The following sequence of JCShell commands represents a typical shell session in which an applet is loaded onto a card, a command is sent to the applet for testing purposes and finally the applet is deleted.
Switch trace mode on and connect to a PC/SC smart card reader
/mode trace=on
Reset the card (request ATR) and select the CardManager
Set the keys in key set 255 of the JCShell for authentication later on
set-key 255/1/DES-ECB/404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
set-key 255/2/DES-ECB/404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
set-key 255/3/DES-ECB/404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
Begin authentication using the appropriate key set
init-update 255
Complete authentication
Upload the package holding the applet
upload c:/sample.cap
Install the applet in the package
install |PackageAID |AppletAID
Display the card registry to check if the applet is loaded and installed
Select the applet
/select |AppletAID
Send a command to the applet (e.g. for testing the applet)
/send 00CA000100
Select the CardManager again
Do authentication again
init-update 255
Delete the applet and the package
delete |AppletAID
delete |PackageAID
Display the card registry to check if the package/applet is gone