[$pos+3] != '') && (isset($url_array[$pos+2]) && $url_array[$pos+2] != '')) { // $option/$task/$id $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $id = $url_array[$pos+2]; // pass data onto global variables $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $_GET['id'] = $id; $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $QUERY_STRING = "option=com_content&task=$task&id=$id"; } else if (!(isset($url_array[$pos+2]) && $url_array[$pos+2] != '') && (isset($url_array[$pos+1]) && $url_array[$pos+1] != '')) { // $option/$task $task = $url_array[$pos+1]; $_GET['task'] = $task; $_REQUEST['task'] = $task; $QUERY_STRING = 'option=com_content&task='. $task; } if ($lang!='') { $QUERY_STRING .= '&lang='. $lang; } $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $QUERY_STRING; $REQUEST_URI = $uri[0].'index.php?'.$QUERY_STRING; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $REQUEST_URI; } else if (in_array('component', $url_array)) { /* Components http://www.domain.com/component/$name,$value */ $uri = explode('component/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $uri_array = explode('/', $uri[1]); $QUERY_STRING = ''; // needed for check if component exists $path = $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/components'; $dirlist = array(); if ( is_dir( $path ) ) { $base = opendir( $path ); while (false !== ( $dir = readdir($base) ) ) { if ($dir !== '.' && $dir !== '..' && is_dir($path .'/'. $dir) && strtolower($dir) !== 'cvs' && strtolower($dir) !== '.svn') { $dirlist[] = $dir; } } closedir($base); } foreach($uri_array as $value) { $temp = explode(',', $value); if (isset($temp[0]) && $temp[0]!='' && isset($temp[1]) && $temp[1]!='') { $_GET[$temp[0]] = $temp[1]; $_REQUEST[$temp[0]] = $temp[1]; // check to ensure component actually exists if ( $temp[0] == 'option' ) { $check = ''; if (count( $dirlist )) { foreach ( $dirlist as $dir ) { if ( $temp[1] == $dir ) { $check = 1; break; } } } // redirect to 404 page if no component found to match url if ( !$check ) { header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' ); require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/templates/404.php' ); exit( 404 ); } } if ( $QUERY_STRING == '' ) { $QUERY_STRING .= "$temp[0]=$temp[1]"; } else { $QUERY_STRING .= "&$temp[0]=$temp[1]"; } } } $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $QUERY_STRING; $REQUEST_URI = $uri[0].'index.php?'.$QUERY_STRING; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $REQUEST_URI; if (defined('RG_EMULATION') && RG_EMULATION == 1) { // Extract to globals while(list($key,$value)=each($_GET)) { if ($key!="GLOBALS") { $GLOBALS[$key]=$value; } } // Don't allow config vars to be passed as global include( 'configuration.php' ); // SSL check - $http_host returns <live site url>:<port number if it is 443> $http_host = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ); if( (!empty( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) != 'off' || isset( $http_host[1] ) && $http_host[1] == 443) && substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 0, 8 ) != 'https://' ) { $mosConfig_live_site = 'https://'.substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 7 ); } } } else { /* Unknown content http://www.domain.com/unknown */ $jdir = str_replace( 'index.php', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $juri = str_replace( $jdir, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); if ($juri != '' && $juri != '/' && !eregi( "index\.php", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && !eregi( "index2\.php", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && !eregi( "/\?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == '' ) { header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' ); require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/templates/404.php' ); exit( 404 ); } } } function sefRelToAbs2( $string, &$parts, $fragment){ global $mosConfig_live_site; $sefstring=$string; //从数组中将itemid删除 $parts = array_change_key_case($parts); unset($parts['itemid']); error_reporting(E_ALL); switch ($parts['option']){ case 'com_content': case 'content': //index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=396&Itemid=157 if($parts['task']=='view' && count($parts)==3){ $sefstring = "content_".$parts['id']; } //index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=150&Itemid=157 //index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=29&id=150&Itemid=157 //index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=29&id=148&Itemid=157&limit=50&limitstart=50 elseif($parts['task']=='category'){ if($parts['limit']>0 && count($parts)==5){ $sefstring = "content_s_".$parts['sectionid'].'_c_'.$parts['id'].'_l_'. $parts['limit'] .'_ls_'.$parts['limitstart']; }elseif(count($parts)==4){ $sefstring = "content_s_".$parts['sectionid'].'_c_'.