
This method works regardless of the size of your database. You must have SSH access to your server. On (gs) plans you can invoke SSH access from within your Control Panel. On (dv) plans you must enable Shell Access through Plesk.



1) Log into your server via SSH and cd into a directory where your user has write access. On (ss) plans
you would do something like this:

cd /var/www/html/

2) Enter the following command:

mysqldump –add-drop-table -u Username -p dbname > dbname.sql

- omit the ‘–add-drop-table’ argument if you’ll want to merge this backup with an existing database
upon restoral
- Where ‘Username’ is replaced by the mySQL username. On (ss) plans this user is the same as the
administrative FTP user. On (as) plans this user can be found by logging into Plesk, clicking
on the domain and going to databases and clicking on the database to be backed up.
- Replace ‘dbname’ with the name of the database to be backed up.
- Replace dbname.sql with what you’d like to name the backup.

3) Enter your mySQL password at the prompt. If you don’t know it you can reset it in your webcontrol or Plesk
admin panel 要输入正确的数据库密码,要是忘了就在控制面板里重设。
- If you get an error that looks like this:

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: ‘Username@localhost’ (Using password: YES)

you have entered an incorrect password, please retype it carefully or reset it to something else via
the webcontrol panel or Plesk administrator

- On (ss) plans if you have reset the password in the webcontrol panel and are sure you’ve entered it correctly
on the command line this might be a permissions problem. Try renaming your database to something else in the
webcontrol panel and then back to the original, this often fixes permissions problems.

4) Use FTP to download the file to your backup location, probably your local computer.
- Don’t forget to delete the backup from your public html directory after you’ve found a safe place for it.
You don’t want to leave your backup lying around where anyone with a web browser can download a copy.


1) Use FTP to upload the file to your server, your public html directory will work for now
- Don’t forget to delete the backup from your public html directory after you’ve done the database restoral.
You don’t want to leave your backup lying around where anyone with a web browser can download a copy.

2) Log into your server via SSH and cd to the directory where you’ve uploaded the file. On the (ss) plan if you
uploaded the backup into your public html directory you would use the command:

cd /var/www/html/

3) Enter the following command:

mysql -u Username -p dbname < dbname.sql


- Where ‘Username’ is replaced by the mySQL username. Username处是你数据库管理员的名称,同你的FTP登录名。
On (ss) plans this user is the same as the
administrative FTP user. On (as) plans this user can be found by logging into Plesk, clicking
on the domain and going to databases and clicking on the database to be restored.
- Replace ‘dbname’ with the name of the database to be restored. 将被恢复的数据库名称
- Replace dbname.sql with the name of the backup.dbname.sql是备份数据库名称

If you have a zipped backup of your database you can use this line instead:如果是ZIP形式的,就用下面的命令。

gunzip < dbname.gz | mysql -u Username -p dbname

- Where ‘Username’ is replaced by the mySQL username. On (ss) plans this user is the same as the
administrative FTP user. On (as) plans this user can be found by logging into Plesk, clicking
on the domain and going to databases and clicking on the database to be restored.
- Replace ‘dbname’ with the name of the database to be restored.
- Replace dbname.gz with the name of the backup.

4) Enter your mySQL password at the prompt. If you don’t know it you can reset it in your webcontrol or Plesk
admin panel 然后输入密码。如果对了就大功告成,如果错了就出这个信息了。
- If you get an error that looks like this:

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: ‘Username@localhost’ (Using password: YES)

you have entered an incorrect password, please retype it carefully or reset it to something else via
the webcontrol panel or Plesk administrator



$mysqldump database [table1 table2] > dump.sql


$mysqldump cm2 >cm2.sql


$mysqldump cm2 mail usrer >cm2_mail_user.sql


–databases: mysqldump后跟的所有都是database,而不是table。这个在需要备份多个数据库的时候有效。


另外这使用两个参数会自动在备份文件里添加判断database是否存在,并create database的命令。



$mysql database < dump.sql


$mysql cm2 < cm2.sql





$mysqldump database [table] | mysql [-h] database1







  bin/mysqldump –p Meet_A_Geek > MeetAGeek_Dump_File.txt

  bin/mysqldump –p Meet_A_Geek Orders >MeetAGeek_Orders.txt

  bin/mysqldump –p –where="Order_ID > 2000" Meet_A_Geek Orders > Special_Dump.txt

  选项/Option 作用/Action Performed


  这个选项将会在每一个表的前面加上DROP TABLE IF EXISTS语句,这样可以保证导回MySQL数据库的时候不会出错,因为每次导回的时候,都会首先检查表是否存在,存在就删除


  这个选项会在INSERT语句中捆上一个LOCK TABLE和UNLOCK TABLE语句。这就防止在这些记录被再次导入数据库时其他用户对表进行的操作
  -c or - complete_insert


  --delayed-insert 在INSERT命令中加入DELAY选项

  -F or -flush-logs 使用这个选项,在执行导出之前将会刷新MySQL服务器的log.

