JSF2 EL表达式使用感受



2、要了解JSF EL的运算符




3、了解JSF EL的内嵌变量


·application: ServletContext or PortletContext, The ServletContext or PortletContext, depending on whether an application is running in a servlet or portlet context, respectively.

·applicationScope: Map A map for storing application-scoped data. This is the same map into which application-scoped managed beans are stored.

·component: (JSF 2.0 only) UIComponent The UIComponent instance being currently processed. cc (JSF 2.0 only) UIComponent The top-level composite component currently being processed.

·cookie: Map A map view of values in the HTTP Set-Cookie header.

·facesContext: FacesContext The actual FacesContext instance.

·flash: (2.0 only) Map A map whose values are guaranteed to be present only on the next request. (A detailed explanation of flash is found in the text.)

·header Map: A map view of all the HTTP headers for this request.

·headerValues: Map A map view of all the HTTP headers for this request. Each value in the map is an array of strings containing all the values for that key.

·initParam: Map A map view of the init parameters for this application.

·param: Map A map view of all the query parameters for this request.

·paramValues: Map A map view of all the HTTP headers for this request. Each value in the map is an array of strings containing all the values for that key.

·request: ServletRequest or PortletRequest, The ServletRequest or PortletRequest, depending on whether the code is executing in a servlet or portlet environment, respectively.

·requestScope: Map A map for storing request-scoped data. This is the same scope into which request-scoped managed beans are stored.

·resource: Resource Allow a resource reference to be rendered to the page.

·session: HttpSession or PortletSession, The HttpSession or PortletSession, depending on

whether code is executing in a servlet or portlet environment, respectively.

·sessionScope: Map A map view of the session-scoped attributes.

·view: UIViewRoot The current UIViewRoot for this view.

·viewScope: (JSF 2.0 only) Map A map view of the attributes scoped to the current view.

4JSF2 EL注意多余的空格

EL表达式的目标值不是String类型的时候,如为boolean,则注意表达式中不要有多余的空格。如:<p:panel rendered=” #{bean.prop1}” />el表达式在求值时会试图” true”带有空格前缀的true进行逻辑转换,发生转换出错。

5JSF2 EL表达式可以通过编程的方式求解,利用此,我们可以在任何一个Managed Bean中调用其它bean的方法。
