WebSphere Application Server中发布的程序中调用System.exit()

如将java EE应用程序发布到was appserver中,如果这些代码中有调用System.exit(),会停掉JVM,那么会导致appserver失效,就是这个应用服务器停止服务。



When System.exit() (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#exit(int)) is called by any code, it terminates the currently running Java™ Virtual Machine. An unexpected call to System.exit() by any code would lead to Java processes vanishing and the appserver will fail.






To find out which part of the application or server code has called System.exit(), enable the following trace in the appserver. This trace will generate a javacore whenever some code calls System.exit().

Note that a restart of the server is needed after enabling the traces. To enable this trace add the following in the Generic JVM arguments


  • For IBM® WebSphere® Application Server V6.1 and 7.0:


  • For IBM® WebSphere® Application Server V6.0 and earlier: -Dibm.dg.trc.trigger=method(java/lang/System.exit,javadump)
