Spring Transactions

General Transaction Managers
  • Recognize various kinds of the transaction managers.
  • Demonstrate how to wire them with their dependencies in the configuration file.
  • Know that JtaTransactionManager allows to use distributed transactions.
Programmatic transactions
  • Demonstrate how to use TransactionTemplate together with the transaction callback.
  • Show how to wire transaction manager to TransactionTemplate.
  • Provide examples of how to use transaction manager directly in the code.
  • Recognize various callback interfaces.
  • Explain the purpose and direct usage of the TransactionStatus class.
Declarative transactions
  • Understand that Spring uses AOP in order to provide declarative transactions.
  • Provide examples of the proper wiring configuration of the TransactionProxyFactoryBean.
  • Use autoproxying features of the Spring AOP API in order to remove boilerplate configuration code.
  • Demonstrate how to make all or only some of the methods of the bean transaction-aware.
  • Identify how to configure Spring declarative transactions using annotations and xsd configuration.
Configuring transactions
  • Recognize and describe four main attributes of each Spring transaction:
    • Propagation
    • Isolation
    • Read-only setting
    • Timeout
  • Show how to create transaction with the default attributes' values.
  • Configure each attribute of the declarative transactions using various techniques (by direct configuration of the TransactionProxyFactoryBean in the wiring file, via implementations of TransactionAttributeSource, annotations and so forth).
  • Configure transactions directly using programmatic transactions.
  • Know that Spring rollbacks unchecked exceptions by default - describe how to change that behavior.
