opencms 安装与使用


1. Install the Java 2 SDK, version 1.4 or newer

2Install Tomcat

3 Install MySQL

4Deploy the opencms.war file

Copy the opencms.war file from the binary distribution ZIP file to CATALINA_HOME/webapps/. Replace CATALINA_HOME with the real path to your Tomcat installation.

Start (or restart) Tomcat. Tomcat will now deploy the web application OpenCms.

Important: OpenCms requires that it's *.war file is unpacked. OpenCms can not be deployed as war file only. Make sure Tomcat does unpack the war file and creates the CATALINA_HOME/webapps/opencms/ directory, placing the OpenCms files in this directory. The default configuration for your Servlet containers / environment could be to not unpack the deployed *.war file. If this is so you must unpack the opencms.war file manually. Use an unzip tool for this, *.war files are just *.zip files with a different extension. The OpenCms setup wizard will display a warning and not allow you to continue if you did not unpack the *.war file.

//安装OpenCms 6.2.2 for Java 1.4:

Follow the following steps to patch OpenCms 6.2.2 for Java 1.4:

1. Shutdown your OpenCms servlet container

The OpenCms Java 1.4 compatibility patch requires that you shut down OpenCms first. You can use the

Broadcast message tool in the 'Administration' view to inform users before the server is shut down.

2. Extract the OpenCms Java 1.4 compatibility patch '' to

your web application directory

If you extracted the file to an external directory, copy the folder 'WEB-INF' to the OpenCms webapp directory.

Be sure that the files 'lib/*.jar' are replaced with the new versions from the archive before you


3. Start your OpenCms servlet container

You should now be able to log into the OpenCms workplace as before.

4. Finally, do a quick test if everything works

* Preview some pages in the folders demopages/ or modulesdemo/ of the default site.

* Edit a resource and modify its content.

* Publish one or more resources.

* Check the Administration view of OpenCms.

5. Install OpenCms using the Setup-Wizard

Start the Setup-Wizard by pointing your webbrowser to http://localhost:8080/opencms/setup/. Depending on your configuration, you have to replace localhost with your servername. The port 8080 is only used if you start Tomcat in standalone mode.

Follow the instructions of the OpenCms Setup-Wizard. It will set up the OpenCms database and import all availablemodules into the system. For normal installations with MySql and Tomcat running on the same server all default settings will fit your needs.
If you are using different database users with MySql, be sure that they exist before creating the database tables and importing the modules.

Important: Make sure you disable all popup blockers for the server URL you installed OpenCms on. Otherwise you will not be able to log in to the OpenCms Workplace.

step_4_database_setup.bmp 图示

user password

setup connection root *******

opencms connection root *******

注意 user 上下一致 。如果如 data2.bmp,则会不成功 (可以建数据库,但是不能成功建表)。

模版设计 openCms java api 的学习。

关于建立网站根目录 :需要注意的地方:

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testWeb ,建立在sites 目录下,即可。

关于tomcat 无故 down掉的问题。参考 .

module 模块

template 模板

新建模块 OpenCms模块创建图解

新建一个简单的JSP模板 OpenCms JSP 模板开发——




<%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="" %>



<title><cms:property name="Title" /></title>

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=<cms:property name="content-encoding" default="UTF-8" />" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type= "text/css" href="<cms:link>../resources/myStyle.css</cms:link>" />




<cms:include element= "body"/>




在使用OpenCms标签前一定要如下声明标签: <%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="" %>,关于标签的详细说明,参见

<cms:include element="body">标签,它包含一个可编辑的页面元素。


Preview的话,除了显示 jsp模板的内容外,还会显示 编辑该页面 所插入的内容。


温习一下 jsp开发的知。。。。
