用完成端口写的echo server





#include  < winsock2.h >
< mswsock.h >
< windows.h >

< iostream >
using   namespace  std;

int  g_ThreadCount;
SOCKET g_ServerSocket 

//  Maximum Buffer Size
#define  MAX_BUFF_SIZE                8192


struct  IO_DATA{
    WSAOVERLAPPED               Overlapped;
char                         Buffer[MAX_BUFF_SIZE];
    WSABUF                      wsabuf;
int                          nTotalBytes;
int                          nSentBytes;
    IO_OPERATION                opCode;
    SOCKET                      activeSocket;

DWORD WINAPI WorkerThread (LPVOID WorkThreadContext) {
    LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped 
=  NULL;
* lpIOContext  =  NULL; 
    WSABUF buffSend;
    DWORD dwRecvNumBytes 
=   0 ;
    DWORD dwSendNumBytes 
=   0 ;
    DWORD dwFlags 
=   0 ;
    DWORD dwIoSize 
=   0 ;
       BOOL bSuccess 
int  nRet  =   0 ;

while 1  ) {
void   *  lpCompletionKey  =  NULL;
=  GetQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIOCP,  & dwIoSize,
& lpCompletionKey,
* ) & lpOverlapped, 
if ! bSuccess )
<<   " GetQueuedCompletionStatus() failed: " << GetLastError() << endl;
break ;

=  (IO_DATA  * )lpOverlapped;

if (dwIoSize  ==   0 // socket closed?
<<   " Client disconnect "   <<  endl;
-> activeSocket);
             delete lpIOContext;
continue ;

if (lpIOContext -> opCode  ==  IO_READ)  //  a read operation complete
-> nTotalBytes   =  lpIOContext -> wsabuf.len;
-> nSentBytes    =   0 ;
-> opCode  =  IO_WRITE;
=   0 ;
=  WSASend(
-> activeSocket,
& lpIOContext -> wsabuf,  1 & dwSendNumBytes,
& (lpIOContext -> Overlapped), NULL);
if ( nRet  ==  SOCKET_ERROR  &&  (ERROR_IO_PENDING  !=  WSAGetLastError()) ) {
<<   " WASSend Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
-> activeSocket);
                        delete lpIOContext;
continue ;
else   if (lpIOContext -> opCode  ==  IO_WRITE)  // a write operation complete
-> nSentBytes   +=  dwIoSize;
=   0 ;
if ( lpIOContext -> nSentBytes  <  lpIOContext -> nTotalBytes ) {
-> opCode  =  IO_WRITE;
//  A Write operation has not completed yet, so post another
//  Write operation to post remaining data.
                    buffSend.buf  =  lpIOContext -> Buffer  +  lpIOContext -> nSentBytes;
=  lpIOContext -> nTotalBytes  -  lpIOContext -> nSentBytes;
=  WSASend (
-> activeSocket,
& buffSend,  1 & dwSendNumBytes,
& (lpIOContext -> Overlapped), NULL);

if ( nRet  ==  SOCKET_ERROR  &&  (ERROR_IO_PENDING  !=  WSAGetLastError()) ) {
<<   " WASSend Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
-> activeSocket);
                        delete lpIOContext;
continue ;
else  {
//  Write operation completed, so post Read operation.
                    lpIOContext -> opCode  =  IO_READ; 
=   0 ;
=   0 ;
-> wsabuf.buf  =  lpIOContext -> Buffer,
-> wsabuf.buf,MAX_BUFF_SIZE);
-> Overlapped.Internal  =   0 ;
-> Overlapped.InternalHigh  =   0 ;
-> Overlapped.Offset  =   0 ;
-> Overlapped.OffsetHigh  =   0 ;
-> Overlapped.hEvent  =  NULL;
-> wsabuf.len  =  MAX_BUFF_SIZE;
=  WSARecv(
-> activeSocket,
& lpIOContext -> wsabuf,  1 & dwRecvNumBytes,
& dwFlags,
& lpIOContext -> Overlapped, NULL);
if ( nRet  ==  SOCKET_ERROR  &&  (ERROR_IO_PENDING  !=  WSAGetLastError()) ) {
<<   " WASRecv Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
-> activeSocket);
                        delete lpIOContext;
continue ;
return   0 ;

void  main ( int  argc,  char   *  argv[])
//  Init winsock2
        WSADATA wsaData;
& wsaData, sizeof (WSADATA));
int  retVal  =   - 1 ;
if ( (retVal  =  WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 2 , 2 ),  & wsaData))  !=   0  ) {
<<   " WSAStartup Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  retVal  <<  endl;
return ;

// Create socket

if ( g_ServerSocket  ==  INVALID_SOCKET ) {
<<   " Server Socket Creation Failed::Reason Code:: "   <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
return ;

// bind
        sockaddr_in service;
=  htonl(INADDR_ANY);
=  htons( 5000 );
int  retVal  =  bind(g_ServerSocket,(SOCKADDR  * ) & service, sizeof (service));
if ( retVal  ==  SOCKET_ERROR ) {
<<   " Server Soket Bind Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
return ;

// listen
         int  retVal  =  listen(g_ServerSocket,  8 );
if ( retVal  ==  SOCKET_ERROR ) {
<<   " Server Socket Listen Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
return ;

//  Create IOCP
        SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo;
& sysInfo, sizeof (SYSTEM_INFO));
& sysInfo);
=  sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors  *   1 ;
=  CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,NULL, 0 ,g_ThreadCount);
if  (g_hIOCP  ==  NULL) {
<<   " CreateIoCompletionPort() Failed::Reason:: " <<  GetLastError()  <<  endl;
return ;            

if  (CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)g_ServerSocket,g_hIOCP, 0 , 0 ==  NULL){
<<   " Binding Server Socket to IO Completion Port Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  GetLastError()  <<  endl;
return  ;    

// Create worker threads
         for ( DWORD dwThread = 0 ; dwThread  <  g_ThreadCount; dwThread ++  )
            HANDLE  hThread;
            DWORD   dwThreadId;

=  CreateThread(NULL,  0 , WorkerThread,  0 0 & dwThreadId);

// accept new connection
         while ( 1 )
            SOCKET ls 
=  accept( g_ServerSocket, NULL, NULL );
if (ls  ==  SOCKET_ERROR)   break ;
<<   " Client connected. "   <<  endl;

// diable buffer to improve performance
                 int  nZero  =   0 ;
                setsockopt(ls, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (
char   * ) & nZero,  sizeof (nZero));

if  (CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)ls,g_hIOCP, 0 , 0 ==  NULL){
<<   " Binding Client Socket to IO Completion Port Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  GetLastError()  <<  endl;
else  {  // post a recv request
                IO_DATA  *  data  =   new  IO_DATA;
& data -> Overlapped, sizeof (data -> Overlapped));
-> Buffer, sizeof (data -> Buffer));
-> opCode  =  IO_READ;
-> nTotalBytes  =   0 ;
-> nSentBytes   =   0 ;
-> wsabuf.buf   =  data -> Buffer;
-> wsabuf.len   =   sizeof (data -> Buffer);
-> activeSocket  =  ls;
                DWORD dwRecvNumBytes
= 0 ,dwFlags = 0 ;
int  nRet  =  WSARecv(ls, & data -> wsabuf,  1 & dwRecvNumBytes,
& dwFlags,
& data -> Overlapped, NULL);
if (nRet  ==  SOCKET_ERROR   &&  (ERROR_IO_PENDING  !=  WSAGetLastError())){
<<   " WASRecv Failed::Reason Code:: " <<  WSAGetLastError()  <<  endl;
                    delete data;

