far shoot

It is a good joy to play football today.
I was a little tired this afternoon and did not want to go for football at first.
But Liushan invited some classmates, so I went.
Once there was a good chance for me to shoot, but I stoke with the ball for a too long time.Then the ball was stopped by the gatekeeper.
I am still not wise enough. I should shoot earlier or transtered the ball to a teammate in a good position.
In the second round, a teammate transfered the ball to me. My position was about 18 meters away the gate.
I shooted, but my movement was not good enough, I kicked the ball with an inproper positon on my right foot.
A good chance wasted by me, whick made me feel sorry and reminded myself to kicked the ball well with the eyes looking at the
10 minutes late, another chance came. A teammate transfered the ball to me while I was 20 meters away the gate.
I watched the ball carefully and shooted without looked at the gate(just aimed at the gate with intuiton.
Got a goal, what a great joy!! For us all.
We nearly alway skicked a goal near the gate after cooperation, so it was nice to have a goal further away the gate.
I alwayse shouted to remind my roomates.
But I did not notice I shouted too much until today.
Yes, my shout brought a good performance for out team, but I am sometimes so hasty that shouted too much.
It is time to change and act better.