$parts['id']; } } //index.php?option=com_content&task=section&Itemid=157&id=$1 [NC,L] #单元 elseif($parts['task']=='section' && count($parts)==3){ $sefstring = "content_s_".$parts['id']; } else{ return $string; }; break; case 'com_seyret': case 'seyret': //index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=145 if(count($parts)==1){ $sefstring='video'; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['task']=='videodirectlink' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_'.$parts['id']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && array_key_exists('catid',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_cat_'.$parts['catid']; } elseif(count($parts)==5 && array_key_exists('catid',$parts) && $parts['task']=='videocatlist' && array_key_exists('act',$parts) && array_key_exists('navstart',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_cat_'.$parts['catid'].'_'.$parts['navstart'].'_'.$parts['act']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['task']=='addlinkfront'){ $sefstring='video_addlinkfront'; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['task']=='seyrethelp'){ $sefstring='video_help'; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['task']=='featuredvideos'){ $sefstring='video_featured'; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['task']=='featuredvideos' && array_key_exists('from',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_featured_'.$parts['from']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['task']=='allvideoslist'){ $sefstring='video_list'; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['task']=='allvideoslist' && array_key_exists('from',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_list_'.$parts['from']; } //index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=145&latestnavstart=$1 //index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=145&latestnavstart=$1 //index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=145&latestnavstart=$1 //index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=145&latestnavstart=$1 elseif(count($parts)==2 && array_key_exists('latestnavstart',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_latestnavstart_'.$parts['latestnavstart']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && array_key_exists('mostviewednavstart',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_mostviewednavstart_'.$parts['mostviewednavstart']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && array_key_exists('highestratednavstart',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_highestratednavstart_'.$parts['highestratednavstart']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && array_key_exists('featurednavstart',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_featurednavstart_'.$parts['featurednavstart']; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['task']=='searchvideos' && array_key_exists('searchkey',$parts)){ $sefstring='video_search_'.$parts['searchkey']; } break; case 'com_ponygallery'; case 'ponygallery'; //index.php?option=com_ponygallery&Itemid=151 if(count($parts)==1){ $sefstring='picture'; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && array_key_exists('startpage',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture'; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='viewcategory' && array_key_exists('catid',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture_c_'.$parts['catid']; } elseif(count($parts)==4 && $parts['func']=='viewcategory' && array_key_exists('catid',$parts) && array_key_exists('startpage',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture_c_'.$parts['catid']."_".$parts['startpage']; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='detail' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture_'.$parts['id']; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='watermark' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture_watermark_'.$parts['id']; } elseif(count($parts)==4 && $parts['func']=='special' && array_key_exists('sorting',$parts) && array_key_exists('sstring',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture_search_'.$parts['sstring']; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='special' && array_key_exists('sorting',$parts)){ $sefstring='picture_special_'.$parts['sorting']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['func']=='special'){ $sefstring='picture_special'; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['func']=='userpannel'){ $sefstring='picture_userpanel'; } //index.php?option=com_ponygallery&func=showupload&Itemid=151 elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['func']=='showupload'){ $sefstring='picture_showupload'; } break; case 'com_remository': case 'remository': //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150 if(count($parts)==1){ $sefstring='file'; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['func']=='addfile'){ $sefstring='file_addfile'; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='addfile' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_addfile_'.