Hibernate 3 - Entity Associations and Relationships

Lazy Loading and Fetching Strategies lazy
  • Understand the use of the lazy attribute
  • Know the default behaviour, implications on operations made on detached objects.
  • Given a mapping and Java Code, understand what SQL will be generated by hibernate
  • Know the different values of the fetch attribute and their implications
  • Know the default behaviour
  • Given mapping and Java Code, understand what SQL will be generated by hibernate
  • Understand precedence of fetch on lazy
  • Understand the meaning and historical use of outer-join
Collection Sorting and Ordering understand the difference between 'sort' and 'order-by' attributes
knows 'sort' attributes values and their meaning (unsorted, natural, Comparator class)
understand valid 'order-by' attribute values (SQL not HQL) Relationships types

Mapping and corresponding database structure for the following :

  • Simple unidirectional mapping (many-to-one)
  • Basic Collection mapping (one-to-many)
  • Bi-directional Association
    • inverse meaning, inverse and indexed Collections (Map, List)
  • Association mapping tables
    • mapping classic associations table with many-to-many relationships
    • Using component class to map association table containing association information
  • one-to-one mapping
    • mapping table having as FK its PK.
    • mapping table having a separate column as FK

Also Cascading effect

  • Know the values for the 'cascade' attribute and their effect.
