Failed to install plugin [mail-1.0-SNAPSHOT]. Plugin has missing JAR dependencie




Unfortunately that doesn't make any difference at the moment, because Grails is not using org.springframework:spring-test, it uses the EBR variant org.springframework:org.springframework.test. So you still will get both dependencies because the name is different.
See -6996
Best solution atm would probably be to exclude spring-test from the mail plugin . The documentation is a little vague[1 ] on this, but I guess this will do the trick (under plugins in BuildConfig.groovy):

    runtime( ':mail :1 .0 -SNAPSHOT ' ) {
        excludes "spring-test"

[1 ] can you exclude jar dependencies from plugins , or just exclude transitive plugins ? The documentation, chapter 3.7.10 , only shows example of the latter, but says you can do both.




dependencies {
        // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.

        // runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.13'
        runtime( ':mail:1.0-SNAPSHOT' ) {
            excludes "spring-test"
