
如:PROCESSNAME="dataserver CnmCommonDm CnmCwmpMain businessframemain java u2560_acs"

# default setting
#PROCESSNAME="dataserver EmfPerfDm EmfSyslogAgent EmfSchdSvr EmfSysMoniDm EmfFaultDm EmfExamDm EmfTrapReceiver EmfProjDocDm EmfTopoDm EmfSecuDm EmfAlarmAgent EmfSyslog EmfProxyServer EmfDBBackup EmfGnlDevDm BmsCommon BmsDam BmsTrunkMgrDm BmsTimingTask mdp EmfSysMoniDm BmsGdm BmsDct BmsVoip BmsXpon BmsTdmVoice BmsAtm BmsPvc BmsAtur BmsProfile BmsProtocol BmsPollMgr BmsIgmp BmsEth BmsAclQos BmsXdsl BmsVlan "
PROCESSNAME="dataserver CnmCommonDm CnmCwmpMain businessframemain java u2560_acs"

#Show help information
echo "################################################################################################################"
echo "# Name: collectMan"
echo "# Version: V2.01"
echo "#"
echo "# Purpose:"
echo "#    Collect Solaris system information, save it to file."
echo "#    Make it easy to get Solaris system performance information in performance testing."
echo "#"
echo "#Usage:"
echo "#    Make a folder and copy to this folder."
echo "#    Use 'sh ./' to collect all data for CMF testing."
echo "#    Use 'sh ./ -h' to see more help."
echo "#"
echo "#    Report will save in './report' folder."
echo "#         [PS_ProcessName].txt        : Process's cpu, memory data for each process."
echo "#         server_summary_report.txt   : The summary report for server's cpu, memory, diskio, network."
echo "#         "
echo "#         temp_iostat.txt             : Each disk's io data."
echo "#         temp_iostat_cpu.txt         : Summary iostat."
echo "#         temp_mpstat.txt             : Data for each CPU."
echo "#         temp_vmstat.txt             : Server memory data."
echo "#         temp_netstat_[netif].txt    : Net interface data."
echo "#    "
echo "#Note:"
echo "#      1. You can open PS_[ProcessName].txt and  server_summary_report.txt by excel. "
echo "#         It is easy to make chart for performance test report."
echo "#      2. summary report include three disk partitions information. "
echo "#         You can use '-disk c1t1d0s4 c1t2d0s6 c1t3d0s6' to assign partition you want collect."
echo "#         If you not assign any disk, default is the first three disk partition in 'df -k' list."
echo "#      3. summary report include two net interfaces information. "
echo "#         You can use '-net ce0 ce1' to assign net interface."
echo "#         If you not assign, default is the first two net interface in 'netstat -i' list."
echo "#"
