1. objective:
copy online redologs to offline desitination
database recovery
update standby database
2.change redolog mode(archive log mode)
in oracle 10g startup mount
alter database archivelog/noarchivelog
in oracle 9i startup mount
alter database archivelog/noarchivelog
alter system archive log start/stop;
in oracle 10g, if enable archive log,automatic archving log start also. oracle 9i is not.
3.start/stop automantic archive at instance startup
(oracle 9i)
alter system set log_archive_start=false;
alter system set log_archive_max_process=5;(maximum 10)
alter system archive log stop/start
(ORACLE 10g)
alter database archivelog manual;
4.log archive destination
log_archive_dest_n(n>=1and n<=10) (oracle 10g)
log_archive_dumplex_dest=(oracle 9i)
5.archived log format
log_archive_format %S%s%T%t
6.get archive log information
archive log list
select archiver from v$instance;
select log_mode from v$database;
7.archive dest state
indicates that the database can use the destination.
indicates that the location is temporarily disabled.
indicates that the destination is an alternate.
8.the Mode of Log Transmission
Normal:In normal transmission mode, the archiving destination is another disk drive of the database server.
Standby:In standby transmission mode, the archiving destination is either a local or remote standby database.keep your standby database synchronized with your source database by automatically applying transmitted archive logs.
To transmit files successfully to a standby database, either ARCn or a server process must do the following:
Recognize a remote location
Transmit the archived logs in conjunction with a remote file server (RFS) process that resides on the remote server
Each ARCn process has a corresponding RFS for each standby destination. For example, if three ARCn processes are archiving to two standby databases, then Oracle Database establishes six RFS connections.
You transmit archived logs through a network to a remote location by using Oracle Net Services. Indicate a remote archival by specifying a Oracle Net service name as an attribute of the destination. Oracle Database then translates the service name, through the tnsnames.ora
file, to a connect descriptor. The descriptor contains the information necessary for connecting to the remote database. The service name must have an associated database SID, so that the database correctly updates the log history of the control file for the standby database.
The RFS process, which runs on the destination node, acts as a network server to the ARCn client. Essentially, ARCn pushes information to RFS, which transmits it to the standby database.
The RFS process, which is required when archiving to a remote destination, is responsible for the following tasks:
Consuming network I/O from the ARCn process
Creating file names on the standby database by using the STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST
Populating the log files at the remote site
Updating the standby database control file (which Recovery Manager can then use for recovery)
9: in oracle 10g,
automatic archive start when change archived log mode
default archive dest flashrecovery(db_recovery_file_deset) rechive when change archived log mode
change default archive alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=' scope=spfile;
SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='/oracle/product/9.2.0/arch' scope= spfile;
alter system set log_archive_dest_1='/oracle/product/9.2.0/arch' scope= spfile
* 第 1 行出现错误:
ORA-32017: failure in updating SPFILE
ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with SPFILE
reason: there is no LOCATION or SERVICE key word
SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=/oracle/product/9.2.0/arch' scope=spfile;
implications of noarchivelog and archivelog
1.in noarchivelog
if tablespace unaviable,database can not be used immediate.
we must full database backup(cold backup) in shutdown immediate,for asy.
2. in archivelog
we must have enough space to hold archived log files.
we can backup database when it online.
we can restore database when it open.
if tablespace unaviable,database can be continuely used.
select log_mode from v$database;
which processes complete archiving logfiles
1.in automatic archive: arcn process
2.in manual archive: server process