1、sql汇总 一、重复操作查询 --where条件得distinct systemdicid作为唯一标识 select * from dmis_zd_systemdic t WHERE typeid = '06012' and t.systemdicid in (select min(systemdicid) from dmis_zd_systemdic where typeid = '06012' group by name) order by orderno; 二、检查表是否存在 select count(tname) from tab where tname = upper('表名'); 三、日期函数 --返回当前日期年度的第一天 select trunc(sysdate,'year') from dual; --返回当前日期月份的第一天 select trunc(sysdate,'month') from dual; --上月最后一天 select last_day(add_months(sysdate, -1)) from dual; --给定日期后最近星期几得日期 select next_day(to_date('2009-12-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), '星期一') next_day from dual; 四、同一张表中,根据一个字段更新另一个字段 update (select t.fgenerationtime as ftime, t.fgeneratedateall as str from dmis_fs_approvebook t where t.fgenerationtime is not null) set str = TO_CHAR(ftime, 'yyyy-mm-dd') where str is null; 五、重复数据查询 select * FROM EMP E WHERE E.ROWID > (SELECT MIN(X.ROWID) FROM EMP X WHERE X.EMP_NO = E.EMP_NO); 六、合并不同表的数据(merge into) merge into student s using (select id, name, tel from test001) x on (s.s_id = x.id) when matched then update set s_name = x.name when not matched then insert (s_id, s_name, s_age) values (x.id, x.name, x.tel); commit; 七、查询执行sql(v$sql) select t.module, t.first_load_time, t.sql_text from v$sql t order by first_load_time desc; 2、数据库精度修改处理 -- Create table /*drop table temp_data;*/ create table temp_data ( FID VARCHAR2(40) not null, USEHOURS NUMBER(10) default 0, FVOLTAGE NUMBER(10) default 0, INVOLTAGE NUMBER(10) default 0 ) ; alter table TEMP_DATA add constraint tempfid primary key (FID); insert into temp_data select a.fid, a.usehours, a.fvoltage, a.involtage from dmis_fs_factorymonthdetail a; update dmis_fs_factorymonthdetail t set t.usehours = '', t.fvoltage = '', t.involtage = ''; alter table DMIS_FS_FACTORYMONTHDETAIL modify USEHOURS NUMBER(10,1); alter table DMIS_FS_FACTORYMONTHDETAIL modify FVOLTAGE NUMBER(10,1); alter table DMIS_FS_FACTORYMONTHDETAIL modify INVOLTAGE NUMBER(10,1); update (select a.usehours as tusehours, b.usehours as fusehours, a.fvoltage as tfvoltage, b.fvoltage as ffvoltage, a.involtage as tinvoltage, b.involtage as finvoltage, a.fid as ffid, b.fid as tfid from dmis_fs_factorymonthdetail a, temp_data b where a.fid = b.fid) tt set tt.tusehours = tt.fusehours, tt.tfvoltage = tt.ffvoltage, tt.tinvoltage = tt.finvoltage where ffid = tfid; drop table temp_data; commit; 3、恢复drop掉的存储过程 用sys用户登陆,执行如下的查询: SQL> select text from dba_source as of timestamp to_timestamp('2009-03-06 09:45:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') where owner='IPRA' and name= 'P_IPACCHECK_NC' order by line; 4、删除某个用户下的对象 --删除某个用户下的对象 set heading off; set feedback off; spool c:\dropobj.sql; prompt --Drop constraint select 'alter table '||table_name||' drop constraint '||constraint_name||' ;' from user_constraints where constraint_type='R'; prompt --Drop tables select 'drop table '||table_name ||';' from user_tables; prompt --Drop view select 'drop view ' ||view_name||';' from user_views; prompt --Drop sequence select