There are heroes who have influence in my life.
I should write them down.
(PS: This title has been chosen by a guy who wrote down scientists in his heart.)
Here are heroes in my heart:
> 任正非-快乐地度过充满困难的路途
There are several good articles written by him.
Some have big effect on me, such as <<我的父亲母亲>>、<<天道酬勤>>
Once I wrote "枪林弹雨中的数学" as my personal signature of QQ.
He looks so far, so deep and is a world-shaking man.
> 玛丽·居里--Her passion and concentration
I have never forgotten a paragraph of her saying since I remember it.
"Life is not easy for any of us, we must work.
And above all, we must believe in ourselves.
We must believe that each of is able to do something well.
And then, when we had dicovered what this someting is,
we must work hard at it until we succeed."
These words brought me great influence:
good ones: make me believe in myself strongly usually.
bad ones: made me to decide to quit the entrance exams for college.
(I believed that I had find the something which I can do well--writing.
So, I had to work hard at it and should not waited any more time on the exams.
I was so stupid then that even an afternoon-debate with my mentor(标哥) could
not persuade me to work hard at the exams.)
That is a good lesson.
Here is a good site about this great female scientist.
> Steve Jobs-An innovative man
> 李小龙--倾空杯中水,方能再行注满
> 丘成桐--Think more, think deeper
When I read about him in the Internet, it is the summer holiday after I was a junior.
A postgraduate student came to him asking for advice.
Qiu told him: do not be hasty to do research and write paper. At first, learn as much as possible.
I was rather puzzled by his words that day, thinking "our energy and time are limited, it seems foolish
to learn so much".
Now, I know what he meant.
> Sergey Brin VS Larry Page--Google is amazing
> Bill Gate--天道酬勤
> Knuth--Great Master