
OpenJMS是一个开放源码的实现JMS1 .1规范的消息中间件, OpenJMS具有特点

  • Point-to-Point and publish-subscribe messaging models 点对点和发布-订阅消息模式
  • Guaranteed delivery of messages 保证提供的信息
  • Synchronous and asynchronous message delivery 同步和异步消息传递
  • Persistence using JDBC 坚持使用JDBC
  • Local transactions 本地交易
  • Message filtering using SQL92-like selectors 信息过滤用sql92样selectors
  • Authentication 认证
  • Administration GUI 当局桂
  • XML-based configuration files 基于XML配置文件
  • In-memory and database garbage collection 在内存和数据库收集垃圾
  • Automatic client disconnection detection 客户自动断线检测
  • Applet support applet支持
  • Integrates with Servlet containers such as Jakarta Tomcat 结合servlet容器,如雅加达tomcat
  • Support for TCP, RMI, HTTP and SSL protocol stacks 支持tcp,马绍尔,HTTP与SSL协议栈
  • Support for large numbers of destinations and subscribers 支持大量的目的地和订户
