Unix面试题(英文 附答案)2-1

1, Linux is a(n) _________ operating system, meaning the source code is freely available.C  open sourced
2, Which of the following will allow you to configure a dial-up connection?
 C   rp3-config
3, The ____ daemon listens for print jobs on a Linux system?A  lpd  
4, You want to repeat command number 3 in your history. How would you do this?    D  !3
5, How can you find the path to your history file?A   type echo $HISTFILE 
6, What switch for the sed command allows you to make substitutions? D   s
7, You have a text file named mytextfile. How would you sort the lines of the file in reverse alphabetical order?   D  sort -r mytextfile
8, You have two files, file1 and file2. You want to combine field 2 in file1 with field 3 in file2. How would you do this? D   join -1 2 -2 3 file1 file2
9, You want to display the last 10 lines of the file ‘longfile'. How would you do this?A    tail longfile            
10, You want to copy the file mydir\myfile to the directory dir2. But, you want to be warned if the file already exists. How would you do this?
C   cp -i mydir\myfile dir2    
11, which of the following will allow you to rename a file?   C   mv 
12, Standard input(stdin) is referenced by what number?  B   0 
13, You want to list the contents of the directory ‘directory1′ with any errors going to the file ‘error1′. How would you do this?
   B   ls directory1 2>error1
14, You want to stop the inetd process immediately. It has a process id of 15. How would you do this?   D   kill -9 15
15, You suspect that a particular process has been suspended. What command would you use to check this?    D   jobs
16, What command would you use to find files that were owned by the group ‘mygroup'?A   find -group mygroup  
17, What command is used to mount a file system read-only? D   mount –r
18, Which of the following commands can be used to change the owner of a particular file?  B  chown  
19, When setting file permissions using octal settings, what value represents read and write access?  B  6  
20, There is a file with the following permissions: -rw-rw-r- What rights does the owner have?A   read-write
