standard Unix exit codes

UNIX (Symbol) Exit Value
EX_OK 0 No errors during session.
EX_USAGE 64 Command line usage error. The command was used incorrectly (wrong number of arguments, bad flag, bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever).
EX_DATAERR 65 Data format error. The user's input data was incorrect in some way.
EX_NOINPUT 66 Cannot open input. User's input file did not exist or was not readable.
EX_NOUSER 67 Addressee unknown. User specified does not exist.
EX_NOHOST 68 Host name unknown. Host specified does not exist. Used in mail addresses or network requests.
EX_UNAVAILABLE 69 Service unavailable. Occurs if a support program or file does not exist. Can be used as a catchall message when not known why something is not working.
EX_SOFTWARE 70 Internal software error inconsistency, etc. in HSI code (non-operating system- related errors).
EX_OSERR 71 Operating system error, such as cannot fork, cannot create pipe, getuid, returning a non-existent user, etc..
EX_OSFILE 72 Critical OS file missing, cannot be opened, or has some sort of error (syntax error).
EX_CANTCREAT 73 Cannot create user output file.
EX_IOERR 74 Input/output error, occurred while doing I/O on some file.
EX_TEMPFAIL 75 Temporary failure. User is invited to retry.
EX_PROTOCOL 76 Remote error in protocol. The remote system returned something that was not possible during a protocol exchange.
EX_NOPERM 77 Permission denied. User did not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
