How to Convert 10g Single-Instance database to 10g RAC using Manual Conversion procedure [ID 747457.1] |
Modified 04-AUG-2010Type HOWTOStatus ARCHIVED |
In this Document
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later[Release: 10.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This note applies to all Unix platforms.
This article provides a method to convert a Single Instance10g database to a RAC10g database. It can be used for 10gR2 or 11gR1, too.
Following are the steps:
1. on the first node
Make a full database backup of the single-instance databasebefore you change anything.
1) Install Oracle Clusterware on all nodes you intend to have as cluster members, following the directions in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (Oracle� Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide <platform>).
Eventually patch the clusterwaresoftware(the clusterware version need to be equal or higher than the rdbms version) as well as the rdbms software
During the "Install Oracle Database 10g Software with Real Application Clusters", make sure that you select a new Oracle home other than the one from which the single-instance database was running in case the single-instance database is running onone of the systems. Upgrade theRACRDBMS software to the same version as the original single-instance database.
2) Configure the cluster listener, i.e. configure the listener through netca from the new cluster RDBMS Home. Eventually stop the single instance listeners when they are running on one of the clustered nodes in case they are using the same listener ports. Ideally, use the 'LISTENER' as name for that listener.
3)Restore the backup of datafiles,redo logs,control file to a shared location on the cluster
(If you are using ASM ,then please follow Note 452758.1 How to Convert a Single-Instance ASM to Cluster ASM)
4) Take a backup of original single-instance pfile to e.g. /tmp/initorcl.ora and Add the following entry in pfile, e.g. for a two node RAC cluster
*.cluster_database = TRUE
*.cluster_database_instances = 2
<SID1>.undo_tablespace=undotbs (undo tablespace which already exists)
<SID2>.cluster_database = TRUE
<SID2>.cluster_database_instances = 2
<SID1> is equal to"<db_name>1". <SID2> is equal to "<db_name>2", e.g. ORCL1, ORCL2.
5) change the location of control file in parameter file
local drive to shared cluster file system location
ie control_files='<local path>/control01.ctl'
to ie control_files='<shared cluster file system path>/control01.ctl'
6) create spfile from pfile( spfile should be stored in shared device)
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
create spfile='<shared cluster file system path>/spfileORCL.ora' from pfile='/tmp/initORCL.ora';
7) Create the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<sid>.orae.g. initORCL1.ora file that contains the following entry
spfile_path_name is the complete path name of the SPFILE.
example :-
8) create new password file for ORCL1 instance.
orapwd file=orapwORCL1 password=oracle
9) start the database in mount stage
10) Rename the datafile,redo logs to new shared device
alter database rename file '<full path of source file name>' to '<new shared location path';
11) Add second instance redo logs (or more when multiple instances will be started)
alter database
add logfile thread 2
group 3 ('<shared location/redo2_01_100.dbf') size 100M,
group 4 ('<shared location/redo2_02_100.dbf') size 100M;
alter database enable public thread 2;
12) create the second (or more) instance undo tablespace from existing instance
Path and file name will different for your environment
'/dev/RAC/undotbs_02_210.dbf' SIZE 200M ;
13) Open your database (i.e. alter database open;) and run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catclust.sql to create cluster database specific views within the existing instance
2. On the second node and other nodes
14) Set ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME environment variables on the second node
15) Create the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<sid>.orae.g. initORCL2.ora file for the second node the same way as with point 7.
16) create new password file for second instance ORCL2 instance as in point 8
orapwd file=orapwORCL2 password=oracle
17) Start the second Instance
3. on one of the nodes
18)After configuring the listener,you have to add the database in cluster as below
srvctl add database -d <database name> -o <ORACLE_HOME path> -p <spfile location and name>
srvctl add instance -d <database name> -i <instance 1 name> -n <node 1 name >
srvctl add instance -d <database name> -i <instance 2 name> -n <node 2 name >
19) in case ASM is used, add the rdbms instance / asm dependency, e.g.
srvctl modify instance -d <db_unique_name> -i <SID1> -s <+ASM1>
NOTE:208375.1 - How To Convert A Single Instance Database To RAC In A Cluster File System Configuration
NOTE:452758.1 - How to Convert a Single-Instance ASM to Cluster ASM
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