so far what we have dealt with are all functions and streams. now we might get our hand wet dealing with Files and Streams.
what we will discusses in this post includes:
getContent and getChar ....
getContents is lazy which means it won't read content until we actually use the content read from the call. (how is the laziness implemented)
let's see first one example.
import Data.Char main = do main2 -- contents <- getContents -- putStr (map toUpper contents) main2 = do contents <- getContents putStr (shortLinesOnly contents) shortLinesOnly :: String -> String shortLinesOnly input = let allLines = lines input shortLines = filter (\line -> length line < 10) allLines result = unlines shortLines in result
and again yet another example on how to use getContent to transform lines to upper case.
-- file -- files_streams.hs -- descrpition: -- Files and Streams import Control.Monad import Data.Char main = forever $ do putStr "Give me some input: " l <- getLine putStrLn $ map toUpper l -- with getContents main2 = do contents <- getContents putStr (map toUpper contents)
This pattern of getting some string from the input, transforming it with a function and then outputting that is so common that there exists a function which makes that even easier, called interact.
below are some example with interact.
case 1)
main = interact shortLinesOnly shortLinesOnly :: String -> String shortLinesOnly input = let allLines = lines input shortLines = filter (\line -> length line < 10) allLines result = unlines shortLines in result
case 2)
main2 = interact $ unlines . filter ((<10) . length) . lines
and case 3)
respondPalindromes = unlines . map (\xs -> if isPalindrome xs then "palindrome" else "not a palindrome") . lines where isPalindrome xs = xs == reverse xs main = interact respondPalindromes
Now, let's deal with files.
so before start, suppose the runtime has define the following types and type synonyms.
type FilePath = String data IOMode = ReadMode | WriteMode | AppendMode | ReadWriteMode
hGetContents, hClose
we get contents from files handles with hGetContents call. hClose close a file handle.
it is so common that you will first open a file, get the contents (read) or write the contents, and close the file , so there is a withFile call.
-- file -- hGetContents_io.hs -- descrpition: -- unlike the getContents_io.hs , which automatically read from the stdin, gGetContents will read from aHandle import Data.Char import System.IO main = do withFile "girlfriend.txt" ReadMode (\handle -> do contents <- hGetContents handle putStr contents) -- haskell's way of withFile pattern, which is more like the Dispose pattern used quit common in C# language -- and if you will implements the code of hGetHandle it is like this: withFile' :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withFile' path mode f = do handle <- openFile path mode result <- f handle hClose handle return result
hGetLine, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, hGetChar
they are like the counterPart without the h... we will ignore this part.
readFile and writeFile, appendFile
readFile, writeFile and appendFile which takes a string to write to that file and returns an I/O action that will do the writing.
main = do contents <- readFile "girlfriend.txt" putStr contents
import System.IO import Data.Char main = do contents <- readFile "girlfriend.txt" writeFile "girlfriendcaps.txt" (map toUpper contents)
import System.IO main = do todoItem <- getLine appendFile "todo.txt" (todoItem ++ "\n")
you can control the lower-level behavior. here is the code shows that you can control the behavior with the hSetBuffering
-- file -- hSetBuffering_io.hs -- descrpition: -- It takes a handle and a BufferMode and returns an I/O action that sets the buffering. It takes a handle and a BufferMode and returns an I/O action that sets the buffering. -- an example of the value to the hSetBuffering is like this: -- NoBuffering, LineBuffering or BlockBuffering (Maybe Int). -- import System.IO main = do withFile "something.txt" ReadMode (\handle -> do hSetBuffering handle $ BlockBuffering (Just 2048) contents <- hGetContents handle putStr contents) -- you may as well try the hFush function which will flush the buffers that is in the end writeBuffer
openTempFile, hFlush
an example use the following...
-- file -- remove_todo.hs -- description: -- remove some items from the todo List import System.IO import System.Directory import Data.List main = do handle <- openFile "todo.txt" ReadMode (tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "temp" contents <- hGetContents handle let todoTasks = lines contents numberedTasks = zipWith (\n line -> show n ++ " - " ++ line) [0..] todoTasks putStrLn "These are your TO-DO items:" putStr $ unlines numberedTasks putStrLn "Which one do you want to delete?" numberString <- getLine let number = read numberString newTodoItems = delete (todoTasks !! number) todoTasks hPutStr tempHandle $ unlines newTodoItems hClose handle hClose tempHandle removeFile "todo.txt" -- remove a file from the FS renameFile tempName "todo.txt" -- rename A file to B file