  -f or -force 使用这个选项,即使有错误发生,仍然继续导出

  --full 这个选项把附加信息也加到CREATE TABLE的语句中

  -l or -lock-tables 使用这个选项,导出表的时候服务器将会给表加锁。

  -t or -no-create- info

  这个选项使的mysqldump命令不创建CREATE TABLE语句,这个选项在您只需要数据而不需要DDL(数据库定义语句)时很方便。
  -d or -no-data 这个选项使的mysqldump命令不创建INSERT语句。


  --opt 此选项将打开所有会提高文件导出速度和创造一个可以更快导入的文件的选项。

  -q or -quick 这个选项使得MySQL不会把整个导出的内容读入内存再执行导出,而是在读到的时候就写入导文件中。

  -T path or -tab = path 这个选项将会创建两个文件,一个文件包含DDL语句或者表创建语句,另一个文件包含数据。DDL文件被命名为table_name.sql,数据文件被命名为table_name.txt.路径名是存放这两个文件的目录。目录必须已经存在,并且命令的使用者有对文件的特权。
  -w "WHERE Clause" or -where = "Where clause "

  如前面所讲的,您可以使用这一选项来过筛选将要放到 导出文件的数据。
  假定您需要为一个表单中要用到的帐号建立一个文件,经理要看今年(2004年)所有的订单(Orders),它们并不对DDL感兴趣,并且需要文件有逗号分隔,因为这样就很容易导入到Excel中。 为了完成这个人物,您可以使用下面的句子:

  bin/mysqldump –p –where "Order_Date >='2000-01-01'"
  –tab = /home/mark –no-create-info –fields-terminated-by=, Meet_A_Geek Orders


  The set of statements, expressed in data definition language, that completely describe the structure of a data base.


  如果您觉得mysqldump工具不够酷,就使用SELECT INTO OUTFILE吧, MySQL同样提供一个跟LOAD DATA INFILE命令有相反作用的命令,这就是SELECT INTO OUTFILE 命令,这两个命令有很多的相似之处。首先,它们有所有的选项几乎相同。现在您需要完成前面用mysqldump完成的功能,可以依照下面的步骤进行操作:
  1. 确保mysqld进程(服务)已经在运行

  2. cd /usr/local/mysql

  3. bin/mysqladmin ping ;// 如果这个句子通不过,可以用这个:mysqladmin -u root -p ping

  mysqladmin ping用于检测mysqld的状态,is alive说明正在运行,出错则可能需要用户名和密码。

  4. 启动MySQL 监听程序.

  5. bin/mysql –p Meet_A_Geek;// 进入mysql命令行,并且打开数据库Meet_A_Geek,需要输入密码

  6. 在命令行中,输入一下命令:

  SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/home/mark/Orders.txt'
  FROM Orders
  WHERE Order_Date >= '2000-01-01'
  在mysql目录建立一个名为Report_G.rpt 的文本文件,加入下面的行:

  USE Meet_A_Geek;
  INSERT INTO Customers (Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name)
  VALUES (NULL, "Kinnard", "Vicky");
  INSERT INTO Customers (Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name)
  VALUES (NULL, "Kinnard", "Steven");
  INSERT INTO Customers (Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name)
  VALUES (NULL, "Brown", "Sam");
  SELECT Last_Name INTO OUTFILE '/home/mark/Report.rpt'
  FROM Customers WHERE Customer_ID > 1;

  然后确认 mysql进程在运行,并且您在mysql目录中, 输入下面的命令:

  bin/mysql < Report_G.rpt检查您命名作为输出的文件,这个文件将会包含所有您在Customers表中输入的顾客的姓。 如您所见,您可以使用今天学到的导入/导出(import/export)的方法来帮助得到报表。

你可能感兴趣的:(数据结构,sql,mysql,SQL Server,ssh)