Visual Studio 2005中文版中Addin的CommandBar名称对照表

public enum MsoBarType
    msoBarTypeNormal = 0,   //普通类型
    msoBarTypeMenuBar = 1,  //菜单类型
    msoBarTypePopup = 2,    //弹出菜单类型

名称 说明 类型 备注
MenuBar 菜单栏 msoBarTypeMenuBar 窗口最上面的菜单栏
Standard 标准 msoBarTypeNormal
Build 生成 msoBarTypeNormal
XML Data XML 数据 msoBarTypeNormal
XML Schema XML 架构 msoBarTypeNormal
Context Menus 上下文菜单 msoBarTypeNormal
Style Sheet 样式表 msoBarTypeNormal
Device 设备 msoBarTypeNormal
Microsoft Office Excel Microsoft Office Excel msoBarTypeNormal
Class Designer Toolbar 类设计器 msoBarTypeNormal
Test Tools 测试工具 msoBarTypeNormal
Dialog Editor 对话框编辑器 msoBarTypeNormal
Image Editor 图像编辑器 msoBarTypeNormal
Text Editor 文本编辑器 msoBarTypeNormal
Source Control 源代码管理 msoBarTypeNormal
Formatting 格式设置 msoBarTypeNormal
HTML Source Editing HTML 源编辑 msoBarTypeNormal
Microsoft Office Word Microsoft Office Word msoBarTypeNormal
Microsoft XML Editor XML 编辑器 msoBarTypeNormal
Layout 布局 msoBarTypeNormal
Debug Location 调试位置 msoBarTypeNormal
Debug 调试 msoBarTypeNormal
Help 帮助 msoBarTypeNormal
Recorder 记录器 msoBarTypeNormal
Report Formatting 报表格式 msoBarTypeNormal
Report Borders 报表边框 msoBarTypeNormal
Data Design 数据设计 msoBarTypeNormal
Query Designer 查询设计器 msoBarTypeNormal
View Designer 视图设计器 msoBarTypeNormal
Database Diagram 数据库关系图 msoBarTypeNormal
Table Designer 表设计器 msoBarTypeNormal
CrystalReportMain Crystal Reports - 主工具栏 msoBarTypeNormal
CrystalReportInsert Crystal Reports - 插入工具栏 msoBarTypeNormal
Distributed System Designers Toolbar 分布式系统设计器 msoBarTypeNormal
Error List 错误列表 msoBarTypePopup
Docked Window 停靠窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Menu Designer 菜单设计器 msoBarTypePopup
Properties Window 属性窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Toolbox 工具箱 msoBarTypePopup
Task List 任务列表 msoBarTypePopup
Results List 结果列表 msoBarTypePopup
Stub Project 存根(Stub)项目 msoBarTypePopup
No Commands Available 无可用命令 msoBarTypePopup
Command Window 命令窗口 msoBarTypePopup
AutoHidden Windows 自动隐藏的窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Expansion Manager 扩展管理器 msoBarTypePopup
Find Regular Expression Builder 查找正则表达式生成器 msoBarTypePopup
Replace Regular Expression Builder 替换正则表达式生成器 msoBarTypePopup
Wild Card Expression Builder 通配符表达式生成器 msoBarTypePopup
Wild Card Expression Builder 通配符表达式生成器 msoBarTypePopup
External Tools Arguments 外部工具参数 msoBarTypePopup
External Tools Directories 外部工具目录 msoBarTypePopup
Easy MDI Tool Window 简易 MDI 工具窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Easy MDI Document Window 简易 MDI 文档窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Easy MDI Dragging 简易 MDI 拖动 msoBarTypePopup
Open Drop Down 打开下拉框 msoBarTypePopup
Object Browser Objects Pane 对象浏览器“对象”窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Object Browser Members Pane 对象浏览器“成员”窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Object Browser Description Pane 对象浏览器“说明”窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Find Symbol 查找符号 msoBarTypePopup
Drag and Drop 拖放 msoBarTypePopup
Bookmark Window 书签窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Error Correction 错误纠正 msoBarTypePopup
EzMDI Files EzMDI 文件 msoBarTypePopup
Ca&ll Browser 调用浏览器(&L) msoBarTypePopup
Preview Changes 预览更改 msoBarTypePopup
Smart Tag 智能标记 msoBarTypePopup
Smart Tag 智能标记 msoBarTypePopup
Editor Context Menus 编辑器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Context Menus 类视图上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Debugger Context Menus 调试器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Project and Solution Context Menus 项目和解决方案上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Other Context Menus 其他上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Sort By 排序方式(&S) msoBarTypePopup
Show Columns 显示列(&C) msoBarTypePopup
Implement Interface 实现接口(&I) msoBarTypePopup
Resolve 解析(&S) msoBarTypePopup
Resolve 解析(&S) msoBarTypePopup
Refactor 重构(&R) msoBarTypePopup
Organize File 组织文件(&O) msoBarTypePopup
Create Private Accessor 创建专用访问器(&E) msoBarTypePopup
Class View Project 类视图项目 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Item 类视图项 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Folder 类视图文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Grouping Folder 类视图分组文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Multi-select 类视图多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Multi-select members 类视图多重选择成员 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Member 类视图成员 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Grouping Members 类视图分组成员 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Project References Folder 类视图项目引用文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Class View Project Reference 类视图项目引用 msoBarTypePopup
