Solaris Crash Analysis Tool命令大全

SolarisCAT(vmcore.13/10X)> help
Initial Investigation:
analyze coreinfo msgbuf panic stack stat

General Commands:
analyze clockinfo coreinfo demangle eckstat environ
exit help intr kstat modinfo msgbuf
stat symbols taskq ttrace tunables

Memory Dump/Display Commands:
bigdump buf flip kseg mdump nvlist
pdump pkma r rd rd16 rd32
rd64 rd8 rdb rdc rdd rdf
rdh rdi rdl rdq rds rdw
sdump seg skma strsum vmem wr

Data Conversion Commands:
2base 2dec 2double 2float 2hex 2string
2time bits calc decode deltatime pid2paddr

Process/Thread Information:
classtbl panic pid2paddr proc sig thread
tlist upcount

findaddr_stack frame regs stack trap

Searching Memory/Core:
findport findval stack tlist

File and Filesystem Information:
autofs bigdump buf cgcheck dnlc findfiles
getpath inode nfs node tmpfs vfssw

CPU and Dispatch Queues:
callout cpu dispq disptbl

Memory Information:
anon iommu ipc kma kseg kstat
map memerr meminfo page pkma resvswap
seg sfmmu shmchk skma swapinfo vmem
whatis xmmu

findport ifconf ipc ndd nfs nstat
pdump pkma stream

Type Database Commands:
sarray savl sdump shash skma slist
stree stype typedb

Lock Display Commands:
cv lck mutex mutextbl rwlock sema
sleepq tstile

Device Information Commands:

System Files/Tunables:
etcsystem msgbuf name2major path2inst tunables vfstab

Disassembler Commands:
codepath dis rdi sim

Data Structure Consistency Checks:
anon callout cgcheck dispq dnlc kma
seg sfmmu symbols upcount vmem

Miscellaneous Commands:
clust door legal namelist pool project
pty rctl sanitize svm task toolinfo
trans zfs zone

Tool Configuration:
base color refclock scatenv write

Usage: help [command]
help -? regular_expression
help -g [<group>]
help all
