Describe the Agile planning

Agile planning is multi-level, full life-cycle activity
There are four levels of planning in agile project management of highly iterative development projects.
1.The first level, high-level project planning focuses on identifying and capturing milestones, high-level activities, dependencies and schedule. The following planning activities should be included in the project plan.
2.The second-level ballpark planning and estimation focuses on coarse grained capabilities (features), engineering and non-engineering effort (management, testing, QA) estimation. This would lay the ground for the more detailed iteration release planning. High-level Project Plan must be updated with the outcome of the ballpark planning.
3.The third level, iteration release planning, focuses on more concrete, externally visible planning items such as solution features, iteration boundaries, and major project milestones such as system test intervals and release dates.
4.The fourth level, iteration planning, focuses on internal planning items within an iteration such as engineering tasks.
Agile planning occurs throughout the life of the project. One or more levels of agile planning occur through the life of the project. Initially, planning activities focus on ballpark planning. Once ballpark estimates are in place, iteration release planning can begin. Once iterations begin, iteration level planning occurs at the start of each iteration.
Proper agile planning is one of the most important responsibilities of a delivery manager. When done well, the team will be highly productive, the need for overtime will be reduced and the probability of satisfying the needs and expectations of the customer are greatly increased. Additionally, the delivery manager will significantly minimize the time spent managing issues, because the prevalence of issues will be reduced. Done poorly, the project and delivery manager will waste a lot of team’s time managing issues. Properly planned projects enable project teams to work smart.
Iterative development requires careful orchestration of requirements analysis, planning, development and system testing.