Project 项目 msoBarTypePopup
Solution Folder 解决方案文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Solution Project 跨项目的解决方案项目 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Solution Item 跨项目的解决方案项 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Project Item 跨项目的项目项 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Multi Project 跨项目的多项目 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Multi Item 跨项目的多项 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Multi Solution Folder 跨项目的多解决方案文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Cross Project Multi Project/Folder 跨项目的多项目/文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Item msoBarTypePopup
Folder 文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Reference Root 引用根 msoBarTypePopup
Reference Item 引用项 msoBarTypePopup
Web Reference Folder Web 引用文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
App Designer Folder 应用程序设计器文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Web Project Folder Web 项目文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Web Folder Web 文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Web Item Web 项 msoBarTypePopup
Web SubWeb 网站及子网站 msoBarTypePopup
Misc Files Project 杂项文件项目 msoBarTypePopup
Solution 解决方案 msoBarTypePopup
Code Window 代码窗口 msoBarTypePopup 代码窗口的右键菜单
Project Node 项目节点 msoBarTypePopup
A&dd 添加(&D) msoBarTypePopup
Cab Project Node Cab 项目节点 msoBarTypePopup
A&dd 添加(&D) msoBarTypePopup
File nodes 文件节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. file nodes 部署文件节点 msoBarTypePopup
Assembly nodes 程序集节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. assembly nodes 部署程序集节点 msoBarTypePopup
MSM nodes MSM 节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. MSM nodes 部署 MSM 节点 msoBarTypePopup
Output nodes 输出节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dependency node 依赖项节点 msoBarTypePopup
Multiple selections 多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. Multiple selections 部署多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
View 视图(&W) msoBarTypePopup
CSSDocOutline CSS 文档大纲 msoBarTypePopup
CSSSource CSS 源 msoBarTypePopup
Registry 注册表(&R) msoBarTypePopup
File System 文件系统(&F) msoBarTypePopup
File System 文件系统(&F) msoBarTypePopup
New 新建(&N) msoBarTypePopup
Add 添加(&A) msoBarTypePopup
Add Special Folder 添加特殊文件夹(&A) msoBarTypePopup
View 视图(&V) msoBarTypePopup
AppNet Designer Context AppNetDesignerContext msoBarTypePopup
AppNet Project Node Context AppNetNodeContext msoBarTypePopup
OTBObjCtxtMenu OTB TW 对象上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Class Designer Context Menu ClassDesignerContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
Class Diagram Context Menu ClassDiagramContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
Test Results Context Menu 测试结果上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Test Manager Context Menu 测试管理器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Test List Context Menu 测试列表上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Test Run Context Menu 测试运行上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
View Context Menu 查看上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Code Coverage Results Context Menu 代码覆盖率结果上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Test Results Context Menu 测试结果上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Resource View 资源视图 msoBarTypePopup
Resource Editors 资源编辑器 msoBarTypePopup
Binary Editor 二进制编辑器 msoBarTypePopup
Propertysheet 属性表 msoBarTypePopup
Configuration 配置 msoBarTypePopup
Project 项目 msoBarTypePopup
Multi-Select 多选 msoBarTypePopup
System Propertysheet 系统属性表 msoBarTypePopup
Checkin Dialog Context Menu 签入对话框上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Pending Checkin Window Context Menu 挂起的签入窗口上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Standard TreeGrid context menu 标准树网格上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
GetVersion Dialog Context Menu “获取版本”对话框上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Check Out Dialog Context Menu 签出对话框上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Basic Context 基本上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
