Programmer Competency Matrix

     Last Firday one of our colleage send us a link about a programmer's competency matrix. I have scanned it, it is very detailed, and many of the item I can't reach or at a very low level. This shows I should do more in the later to improve my technology skill.
    Computer knowledge is developed very rapidly after the internet was appeared, a lot of new term, new framework, new protocol, new hardware, and so on. And I have felt a little tired to learning all of these. There is always a feeling, when you first encounter a new technology, due to your interesting, and may be you paid a lot of time to research and learn it, at the same time, you may be very proud of yourself, you have used a new technology to implement some interesting things. But as you gradually learned deeply, you will found a lot of thing you don't understand and even you have a feeling, you don't know nothing at all.
    In that situation, we should do some conclude to all the things we have learned, and to compare with the old things, and try to found the relationships and differences, in this way you can broad your horizon as you learn more and more, and may be don't have a tired feeling.

     This is the link, you can view it if you like.

