
http://asktom.oracle.com 上看到了Tom居然也推荐Firefox浏览器. 于是乎到Mozilla ( http://www.mozilla.com) 的站点下载了一个,在我的Linux上安装用了一下.感觉这个浏览器真是短小精悍.很多地方都可圈可点.不过不支持Shockwave的插件.说到插件, 可以到 http://googlebar.mozdev.org/index.html 这个地方下载一个Google的工具条.你还别说,还真和 Windows下的功能相近.看来Google的拥趸者众阿.



Other search-related projects on Mozdev

BioBar-Searh all important biological databases, including Scientific Literature, Genome, and more.
Companion- Emulates the Yahoo! Companion toolbar in mozilla.
Easysearch- Offers a search tolbar with more general coverage of many search engines.
ExPASybar- Searches the ExPASy database of biomolecules. Chemists of the world, unite!
Mycroft- Collection of search plugins for mozilla's sidebar search (formerly known as Sherlock)
Gimli- Another project to re- create popular toolbars, starting with a dictionary.
NeedleSearch- Allows users to search using search engines installed in mozilla, or add a new search string to the toolbar automatically.
Pubmed- Searches the NLM-medline database of articles and citations in the field of medicine.
Qlookup- Add google search to context menu
