11gR2 cluvfy tools usage

Note that the following only shows the available olsnodes syntax. For additional explanation on what these commands do, see the Oracle Documentation .

Component Options:

$ ./cluvfy comp -list

cluvfy comp <component-name> <component-specific options> [-verbose]

Valid components are:
nodereach : checks reachability between nodes
nodecon : checks node connectivity
cfs : checks CFS integrity
ssa : checks shared storage accessibility
space : checks space availability
sys : checks minimum system requirements
clu : checks cluster integrity
clumgr : checks cluster manager integrity
ocr : checks OCR integrity
olr : checks OLR integrity
ha : checks HA integrity
crs : checks CRS integrity
nodeapp : checks node applications existence
admprv : checks administrative privileges
peer : compares properties with peers
software : checks software distribution
asm : checks ASM integrity
acfs : checks ACFS integrity
gpnp : checks GPnP integrity
gns : checks GNS integrity
scan : checks SCAN configuration
ohasd : checks OHASD integrity
clocksync : checks Clock Synchronization
vdisk : check Voting Disk Udev settings

Stage Options:

$ ./cluvfy stage -list

cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} <stage-name> <stage-specific options> [-verbose]

Valid stage options and stage names are:
-post hwos : post-check for hardware and operating system
-pre cfs : pre-check for CFS setup
-post cfs : post-check for CFS setup
-pre crsinst : pre-check for CRS installation
-post crsinst : post-check for CRS installation
-pre hacfg : pre-check for HA configuration
-post hacfg : post-check for HA configuration
-pre dbinst : pre-check for database installation
-pre acfscfg : pre-check for ACFS Configuration.
-post acfscfg : post-check for ACFS Configuration.
-pre dbcfg : pre-check for database configuration
-pre nodeadd : pre-check for node addition.
-post nodeadd : post-check for node addition.
-post nodedel : post-check for node deletion.
