Java & OO Fundamentals works

1. Sandwich Delivery Service
1.1. Situation
1.1.1. Improvements
2. School Management
2.1. Associations
2.2. Entities
2.3. Implementation
2.4. Queries
2.5. Money - Optional
3. Lists and Arrays
3.1. UtilsTester
3.2. ArrayUtils and ListUtils
3.3. UtilsTester main method
3.4. ArrayUtils print method
3.5. ArrayUtils reverse method
3.6. ArrayUtils toArrayList method
3.7. ListUtils print method
3.8. ListUtils reverse method
3.9. ListUtils toArray method
3.10. Hints
3.10.1. UtilsTester
3.10.2. ListUtils skeleton
3.10.3. ArrayUtils skeleton
3.10.4. Output
4. Matrix operations
4.1. Original matrix
4.2. Matrix diagonal
4.3. Numbers bellow diagonal
4.4. Numbers divisible by 3
4.4.1. While loop instead of for
5. Solution
5.1. Sandwich Delivery Service
5.1.1. Domain Model
5.1.2. Data Creation
5.1.3. Business Logic
5.1.4. Display
5.2. School Management
5.2.1. Associations
5.2.2. Entities
5.2.3. Implementation
5.2.4. Queries
5.2.5. Money - Optional
5.3. Lists and Arrays
5.3.1. UtilsTester
5.3.2. ArrayUtils
5.3.3. ListUtils
5.4. Matrix operations
5.4.1. Original matrix
5.4.2. Matrix diagonal
5.4.3. Numbers bellow diagonal
5.4.4. Numbers divisible by 3 While loop instead of for
5.4.5. All in one
