ibatis 的Settings 属性

maxRequests: Maximum number of threads that can execute an SQL statement at a time


maxSessions: Number of clients that can be active at any time.



maxTransactions: Maximum number of threads that can enter SqlMapClient.startTransactions at a time

maxTransactions:在同一时间 进入到 SqlMapClient.startTransactions中的最大线程数。


Hint: Max Request>MaxSession >= maxTransactions

cacheModelsEnabled: This setting globally enables or disables all cache models for an SqlMapClient

cacheModelsEnabled: 为某一个SqlMapClient设置全局缓存模型有效或者无效。


LazyLoadingEnabled: This setting globally enables or disables all lazy loading for an SqlMapClient

LazyLoadingEnabled:为某一一个SqlMapClient 设置全局的懒加载为有效或者无效。


enhancementEnabled: This setting enables runtime bytecode enhancements to facilitate optimized JavaBean property access as well as enhanced lazy loading

enhancementEnabled:设置为有效可以促进JavaBean 属性的访问,同时增强其懒加载。


defaultStatementTimeout: an integer value for jdbc query timeout for all statements

