”The network is the computer, and the community is the real network.“

Cool! 最近一个礼拜的Sun JDK license之争让人昏昏然不知所以,但是这对于开源Java很重要,比JDK开源本身的重要性只差一点点,几乎与开源Java社区的重要性差不多,甚至它本身就是社区和Java ecosystem会有多成功的决定性因素之一,一直想写点什么可是觉得自己还没完全想清楚...anyway, 希望big guy们能听到这句呼声: ”The network is the computer, and the community is the real network.“. 该警句来自 Harmony mailing list, Harmony的sponser之一, Leo Simons, nice and smart guy, 而另一位nice and smart and interesting Harmony sponser Stefano Mazzocchi的回复代表了我此时的心声: “I want a t-shirt with that on! ”