$parts['id']; } elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['func']=='addmanyfiles'){ $sefstring='file_addmanyfiles'; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=select&id=$1 elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='select' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_c_'.$parts['id']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=select&id=4&orderby=1 elseif(count($parts)==4 && $parts['func']=='select' && array_key_exists('id',$parts) && array_key_exists('orderby',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_c_'.$parts['id']."_".$parts['orderby']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=select&id=4&orderby=1&page=2 elseif(count($parts)==5 && $parts['func']=='select' && array_key_exists('id',$parts) && array_key_exists('orderby',$parts) && array_key_exists('page',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_c_'.$parts['id']."_".$parts['orderby']."_".$parts['page']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=fileinfo&id=$1 elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='fileinfo' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_'.$parts['id']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=thumbupdate&id=377 elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='thumbupdate' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_thumbupdate_'.$parts['id']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=userupdate&id=377 elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='userupdate' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_userupdate_'.$parts['id']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=startdown&id=377 elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='startdown' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_startdown_'.$parts['id']; } elseif(count($parts)==3 && $parts['func']=='finishdown' && array_key_exists('id',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_finishdown_'.$parts['id']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=download&id=377&chk=fce8c5ff58df08f0ae204deea4756ee2&no_html=1 elseif(count($parts)==5 && $parts['func']=='download' && array_key_exists('id',$parts) && array_key_exists('chk',$parts) && array_key_exists('no_html',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_download_'.$parts['id'].'_'.$parts['chk'].'_'.$parts['no_html']; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=search elseif(count($parts)==2 && $parts['func']=='search'){ $sefstring='file_search'; } //index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=150&func=search&search_text=$1&search_filetitle=1&submit=submit elseif(count($parts)==5 && $parts['func']=='search' && array_key_exists('search_text',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_search_'.$parts['search_text']; } elseif(count($parts)==6 && $parts['func']=='search' && array_key_exists('search_text',$parts) && array_key_exists('search_filetitle',$parts) && array_key_exists('search_filedescription',$parts)){ $sefstring='file_search_'.$parts['search_text']; } break; case 'com_frontpage': case 'frontpage': $sefstring = ''; break; case 'com_comprofiler': if(count($parts)==2 && $parts['task']=='registers'){ $sefstring='register'; } break; case 'com_search': //echo "======|"; //index.php?option=com_search&Itemid=99999999&searchword=$1&searchphrase=any&ordering=newest&limit=$2&limitstart=$3 if(array_key_exists('limit',$parts)){ $sefstring='search_'.$parts['searchword'].'_'.$parts['limit'].'_'.$parts['limitstart']; //echo $sefstring; }else{ $sefstring='search_'.$parts['searchword']; } break; } if($sefstring!=$string){ return $mosConfig_live_site .'/'. $sefstring . $fragment; }else return $mosConfig_live_site .'/'. $string; } /** * Converts an absolute URL to SEF format * @param string The URL * @return string */ function sefRelToAbs( $string ) { global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_sef, $mosConfig_multilingual_support; global $iso_client_lang; //multilingual code url support if( $mosConfig_sef && $mosConfig_multilingual_support && $string!='index.php' && !eregi("^(([^:/?#]+):)",$string) && !strcasecmp(substr($string,0,9),'index.php') && !eregi('lang=', $string) ) { $string .= '&lang='. $iso_client_lang; } // SEF URL Handling if ($mosConfig_sef && !eregi("^(([^:/?#]+):)",$string) && !strcasecmp(substr($string,0,9),'index.php')) { // Replace all & with & $string = str_replace( '&', '&', $string ); // Home index.php if ($string == 'index.php') { $string = ''; } // break link into url component parts $url = parse_url( $string ); // check if link contained fragment identifiers (ex. #foo) $fragment = ''; if ( isset($url['fragment']) ) { // ensure fragment identifiers are compatible with HTML4 if (preg_match('@^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:_.