oozie 4.0.x and hadoop 2.x.0

  • Download
1.download the latest tarball from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/oozie/4.0.0
2.#tar -xzvf  oozie-4.0.4.tar.gz


  • Build

 According to official document, when run build command

$ bin/mkdistro.sh

there are some errors.  By default it builds against Hadoop 1.1.1 and the build configuration enforces that JDK 1.6.* is being used to compile and run the testcases.


So do the following steps to fix the problem(You should replace 2.x.0 to your hadoop version)

#cd oozie-4.0.0/
#find . -name pom.xml | xargs sed -ri 's/(2.2.0\-SNAPSHOT)/2.x.0/'
//or you should alter pom.xml manually
//java 1.6 
mvn -DskipTests=true -P hadoop-2 clean package assembly:single


//java 1.7
$ mvn clean package assembly:single -Dhadoop.version=2.x.0 \
-DjavaVersion=1.7 -DtargetJavaVersion=1.7 -DskipTests -Dpig.version=0.12.0 \


Note: I can build oozie4.0.1 succesfully by the following steps

#tar -xzf oozie-4.0.1.tar.gz

#cd oozie-4.0.1

#mvn clean package assembly:single -Dhadoop.version=2.3.0 \
-DjavaVersion=1.7 -DtargetJavaVersion=1.7 -DskipTests -Dpig.version=0.12.0 \


You should change your system language to english, otherwise some pom or jar cannot download from

couldera site.


Server Installation

#cd oozie-4.0.1/distro/target

#cp oozie-4.0.1-distro.tar.gz  /path/to/oozie-install-dir

#cp oozie-4.0.1/hadooplibs/target/oozie-4.0.1-hadooplibs.tar.gz /path/to/oozie-install-dir

#cd /path/to/oozie-install-dir

#tar -xzf oozie-4.0.1-distro.tar.gz

#tar -xzf oozie-4.0.1-hadooplibs.tar.gz


#cd oozie-4.0.1/

#mkdir  libext

#cp hadooplibs/hadooplib-2.3.0.oozie-4.0.1/*      libext/

#cp /path/to/ext-2.2.zip   libext/

#cp /path/to/mysql-connector-java-5.1.29-bin.jar   libext/

#tree -L 1   



#bin/oozie-setup.sh  prepare-war
#bin/oozie-setup.sh sharelib create -fs hdfs://
#bin/oozie-setup.sh db create -run

Expand the oozie-sharelib TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution.

The share/ directory must be copied to the Oozie HOME directory in HDFS:

$ hadoop fs -put share share

IMPORTANT: This must be done using the Oozie Hadoop (HDFS) user. If a share directory already exists in HDFS, it must be deleted before copying it again.


$ bin/oozied.sh start


$ bin/oozied.sh run


$ bin/oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -status




Client Installation

expand the oozie-client TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution. Add the bin/ directory to the PATH .












http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/oozie-user/201312.mbox/%3CCEDDEB80.76815%[email protected]%3E





