grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ autoScroll:true, store: store, sm : new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(), cm: cm, renderTo: 'editor-grid', width: '100%', height: 600, autoWidth:true, autoExpandColumn: 'code', // column with this id will be expanded title: '客户对账清单', frame: true,//是否有边框 默认是没有的 viewConfig:{ autoFill:true, sortAscText:'升序', sortDescText:'降序', columnsText:'显示列' }, clicksToEdit: 1, tbar:[{ text: '请输入订单号:' },{ xtype: 'textfield', id: 'filter', selectOnFocus: true, width: 100, validationDelay:100, validator:function(){ store.load({ params:{ sorderId:this.getValue()//取得搜索表单文本域的值,发送到服务端 } }); },scope:this } ] });
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({ defaults: { sortable: true // columns are not sortable by default }, columns: [ { id: 'code', header: '物料编号', dataIndex: 'code', width: 100 }, { header: '物料简称', dataIndex: 'shortName', width: 100 }, { header: '客户简称', dataIndex: 'ComSName', width: 100 }, { header: '型号', dataIndex: 'style', width: 100 }, { header: '单位', dataIndex: 'unitName', width: 40 },{ header: '用料数量', dataIndex: 'useCount', width: 100 },{ header: '入库数量', dataIndex: 'GCount', width: 100 },{ header: '客户库存', dataIndex: 'GPrice', width: 100 },{ header: 'sorderId', dataIndex: 'sorderId', width: 100 hidden:true, //只是在页面上隐藏,但是在页面上可以调整成显示的。 hideable:false //这两句让该列彻底隐藏 } ] });
var zlUrl=getRootPath()+'XXXServlet?change=stasksDetail'; var store = new Ext.data.Store({ proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url: zlUrl }), reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ totalProperty: 'results', root: 'rows', fields: [ {name: 'code', mapping: 'code'}, {name: 'shortName'}, {name:'ComSName'}, {name: 'style'}, {name: 'unitName'}, {name:'useCount'}, {name: 'GCount'}, {name: 'GPrice'}, {name:'sorderId'} ] }) });
params:{ sorderId:this.getValue()//取得搜索表单文本域的值,发送到服务端 }
window.onresize = function(){ //自适应窗体 grid.setWidth(0); grid.setHeight(0); grid.setWidth(Ext.get("content").getWidth()); grid.setHeight(Ext.get("content").getHeight()); };