HTML Context HTML 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Script Context 脚本上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Context 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ASPX Context ASPX 上下文 msoBarTypePopup Web窗体编辑器源窗口的右键菜单
ASPX Code Context ASPX 代码的上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ASPX VB Code Context ASPX VB 代码的上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ASMX Code Context ASMX 代码的上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ASMX VB Code Context ASMX VB 代码的上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ASMX Context ASMX 上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Exe Project EXE 项目 msoBarTypePopup
Debug 调试 msoBarTypePopup
Binaries 二进制文件 msoBarTypePopup
Binary 二进制文件 msoBarTypePopup
Reports 报告 msoBarTypePopup
Report 报告 msoBarTypePopup
Session 会话 msoBarTypePopup
Timeline 时间线 msoBarTypePopup
Function 函数 msoBarTypePopup
Caller/Callee 调用方/被调用方 msoBarTypePopup
Summary 摘要 msoBarTypePopup
Columns msoBarTypePopup
Calltree 调用树 msoBarTypePopup
Allocation 分配 msoBarTypePopup
Views 视图 msoBarTypePopup
Binary 二进制文件 msoBarTypePopup
Objects Lifetime 对象生存期 msoBarTypePopup
Test Project 测试项目 msoBarTypePopup
Trace 跟踪 msoBarTypePopup
Create Work Item 创建工作项 msoBarTypePopup
Test Project 测试项目 msoBarTypePopup
SummaryType SummaryType msoBarTypePopup
Project Node 项目节点 msoBarTypePopup
A&dd 添加(&D) msoBarTypePopup
Cab Project Node Cab 项目节点 msoBarTypePopup
A&dd 添加(&D) msoBarTypePopup
File nodes 文件节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. file nodes 依赖文件节点 msoBarTypePopup
Assembly nodes 程序集节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. assembly nodes 依赖程序集节点 msoBarTypePopup
MSM nodes MSM 节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. MSM nodes 依赖 MSM 节点 msoBarTypePopup
Output nodes 输出节点 msoBarTypePopup
Simple file nodes 简单文件节点 msoBarTypePopup
Simple output nodes 简单输出节点 msoBarTypePopup
Dependency node 依赖项节点 msoBarTypePopup
Multiple selections 多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
Dep. Multiple selections 依赖多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
View 视图(&W) msoBarTypePopup
Editor 编辑器(&D) msoBarTypePopup
Registry 注册表(&R) msoBarTypePopup
File System 文件系统(&F) msoBarTypePopup
File System 文件系统(&F) msoBarTypePopup
File Types 文件类型(&F) msoBarTypePopup
User Interface 用户界面(&U) msoBarTypePopup
Launch Conditions 启动条件(&L) msoBarTypePopup
Custom Actions 自定义操作(&C) msoBarTypePopup
New 新建(&N) msoBarTypePopup
Add 添加(&A) msoBarTypePopup
Add Special Folder 添加特殊文件夹(&A) msoBarTypePopup
View 视图(&V) msoBarTypePopup
Selection 选定内容 msoBarTypePopup
Container 容器 msoBarTypePopup
TraySelection TraySelection msoBarTypePopup
Document Outline 文档大纲 msoBarTypePopup
Component Tray 组件栏 msoBarTypePopup
Autos Window 自动窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Breakpoint 断点 msoBarTypePopup
Breakpoints Window 断点窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Call Stack Window 调用堆栈窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Data Tip Window 数据提示窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Disassembly Window 反汇编窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Locals Window 局部变量窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Memory Window 内存窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Modules Window 模块窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Output Window 输出窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Processes Window 进程窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Registers Window 寄存器窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Threads Window 线程窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Watch Window 监视窗口 msoBarTypePopup
Display Memory Context 显示内存 msoBarTypePopup
Display Handle Context 显示句柄 msoBarTypePopup
Display Lock Context 显示锁 msoBarTypePopup
Display Security Checks Context 显示安全检查 msoBarTypePopup
Display MiscErr Checks Context 显示 MiscErr 检查 msoBarTypePopup
TocContext 目录上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ResListContext 资源列表上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Editor 编辑器 msoBarTypePopup
Script Outline 脚本大纲 msoBarTypePopup
DefaultContext 默认上下文 msoBarTypePopup
ImageContext 图像上下文 msoBarTypePopup
SelectionContext 选定内容上下文 msoBarTypePopup
AnchorContext 定位点上下文 msoBarTypePopup
Server Explorer 服务器资源管理器 msoBarTypePopup
PropertyBrowser 属性浏览器 msoBarTypePopup
Macro msoBarTypePopup
Module 模块 msoBarTypePopup
Project 项目 msoBarTypePopup
Root msoBarTypePopup
Control 控件 msoBarTypePopup
