Thinking on May Day

For the brief holiday,I went home with one of my classmates.
After three hours journey,I reached the downtown.
Along with the river, we enjoyed ourselves.
I took photos, run on the road,and filmed the scene.
No noise, just quiet and birds' sound.
No ash, only fresh and clear.
No exhaust, almost floral and soil air.
It was another feeling for us that we studied and lived in the city.

The first day
Because of so tired, we just had a rest.
I introduced my classmate to my parents.
We chewed the rug and we had dinner together.
All of us were buried in the happiness and laughter.
At night,we watched TV to learn the outside world.
We talked a lot before we fell into asleep.
The most wonderful thing was it rained the whole night,we could felt better.

The second day
For the sake of being a good master,we did lots of interesting and significative things.
As a child in rural,we had experinced a lot.
We fished, swum and walked.
Those were done was in our childhood ,we were young again.
The river overflew,we could not go far.
Later,we entered my Alma Mater.
Seven years ago,I learned from there and went out as the toppest 26.
It was so antiquated,just as it before.
I could saw my classmates study in the classroom ,play in the ground and walk in the campus.
Most of my teachers retired.
I met some that day,I can recognized them but they didn't.
Also I saw the senior,just liked us before, were the other generation.
Some young guys were playing basketball in the ground where I stayed before.
We returned a while later.
With quilt on the bike were those boarder,and so was I.
There was too much that I cannot imagine.

The third day
We learned from the TV that there has a second highest mountain in our city,so we decided to go there.
It was far from our home.
On the bus, we could not help langhing for the mistake of the rural.
We were treated as foreigner.
They told us so much about the mountain.
One old grandmother was our guider once we helped her with her luggage.
On the way,she explained to us about her hard life.
She has four or five brothers and sisters.
She chosed to marry here where took her two hours steps to get the downtown.
She told us about her thirty-old son who suffered from an accident in Shenzhen.
We were all ears.
It was almost close to her home,she asked us to have dinner with her.
We refused to her and left on a rock.
Along the road,we went through the mountains.
We saw current fall through the brae, yingshanhong hang on the mountainside.
We admired those who lived in the mountain.
Half an hour later,we reached a bridge, Lose touch with wife,which dated from BC 19 century.
We kept on going far and met a mountain village.
There was a shop here and we bought some drink and sock.
We got lost and went after a child.
It made us laugh that we cannot tell horse from scalper.
And the mistress affirmed that it's a horse.
We drunk the spring and it tasted good.
I didn't know how long it took us to do this.
He wanted to give up.
And I continued.
Finally,we were standing on the top.
I felt the power of human being rather than the nature,and the road is the evidence.
I love you,nature.
I admire you,great man.
