Rails宝典之第二十五式: Sql injection

Sql injection是老问题,对如下查询:
def index
  @tasks = Task.find(:all, :conditions => "name LIKE '%#{params[:query]}%'")

当用户输入的query条件加上单引号时很容易通过sql injection来攻击我们的Rails程序
def index
  @tasks = Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["name LIKE ?", '%' + params[:query] + '%'])

  # == Conditions
  # Conditions can either be specified as a string, array, or hash representing the WHERE-part of an SQL statement.
  # The array form is to be used when the condition input is tainted and requires sanitization. The string form can
  # be used for statements that don't involve tainted data. The hash form works much like the array form, except
  # only equality and range is possible. Examples:
  #   class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  #     def self.authenticate_unsafely(user_name, password)
  #       find(:first, :conditions => "user_name = '#{user_name}' AND password = '#{password}'")
  #     end
  #     def self.authenticate_safely(user_name, password)
  #       find(:first, :conditions => [ "user_name = ? AND password = ?", user_name, password ])
  #     end
  #     def self.authenticate_safely_simply(user_name, password)
  #       find(:first, :conditions => { :user_name => user_name, :password => password })
  #     end
  #   end
  # The <tt>authenticate_unsafely</tt> method inserts the parameters directly into the query and is thus susceptible to SQL-injection
  # attacks if the <tt>user_name</tt> and +password+ parameters come directly from a HTTP request. The <tt>authenticate_safely</tt>  and
  # <tt>authenticate_safely_simply</tt> both will sanitize the <tt>user_name</tt> and +password+ before inserting them in the query, 
  # which will ensure that an attacker can't escape the query and fake the login (or worse).