Report 报表 msoBarTypePopup
Row/Column 行/列 msoBarTypePopup
Cell 单元 msoBarTypePopup
Field Chooser 字段选择器 msoBarTypePopup
Row/Column 行/列 msoBarTypePopup
Chart 图表 msoBarTypePopup
Database Project 数据库项目 msoBarTypePopup
DB Project Connection 数据库项目连接 msoBarTypePopup
DB Project Folder 数据库项目文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Database References Folder 数据库引用文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
Folders 文件夹 msoBarTypePopup
DB Project File 数据库项目文件 msoBarTypePopup
Query 查询 msoBarTypePopup
Script 脚本 msoBarTypePopup
Database Reference Node 数据库引用节点 msoBarTypePopup
Files 文件 msoBarTypePopup
Multi-select 多选 msoBarTypePopup
Database Connection 数据库连接 msoBarTypePopup
Folder Multi-Selection 文件夹多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
All Diagrams 所有关系图 msoBarTypePopup
All Tables 所有表 msoBarTypePopup
All Views 所有视图 msoBarTypePopup
All Stored Procedures 所有存储过程 msoBarTypePopup
All Package Specifications 所有包规格 msoBarTypePopup
All Package Bodies 所有包正文 msoBarTypePopup
All Synonyms 所有同义词 msoBarTypePopup
All Databases 所有数据库 msoBarTypePopup
All Users 所有用户 msoBarTypePopup
All Roles 所有角色 msoBarTypePopup
Node Multi-Selection 节点多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
Diagram 关系图 msoBarTypePopup
Table msoBarTypePopup
View 视图 msoBarTypePopup
Stored Procedure 存储过程 msoBarTypePopup
Function 函数 msoBarTypePopup
Synonym 同义词 msoBarTypePopup
Package Spec 包规格 msoBarTypePopup
Package Body 包正文 msoBarTypePopup
Trigger 触发器 msoBarTypePopup
Column msoBarTypePopup
SQL Editor SQL 编辑器 msoBarTypePopup
All Functions 所有函数 msoBarTypePopup
Oracle Function Oracle 函数 msoBarTypePopup
Oracle Procedure Oracle 过程 msoBarTypePopup
Change &View 更改视图(&V) msoBarTypePopup
Single objet 单个对象 msoBarTypePopup
Single static 单个静态 msoBarTypePopup
Homogeneous objects 同类对象 msoBarTypePopup
Mixed objects 混合对象 msoBarTypePopup
Multiple static nodes 多个静态节点 msoBarTypePopup
Mixed nodes 混合节点 msoBarTypePopup
Add &New 新添(&N) msoBarTypePopup
Add &New 新添(&N) msoBarTypePopup
Surface 图面 msoBarTypePopup
DataSourceContext DataSourceContext msoBarTypePopup
DbTableContext DbTableContext msoBarTypePopup
DataTableContext DataTableContext msoBarTypePopup
RelationContext RelationContext msoBarTypePopup
FunctionContext FunctionContext msoBarTypePopup
ColumnContext ColumnContext msoBarTypePopup
QueryContext QueryContext msoBarTypePopup
DataAccessorContext DataAccessorContext msoBarTypePopup
Query Diagram Pane 查询关系图窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Query Diagram Table 查询关系图表 msoBarTypePopup
Query Diagram Table Column 查询关系图表列 msoBarTypePopup
Query Diagram Join Line 查询关系图联接线 msoBarTypePopup
Query Diagram Multi-select 查询关系图多重选择 msoBarTypePopup
Query Grid Pane 查询网格窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Query SQL Pane 查询 SQL 窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Query Results Pane 查询结果窗格 msoBarTypePopup
Database Designer 数据库设计器 msoBarTypePopup
Database Designer Table 数据库设计器表 msoBarTypePopup
Database Designer Relationship 数据库设计器关系 msoBarTypePopup
Text Annotation 文本批注 msoBarTypePopup
数据库 数据库 msoBarTypePopup
编辑文本 编辑文本 msoBarTypePopup
公式参数 公式参数 msoBarTypePopup
默认 默认 msoBarTypePopup
对象选择 对象选择 msoBarTypePopup
插入报表中 插入报表中 msoBarTypePopup
Class Details Context Menu ClassDetailsContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
Load Test Editor Context Menu 负载测试编辑器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Web Test Editor Context Menu Web 测试编辑器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Load Test Monitor Context Menu 负载测试监视器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Web Test Result Context Menu Web 测试结果上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
SDMDesigner Context Menu SDMDesignerContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
Component View Context Menu ComponentViewContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
Settings Classification Tree Context Menu SettingsClassificationContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
Add Resource 添加资源(&A) msoBarTypePopup
Operation Designer Context Menu OperationDesignerContextMenu msoBarTypePopup
TopicMenu 主题菜单 msoBarTypePopup
TopicMenu 主题源菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Favorites Window Context Menu 收藏夹窗口上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Data Sources 数据源 msoBarTypePopup
Managed Resources Editor Context Menu 托管资源编辑器上下文菜单 msoBarTypePopup
Settings Designer 设置设计器 msoBarTypePopup
System 系统 msoBarTypePopup
