Oracle Database 10g: Administration II
数据库是任何信息管理系统中必不可少的数据存储中心,随着全球信息化的发展,数据库技术更是被越来越多的企业视为最重要最核心的技术,因为它涉及企业信息的安全.ORACLE是当今世界上最重要的数据库,也是全球500强企业首选的数据库, ORACLE并且代表着未来数据库应用的发展方向,根据Gartner公司的调查,2005年Oracle数据库的全球市场份额达48.6%,名列第一.Oracle已经成为全球电信,金融,财务及所有大型企业,机构首先的数据库产品.根据ORACLE中国公司发布的消息,未来2年内他们在亚太区的战略重点是中国的中小企业和新兴行业。这意味着中国将需要更多的懂ORACLE数据库的技术人员.
本课程共分4个部分:ORACLE数据库管理1 (Database Administration I),ORACLE SQL和PLSQL, ORACLE数据库管理2(Database Administration II)和ORACLE数据库性能调整(Database Performance Tuning).本课程循序渐进,逐步加深的带领学员深入到ORACLE数据库管理的各个领域.
课程主题: Oracle Database 10g: Administration II
Oracle Database 10g: Administration II在Oracle数据库管理I和Oracle SQL&PL SQL的基础上,将带领学员真正深入到数据库管理的各个领域,让您真正了解和掌握Oracle数据库管理技术.如果学好了,应该可以顺利的通过Oracle 10g OCP认证的第二个课程(1Z0-043 Oracle Database 10g:Administration II).此外,本部分课程还让学员有机会亲手练习大量的来自于实践的数据库管理技术.
Lesson Content:
ØStartup and shutdown Oracle database
ØUnderstanding the steps of startup and shutdown Oracle(nomount,mount,open)
ØStarting Up a Database using different mode
ØShutting down a database using different mode
ØOpening a Database in Read-Only Mode
ØRestricting Access to an Open Database
ØManaging Oracle instance by adjust the Initialization Parameters
Managing Oracle Storage
ØCreating data tablespace and index tablespace
ØCreating temporary tablespace
ØSwitching the default temporary tablespace
ØCreating the undo tablespace
ØSwitching the default undo tablespace
ØMonitoring the tablespace usage
ØAltering Tablespace Availability(Online and offline a tablespace)
ØMaking a Tablespace Read-Only
ØControlling the Writing of Redo Records(logging and nologging)
ØCoalescing Free Space in Dictionary-Managed Tablespaces
ØAdding a datafile to a tablespace
ØMonitoring datafile extend(Viewing Datafile Information)
ØRelocating Datafiles
ØRenaming Datafiles
ØAltering Datafile Availability(online and offline)
Managing Oracle Memory
ØUnderstanding the memory architecture of Oracle
ØUnderstanding the Automated Storage Management (ASM)of Oracle 10g
ØAltering the SGA size
ØAltering the PGA size
ØUnderstanding the necessary background process
ØUnderstanding the Oracle server processes
ØUnderstanding the Oracle user processes
ØMonitoring the Processes of an Oracle Instance
ØMonitoring the session
ØTerminating Sessions
ØTracing Oracle processes(Trace Files and the Alert File)
Managing Oracle Parameter Files
ØUnderstanding PFILE(a text initialization parameter file)and SPFILE(a binary server parameter file)
ØStarting up Oracle using PFILE
ØHow to modify the PFILE and SPFILE
ØCreate the Initialization Parameter File using the sample
ØCreating PFILE from SPFILE
ØCreating SPFILE from PFILE
ØViewing the Oracle initialization parameter values
Managing Oracle Control Files
ØThe content of Oracle Control file
ØMultiplex Control Files on Different Disks
ØCreating Control files
ØDropping Control files
ØDisplaying Control File Information
ØThe relationship between SCN,CHECKPOINT and Control file
Managing the Online Redo Log
ØWhat Is the Online Redo Log
ØWhat Is the Online Redo Log groups
ØCreating Online Redo Log Groups and Members
ØDropping Online Redo Log Groups and Members
ØRelocating and Renaming Online Redo Log Members
ØForcing Log Switches
ØUnderstanding the LGWR
ØViewing Online Redo Log Information
Oracle Enterprise Manager
ØUnderstanding the OEM architecture(Three-Tier Framework)
ØUse Oracle OEM Utilities and toolkits
ØHow to Manage Your Entire Oracle Environment using OEM
Backup and Recovery
ØThe Basic Concepts of Backup(physical backups and logical backups)
ØWhole Database and Partial Database Backups
ØConsistent and Inconsistent Backups
ØMaking a Backup Strategies
ØIntroduction to Recovery Manager
ØOracle Recovery Manager Architecture
ØConfiguring the Recovery Manager Environment
ØSetting Up a Recovery Catalog
ØMaking Backups and Copies with Recovery Manager
ØManaging backup sets using RMAN
ØMaking a logical backup using Oracle EXP and IMP utility
ØThe Essential of Oracle recovery
ØThe basic concept of recovery
ØTypes of Oracle Recovery
ØInstance and Crash Recovery
ØMedia Recovery
ØComplete and Incomplete Media Recovery
ØHow to recover Oracle database using RMAN
ØUser-Managed Restore and Recovery
ØIntroduction to Oracle Data Guard
ØData Guard Configurations(Primary Database and Standby Databases)
ØGetting Started with Data Guard
ØCreating a Physical Standby Database
ØCreating a Logical Standby Database
ORALCE 10G Flashback Features
ØUnderstanding the theory of Oracle 10G database flashback
ØHow to turn on Oracle database flashback
ØHow to manage the flashback log
ØHow to recover the user mistakes using Oracle database flashback
Resolveing Oracle Database Errors
ØChecking the Oracle Alert file
ØChecking the Oracle Trace files
ØData block verify(DBV)
Oracle Utilities
ØHow to use Log Miner
ØHow to use SQL Loader
ØHow to EXP and IMP