Unix面试题(英文 附答案)1-8

101. You install Linux and reboot your machine and you see only L instead of the expected LILO. What is wrong?
:The first stage boot loader loaded but not the second stage.
102. 某用户在上机过程中启动了很多进程,下面哪一条命令能够找出名为”shi”的进程。
:ps | find “shi”    find | ps “shi”    ps | grep “shi”
103. What program allows you to acess SMB shares using ftp-like commmands?
A. mount
B. smbftp
C. smbclient
D. smbmount
E. samba
—————— Explain —————-
p1:Explanation: The smbclient program allows you to acess SMB shares using commands similar to FTP.
104. 在Linux下按<ctrl+alt+del>键会重新启动计算机,这是因为: 在inittab中有这样的指令。
105. What does the -N option do for the dhcpcd program? :
If the dhcpcd server is already running then it sends it an ALRM signal to get it to renew its lease.
106. How many primary partitions can exist on an IDE hard drive ?   :4
107. 使用SAMBA服务器,一般来说,可以提供: 文件服务   打印服务
108. 脚本/etc/rc.d/rc.local,通常运行在启动运行等级 ____ ____之后。 2   3
109. 想知道文件系统可用的空间还有多少,应该用下列哪个命令:vmstat
110. 为匹配任意的单词,我们可以使用_______正则表达式: [ A-Z a-z ]*    ^*[A-Z a-z]    *
111. 想知道系统现在的可用的内存空间还有多少,应该用下列哪个命令:free
112. UNIX系统把物理设备作为文件来看待,以下哪一文件是本系统合法的设备文件:/dev/ram
113. Sendmail is an example of a(n):?
E. All of the above
—————— Explain —————-
p36:Explanation: Only A is correct. Sendmail is an MTA
114. 为了给系统中增加一个新用户,我们可以使用________方式:
Adduser    useradd     linuxconf     webmin
115. How can you find the path to your history file ?:type echo $HISTFILE
116. What command will create the quota.user and quota.group files for me? :quotacheck -avug
117. You are configuring a Linux DHCP server. You have it setup and working (as Linux clients are getting ip addresses from the DHCP server fine) but some Windows 95 clients are not getting ip addresses properly from your DHCP server. What do you need to do? : route add -host dev eth0
118. Standard input(stdin) is referenced by what number ?:0
119. You want to compile a new kernel. You have already compiled the kernel and modules. How do you install the modules? :make modules_install
120. 脚本/etc/rc.d/rc.local,通常运行在启动运行等级 ___3、5______之后。
121. How do you install an RPM? :rpm -ivh packagename.rpm
122. What command do you use to edit quotas? :dquota
123. In the vi editor , what command will undo the last (previous) command ?:u
124. How can you create a file of all your ISA plug and play device settings? :pnpdump > isapnp.conf
125. 在smb.conf文件中有如下的表达%U,该表达的含义是: sambar的一个宏替换     当前会话使用的用户名
126. 在 unix 下格式化磁盘的命令是:mkfs
