oracle ilearning邮件发送的配置修改

1.背景介绍:公司10多年一直做oracle ilearning的实施,oracle是不提供源码的,我们只能靠自己反编译、继承等一些手段来实现客户化,系统发送邮件功能有一个配置文件可配置,但是要求不验证邮箱密码通过javamail发送邮件。之前我们面对的客户主要的都是一些大型企业客户,他们一般都有自己的邮件服务器,在邮件服务器上做一下设置就行,但是目前一些客户一般都使用网易、腾讯等企业邮箱,这些供应商一般不会提供免验证发送邮件的。这就需要我们解决这个问题,有两个方案:一、自己搭建一个邮件服务器。二、修改oracle ilearning原始发送邮件功能的代码。


2.进入正题:我这边使用Apache的James mail自己搭建过邮件服务器。但自己搭建邮件代价较大,这里说一下如何修改原始功能代码使用javamail发送邮件。

oracle ilearning邮件发送功能的配置在 ~WEB-INF/ilearning.properties文件中

# *******************************************************************


#ADMIN_EMAIL: The email address where system generated emails will be sent from
#Recommendation: set to valid email address
#Default setting: nobody@<domain>
#Example: [email protected]
#This email account is used for forgot password emails.  Bounced emails
#will be returned to this address.
[email protected]



那么oracle ilearning 原始代码是怎么调用的呢?没有源码,只有通过简单的找回密码功能一步一步一层一层的找。终于使用强大的MyEclipse反编译工具插件(附件可下载),找到邮件发送类。以下是反编译出来的部分代码

public static final int RESEND_EMAIL = 5;

public EmailUtil() {
	Properties props = setMailHost();
	this.session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
	this.msg = new MimeMessage(this.session);

private Properties setMailHost(){
     Properties _props = new Properties();
     _props.put("", ILAProperties.getMailHost());
     return _props;

private void transportMessageToMailer(boolean forceSend)
     throws SendFailedException, MessagingException{
     SendFailedException lastError = null;
     int count = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++count) {
       lastError = null;
       try {
       catch (SendFailedException es) {
         Address[] validUnsent = es.getValidUnsentAddresses();
         Address[] vailidSent = es.getValidSentAddresses();
         Address[] InvalidAddress = es.getInvalidAddresses();
         if ((validUnsent == null) && (validUnsent == null) && (InvalidAddress == null))
           lastError = es;
           if ((forceSend) && (validUnsent != null))
             Transport.send(this.msg, validUnsent);
             throw new SendFailedException(es.getMessage(), es, validUnsent, null, es.getInvalidAddresses());
           throw es;
     if (lastError != null) {
       Logger.error("EmailUtil ->transportMessageToMailer: SMTP Connection Failed - Have tried  " + Integer.toString(count) + " times to send message");
       throw lastError;



private void transportMessageToMailer(boolean forceSend)
     throws SendFailedException, MessagingException
     SendFailedException lastError = null;
     int count = 0;
    //发编译的结果常量直接变成了具体的值 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++count) {
     for (int i = 0; i < RESEND_EMAIL; ++count) {
       lastError = null;
       try {
	//这里很明显漏了一个return ,如果不加return那么系统会一次性发送5封相同的邮件。下面加上
       catch (SendFailedException es) {
         Address[] validUnsent = es.getValidUnsentAddresses();
         Address[] vailidSent = es.getValidSentAddresses();
         Address[] InvalidAddress = es.getInvalidAddresses();
         if ((validUnsent == null) && (validUnsent == null) && (InvalidAddress == null))
           lastError = es;
           if ((forceSend) && (validUnsent != null))
             Transport.send(this.msg, validUnsent);
             throw new SendFailedException(es.getMessage(), es, validUnsent, null, es.getInvalidAddresses());
           throw es;
     if (lastError != null) {
       Logger.error("EmailUtil ->transportMessageToMailer: SMTP Connection Failed - Have tried  " + Integer.toString(count) + " times to send message");
       throw lastError;


import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;

 * @author Chan Lewis
 * @version 2014-3-24
public class MyAuthenticator extends Authenticator{
	String userName = null;
	String password = null;

	public MyAuthenticator() {

	public MyAuthenticator(String username, String password) {
		this.userName = username;
		this.password = password;

	protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
		return new PasswordAuthentication(userName, password);



public EmailUtil(){
  Properties props = setMailHost();
  String isValidateStr = ILAProperties.getProperty("SMTP_AUTH");
  if(null!=isValidateStr && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(isValidateStr)){  //如果验证密码
          props.put("mail.smtp.port", "25");
	  props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
	  MyAuthenticator authenticator = new MyAuthenticator(ILAProperties.getProperty("ADMIN_EMAIL"), ILAProperties.getProperty("ADMIN_PASSWORD"));
	  this.session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, authenticator);
  }else{ //如果不验证密码
	  this.session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
  this.msg = new MimeMessage(this.session);

 ilearning.properties中添加相关配置SMTP_AUTH 、ADMIN_PASSWORD

# *******************************************************************


#ADMIN_EMAIL: The email address where system generated emails will be sent from
#Recommendation: set to valid email address
#Default setting: nobody@<domain>
#Example: [email protected]
#This email account is used for forgot password emails.  Bounced emails
#will be returned to this address.
[email protected]





答:原始的功能除oracle官方发布的补丁之外,一般都打包在ilearning.jar中,主要看你现在使用的web服务器,一般买了oracle ilearning的基本都是使用oracle IAS服务器的,所以把自己修改的java文件生成类文件放到对应的目录即可。另外一种办法是通过打包技术把生成的类文件重新打包到ilearning.jar(不建议使用)。





