spring 的一些 注解

Spring javax.inject.* javax.inject restrictions / comments
@Autowired @Inject @Inject has no 'required' attribute
@Component @Named
@Scope("singleton") @Singleton

jsr-330 default scope is like Spring'sprototype. However, in order to keep it consistent with Spring's general defaults, a jsr-330 bean declared in the Spring container is asingletonby default. In order to use another scope thansingleton, you should use Spring's@Scopeannotation.

javax.injectalso provides a@Scopeannotation. Nevertheless, this one only aims to be used for creating your own annotations.

@Qualifier @Named
@Value - no equivalent
@Required - no equivalent
@Lazy -

no equivalent



    	<context:component-scan base-package="org.example"/>

Java-based container configuration

public class AppConfig {
  public MyService myService() {
      return new MyServiceImpl();
  <bean id="myService" class="com.acme.services.MyServiceImpl"/>
