regexp in grep: \ 添加或删除special meaning
hello.gif #match hello.gif, helloxgif
hello\.gif #only match hello.gif \ has escape special meaning of .
bugg\? #match bug, bugg \ add special meaning on ?
Fred\(eric\) #group eric \ add special
[Hh]ello #pre-define character class: [[:alpha:]]=[a-zA-Z]
"[[:digit:]]\{4\}" #match 1234
"^hello$" #begin with h & end with $
"this\|that" #this or that
"<\(h[1-6]\)>[^<]*</\1>" #<h1>xx</h1>or <h2>xxx</h2> but never <h1>xx</h2>. using back reference \N(N is a number)
"$HOME" #actually /home/me
'$HOME' #no special meaning
grep & egrep
grep egrep
a\+ a+
a\? a?
this\|that this|that
\(group\) (group)
\{m,n\} {m,n}
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
other setting:
set number | set nonumber #set line number
ctr-O #go back
ctr-I #go forward
:s/regex/replace/gic #substitute on current line. g - replace all. i - ignore case. c - confirm
:1,10s/regex/replace/ #substitute from line 1~10
:%s/regex/replace/ #substitute whole file
:!pwd #execute external command
:w FILENAME #write the file to FILENAME
:r FILE #append FILE content at cursor
:r !ls #execute command and append output at cursor
% #find match ) ] }
10G #go to line 10
R #replace mode
yw #copy a word
y$ #copy until line
v #visual mode
v->select->:w PART #save part that is selected
:set xxx #set some function
:set ic #ignore case when search
:set noic
/regex\c #ignore case for this time
:set hls #highlight search
:set nohls
ctrl+w -> j|k #jump up or down to another window
:help or F1 #get help
:help w
:help user-manual
word completion using ctrl+D & TAB
:set nocp #make sure vim is not in compatible
:!l(press ctrl+D or TAB)
:ed(press ctrl+D or TAB)
:help .(press ctrl+D)
vim as python editor
add auto complete in vim for python
au Syntax python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
au Syntax python set completefunc=pythoncomplete#Complete