-]*$@', $url['fragment'])) { $fragment = '#'. $url['fragment']; } } // check if link contained a query component if ( isset($url['query']) ) { // special handling for javascript $url['query'] = stripslashes( str_replace( '+', '%2b', $url['query'] ) ); // clean possible xss attacks $url['query'] = preg_replace( "'%3Cscript[^%3E]*%3E.*?%3C/script%3E'si", '', $url['query'] ); // break url into component parts parse_str( $url['query'], $parts ); // special handling for javascript foreach( $parts as $key => $value) { if ( strpos( $value, '+' ) !== false ) { $parts[$key] = stripslashes( str_replace( '%2b', '+', $value ) ); } } //var_dump($parts); $sefstring = ''; // added by afo... if ( isset($parts['option']) && ( $parts['option'] == 'com_comprofiler' || $parts['option'] == 'rontpage' || $parts['option'] == 'com_frontpage' || $parts['option'] == 'com_search' || $parts['option'] == 'com_content' || $parts['option'] == 'content' || $parts['option'] == 'com_seyret' || $parts['option'] == 'com_ponygallery' || $parts['option'] == 'com_remository') ) { //echo "aa======|$string"; return sefRelToAbs2( $string, $parts, $fragment); } // Component com_content urls if ( ( ( isset($parts['option']) && ( $parts['option'] == 'com_content' || $parts['option'] == 'content' ) ) ) && ( $parts['task'] != 'new' ) && ( $parts['task'] != 'edit' ) ) { // index.php?option=com_content [&task=$task] [§ionid=$sectionid] [&id=$id] [&Itemid=$Itemid] [&limit=$limit] [&limitstart=$limitstart] [&year=$year] [&month=$month] [&module=$module] $sefstring .= 'content/'; // task if ( isset( $parts['task'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['task'].'/'; } // sectionid if ( isset( $parts['sectionid'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['sectionid'].'/'; } // id if ( isset( $parts['id'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['id'].'/'; } // Itemid if ( isset( $parts['Itemid'] ) ) { //only add Itemid value if it does not correspond with the 'unassigned' Itemid value if ( $parts['Itemid'] != 99999999 && $parts['Itemid'] != 0 ) { $sefstring .= $parts['Itemid'].'/'; } } // order if ( isset( $parts['order'] ) ) { $sefstring .= 'order,'. $parts['order'].'/'; } // filter if ( isset( $parts['filter'] ) ) { $sefstring .= 'filter,'. $parts['filter'].'/'; } // limit if ( isset( $parts['limit'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['limit'].'/'; } // limitstart if ( isset( $parts['limitstart'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['limitstart'].'/'; } // year if ( isset( $parts['year'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['year'].'/'; } // month if ( isset( $parts['month'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['month'].'/'; } // module if ( isset( $parts['module'] ) ) { $sefstring .= $parts['module'].'/'; } // lang if ( isset( $parts['lang'] ) ) { $sefstring .= 'lang,'. $parts['lang'].'/'; } $string = $sefstring; // all other components // index.php?option=com_xxxx &... } else if ( isset($parts['option']) && ( strpos($parts['option'], 'com_' ) !== false ) ) { // do not SEF where com_content - `edit` or `new` task link if ( !( ( $parts['option'] == 'com_content' ) && ( ( isset($parts['task']) == 'new' ) || ( isset($parts['task']) == 'edit' ) ) ) ) { $sefstring = 'component/'; foreach($parts as $key => $value) { // remove slashes automatically added by parse_str $value = stripslashes($value); $sefstring .= $key .','. $value.'/'; } $string = str_replace( '=', ',', $sefstring ); } } // no query given. Empty $string to get only the fragment // index.php#anchor or index.php?#anchor } else { $string = ''; } // allows SEF without mod_rewrite // comment line below if you dont have mod_rewrite return $mosConfig_live_site .'/'. $string . $fragment; // allows SEF without mod_rewrite // uncomment Line 512 and comment out Line 514 // uncomment line below if you dont have mod_rewrite // return $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php/'. $string . $fragment; // If the above doesnt work - try uncommenting this line instead // return $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php?/'. $string . $fragment; } else { // Handling for when SEF is not activated // Relative link handling if ( (strpos( $string, $mosConfig_live_site ) !== 0) ) { // if URI starts with a "/", means URL is at the root of the host... if (strncmp($string, '/', 1) == 0) { // splits http(s)://xx.xx/yy/zz..." into [1]="http(s)://xx.xx" and [2]="/yy/zz...": $live_site_parts = array(); eregi("^(https?:[\/]+[^\/]+)(.*$)", $mosConfig_live_site, $live_site_parts); $string = $live_site_parts[1] . $string; } else { $check = 1; // array list of non http/https URL schemes $url_schemes = explode( ', ', _URL_SCHEMES ); $url_schemes[] = 'http:'; $url_schemes[] = 'https:'; foreach ( $url_schemes as $url ) { if ( strpos( $string, $url ) === 0 ) { $check = 0; } } if ( $check ) { $string = $mosConfig_live_site .'/'. $string; } } } return $string; } } ?>