
1、be the ball / in the zone:进入状态,有感觉。
Sorry, I'm not in the zone.
OK, be the ball and you'll win the game.

2、take a wild guess:大胆猜测。
Let me take a wild guess here.
Don't worry. Take a wild guess.

Milk, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

4、good company:(一般的)好朋友,好的玩伴之类的。
He's just good company. (He is not my guy.)

5、have one's best interests at heart:(本意)为谁好,为谁着想。
I really have their's very best interests at heart.

6、something is slipping:什么东西在下滑,变差。
Your work is slipping. My health is slipping.

7、Never say never. It's a loophole.
