haskell - types and typeclasses - type synonyms

We know that [Char] and String are equivalent and interchangeable . And this is achieved by the type synonyms. 


Type synonyms don't really do anything per se, they're just about giving some types different names so that they make more sense to someone reading our code and documentation. Here's how the standard library defines String as a synonym for [Char].


such as 

type String = [Char]  


So there is such key word "type" , becareful don't let it to be misleading, because it does not introduce new types but rather create a new type synonyms. 


we will see some point as below. 



-- file
--   type_synonyms.hs
-- description:
--   type synonyms 

-- why String is equivalent to [Char]
type String = [Char]

phoneBook :: [(String, String)]
phoneBook =      

type PhoneBook = [(String, String)]

type PhoneNumber = String
type Name = String
type PhoneBook = [(Name, PhoneNumber)]

-- we can give it a very pretty and descriptive declaration
inPhoneBook :: Name -> PhoneNumber -> PhoneBook -> Bool  
inPhoneBook name pnumber pbook = (name,pnumber) `elem` pbook  

-- Type synonyms can also be parameterized.
--  we want a type that represents an association list type but still want it to be general so it can use any type as the keys and values, we can do this:

type AssocList k v = [(k, v)]

-- we can partially apply type parameters and get a new type constructors from them...
import qualified Data.Map
type IntMap v = Map Int v

-- or we could do it like this: 
type IntMap = Map  Int

data Either a b = Left a | Right b deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- ghci> Right 20  
-- Right 20  
-- ghci> Left "w00t"  
-- Left "w00t"  
-- ghci> :t Right 'a'  
-- Right 'a' :: Either a Char  
-- ghci> :t Left True  
-- Left True :: Either Bool b  

-- why types like this?
-- type like this is that you can annotate the type with some information where as tpyes like Nothing does not 
-- contain anything inside.  

data LockerState =  Take | Free  deriving (Show, Eq)
type Code =  String
type LockerMap = Map.Map Int (LockerState, Code)

lockerLookup :: Int -> LockerMap -> Either String Code  
lockerLookup lockerNumber map =   
    case Map.lookup lockerNumber map of   
        Nothing -> Left $ "Locker number " ++ show lockerNumber ++ " doesn't exist!"  
        Just (state, code) -> if state /= Taken   
                                then Right code  
                                else Left $ "Locker " ++ show lockerNumber ++ " is already taken!"  

lockers :: LockerMap 
lockers = Map.fromList
-- ghci> lockerLookup 101 lockers  
-- Right "JAH3I"  
-- ghci> lockerLookup 100 lockers  
-- Left "Locker 100 is already taken!"  
-- ghci> lockerLookup 102 lockers  
-- Left "Locker number 102 doesn't exist!"  
-- ghci> lockerLookup 110 lockers  
-- Left "Locker 110 is already taken!"  
-- ghci> lockerLookup 105 lockers  
-- Right "QOTSA" 






